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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Tomo

  1. This this this. ☝️ I am on the solid food stage and sometimes experience off days where I get the foamies (ugh), and I drop back down to liquid or puree stage for a day or two.
  2. My surgeon put me on a 10 day pre-op. I lost 10 lbs. plus 24 lbs since surgery, 34 total so far. Props to all of you. I don't know how you all could handle a long pre-op. I thought I was going to die in those 10 days. Sent from my SM-N986U using BariatricPal mobile app
  3. Yay, that is significant drop too, Boogie! I hope your doctor has some good insight for you tomorrow and helps you get well to exercise soon. I haven't really got into a serious exercise regime yet.😋 I do move a lot throughout the day so I don't stay sitting for long but I figure since our calories are so low at the moment, as long as the weight keeps coming off with my current movement, I'm content for now. I'll pick it up when my calories go up a bit and then maybe a harder workout will be more productive, if that makes sense. I'm doing good, just waiting for the next stall if and when... If and when. lol Keep us posted!
  4. Super comfy clothes for the ride home, a pillow in the car for any road bumps on the way home, toothbrush, lip moisturizer (optional). I also brought some dispossable incontinent undies because I had read of horror stories of people who had loose stools... Etc. and I even requested they put one on me right after surgery before I woke up which they did. I didn't need them (thank goodness) but I figure one can not be too careful 😅. I only stayed a night so I really didn't have to bring anything else but if I had to stay longer, probably earphones as well.
  5. Yes, yes be happy hehe. I didn't have the problem till I hit solids so beware. 😅 So far I'm not a "dumper" but man, do I get the foamies. I have learned something that may help me or anyone else in the future after a horrendous day the other day. Taking 3 of the mini tabs anti gas Mylanta helped me tremendously. I had thought food was still stuck in my stoma, even after I expelled the extra saliva many times (sorry TMI). But it was really gas pushing up from possibly old food in my pouch and making me (and unfortunately my body) think there was food stuck in my throat so my body kept making extra saliva. I read about that phenomenon which is why I thought I'd try the anti gas Mylanta tabs. It miraculously worked.
  6. Last month I converted from vsg to rny. It was the best decision. One, my gerd is gone. I sleep better. We all know how important sleep is when it comes to appetite... Etc. Two, weight loss and restriction are better for me this time around. It was not apparent until I moved to solid foods. I can see why some doctors call it the gold standard. I have zero side effects. I feel the same except I can't eat more that 50g of soft/solid food, and I have to chew it like crazy. I had avoided rny for so long. I was scared of changing things around in my body. That was a bad decision or of sheer fear. This time, I literally had no choice due to years of gerd. Good luck in your decision. My two cents. Sent from my SM-N986U using BariatricPal mobile app
  7. Last month I had VSG to RNY for gerd/esophagitis. For me, I fell asleep (without realizing it), woke up, stomach felt like I had done a zillion sit-ups when I tried to move, my throat was sore, I slept rest of the day. Pain was 100% doable, nausea minimal. I don't even remember the nausea part but my husband who was right next to me said I said "I'm prone to nausea" when I first woke up lol.
  8. For me, once I hit solid foods, it was a totally different ballgame. I was able to 1/2c of puree the first month but I can not eat more than 2 tablespoons of solid. I have to eat miniscule bites, chew to liquid or I get the foamies (i.e. lots of saliva and it comes up). I've lost 33 lbs. as of this morning. Surgery was Aug. 4th, 2021.
  9. I gained 10 lbs. from the day I was admitted to the next day when I left the hospital. Took awhile for all those fluids they pumped into me to exit my body. As long as your calories are low, and you're following your surgeon's plan, it'll come off soon.
  10. I'll be 61 soon. I had revision from VSG to bypass early last month, in August. I'm 30 lbs. down from my 10 day pre-op to the last time I weighed. Recent metabolism study says that our metabolism doesn't change until 60 years old, and after that 0.7% decrease every year after. https://www.studyfinds.org/human-metabolism-age-60/#:~:text=The study finds humans burn,only 0.7 percent per year.
  11. I had it done for Gerd/esophagitis. My surgeon didn't touch my sleeve either, he also did a standard procedure (RL 150cm, BPL 60cm) when I asked him about length. My insurance would not cover it if he did anything out of standard procedure. Since my 10 day pre-op and surgery early August 2021, I've lost 30 lbs. It is currently faster than my weight loss with my sleeve. Some say they have far more restriction with their VSG than RNY after revision. That is definitely NOT the case for me. I have far more restriction now. My VSG surgeon was conservative and made a larger sleeve (~300ml), every surgeon/person is different.
  12. I am sending good thoughts for you to have a rapid recovery. Yes, yes water gain aka swelling is probably the culprit. I am rooting for you. Sent from my SM-N986U using BariatricPal mobile app
  13. Pre-op diets are drastically different from surgeon to surgeon so don't be worried about that. Some don't even require one, until two days before surgery to make sure your system is clean of debris. As far as the swimming and exercise are concerned... Usually you can soak in the bathtub or swim after 2 weeks due to the incisions needing to be healed. I believe two days is far too soon. May get infected. My surgeon wanted me to start doing light exercise like walking or cycling right away, just no heavy workout with weights.
  14. My stall broke and I'm down 2.2 lb. this week. It must have been the pickles lol They always cause me to gain water weight for a couple of days. Causes a lot of weight fluctuation in the past and present. I've really been craving them or even a swig of pickle juice. I read it is common to crave salty things when our carbs are low. I eat a balanced diet, not keto but because my calories are low at the moment, so therefore, so are the carbs. I am rooting for all those on a stall as I await my next one... Not many things are certain in life but stalls are inevitable for me. Interesting read here: "High carbohydrate consumption has caused your body to retain water and salt up until now. When you eliminate carbohydrates from the diet, you begin to expel pounds of water" https://www.theartofketo.com/crave-salt-on-keto/
  15. Tomo


    No regrets. Coming up on 6 weeks post op. No gerd from my vsg after the revision to bypass. Weight loss satisfactory. Equivalent to the sleeve. I just broke a one week stall, and dropped another 1.8 lbs. What is interesting is I had heard horror stories about "never trust a fart" lol and bowel problems. I almost decided against it but surgeon said I had to fix my gerd... But maybe cause I no longer have severe gerd, everything is literally normal. I feel no difference than before any of my WLS except I get full after a few bites. Having said that, I am early on and hope this positive trend of health continues. I can handle stalls and working to get the weight off but am always scared of leaks and other serious complications down the road. Sent from my SM-N986U using BariatricPal mobile app
  16. Things are going very well. No goals since it was more about my Gerd which seems to be resolved (Yay lol). I'm 28 lbs. down now, and I think the revision was the best thing I could have done for myself. As my surgeon said after my post-op appointment... It's already a win then if my Gerd is gone. I did bring up the fact that I can't eat very much and my calories are 500-700 cal. at best and he said "Good. Keep it that way for awhile to lose more weight." That's about all he said lol. One thing that has helped my appetite or lack thereof, is I can sleep much better because I'm not constantly waking up with acid in my throat anymore. Waking up and not being able to sleep always tempted me to munch on something for energy instead of sleep. Thank you so much for asking!
  17. Thank you for responding. Now I know I'm not alone either hehe. I had surgery the day after yours so we are in the same boat. 😁I think as long as we don't get disheartened, it will break. Maybe our infamous 3 week stall is a couple weeks late. lol. It is definitely confusing when the CNP and nutritionist say opposing things. Either way I think we're still in good shape and staying on track with checking in, and connecting with others. Cheers!
  18. I have read ((and heard from friends who had the surgery) that people with gastric bypass do not throw up, and that their stomach doesn't turn since it's a pouch now. I just ate something that didn't agree with my stomach. and I started foaming. The stoma was plugged, I believe due to a piece of egg due to improper chewing. I'll try better next time. After I spit out all the excess saliva, my stomach "turned" twice and it forced me to empty my pouch. I didn't get nauseated at all, it just kind of happened on it's own but my stomach definitely "turned" both times. Can someone please explain to me if this is common for gastric bypass patients? I'm sincerely confused about it all. I hope I'm connected alright & nothing went amiss in my surgery lol. Thanks!
  19. Hi Lisa. They said that I didn't chew enough and it sounds like I temporarily blocked my stoma.
  20. Checking in. Sleeve to RNY revision here. This past week, my weight has been the same. Up until then, I was dropping 2 to 3 lbs. a week. Being a previous sleeve patient, I am familiar with the dreaded stalls and hope it snaps soon. I am staying on plan, regardless, to let my body figure out what is going on. lol As per my surgeon, I am still eating 5-6 small meals, about 600-700 calories which includes the calories of my supplements. I keep reading the forums to stay motivated and connected. Hope all is well with all of you.
  21. Wheat bread and pasta were suggested by my surgeon and dietician to prevent gallstones due to its binding properties to food cholesterol in the gut and general health. I eat 5-6 small meals a day too but I am early on, going on 2nd month after a revision from sleeve to RNY, and eat 1/2 cup a meal. I try to eat a balanced meal of all 5 food groups. Good thread to follow to see how others are handling their diet.
  22. I have never heard of that. Interesting. I have heard of endoscopic revisions (no cuts) for the gastric bypass that take less than an hour that are successful. Best of luck and keep us posted.
  23. Tomo


    Did any of your surgeon's suggest you take two of High ADEK multivitamin a day, in addition to 3 Calcium chews? I didn't realize I was suppose to take two (doh!) and I've been only taking one.
  24. Insurance covered my VSG, and then my recent revision because of Gerd. After I jumped through all the hoops, of course. Cardiac clearance, 2 visits with dietician, psychological evaluation, blood test... Etc.
  25. Tomo

    Surgery today!

    I think everybody's experience is different. I had too low of BP for hours, no dizziness, super sore throat, no nausea or pain really other than a sore throat. Having said that, congratulations and I think you'll be just fine. 😁

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