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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Tomo

  1. Tomo


    Divinci method here as well. It's one of the reasons I chose my surgeon. Sent from my SM-S908U using BariatricPal mobile app
  2. Tomo


    I eat potatoes, but not a lot of it. I usually eat them roasted or boiled and they are nutritious and easy on my stomach (especially during the soft food stage as per my surgeon). Interesting fact, boiled potatoes have the highest satiety score of all foods.
  3. I hope things have improved. If you eat at a calorie deficit, you will lose weight, no matter what diet. I used to have a barium swallow twice a year when I had my sleeve, perhaps that will tell you the status of your sleeve, if it is stretched or not. That is, if you haven't already.
  4. They have virtual meetings. Online, anonymous, can change your name before every meeting, meetings night and day.
  5. Tomo

    Calories per day

    I love these types of posts. Always good to see what everyone else is doing. I'm at 10.5 months, averaging 967 calories per day. I track everything because it's enlightening and fun for me but I am envious of those who can intuitively eat, which I know for a fact, I can not. Every month I've been upping my average calories till I get to a comfortable maintenance level. It'll probably be about 1400 to 1600 calories based on calculating what I'm eating & losing the past couple of months.
  6. I went to a different surgeon. Before I chose him, I consulted with my original and a couple of other surgeons.
  7. Tomo

    Bari Clip

    Like the lap band, there is a chance of slippage and other problems since there is a foreign body involved. If I had the choice between the Bari clip and the vsg, I would go vsg all the way. Removing part of the stomach isn't really that drastic especially since with time it does expand some, and we try hard not to stretch our sleeve and/or our pouch in RNYs lol. Given the history of the lapband, I'm going to guess many surgeons as well will shy away from it. Sent from my SM-S908U using BariatricPal mobile app
  8. Tomo

    Over eating

    I understand. I get days that I am really hungry and I feel like I want to eat all day. That there is no restriction. Like if I let myself go, I could eat the house lol. But then the next morning, I am not hungry at all till evening. Sometimes it is related to how well I slept the night before and I am eating for energy or perhaps something emotional. I think we tend to blow things out of proportion in things like this, and not give ourselves credit enough for all the days we have done well. As you said, tomorrow is a new day. You're doing good. Hang in there. Sent from my SM-S908U using BariatricPal mobile app
  9. Hi. Revisions on gastric bypass are usually successful and more effective than original surgery. 60 to 80% excess weight loss, but you would have to follow your surgeon and team advice. https://anmedhealth.org/services/surgery/weight-loss-surgery/revisional-bariatric-surgery#:~:text=Gastric%20bypass%20revision%20surgeries%20tend,their%20medical%20team's%20advice%20closely.n Sent from my SM-S908U using BariatricPal mobile app
  10. I'm way "tighter" in the morning. When I mentioned it to my surgeon on my 3 month check up (I'm 10 months now), he suggested drinking hot tea or coffee first to relax the throat, muscles... Etc.
  11. Tomo

    Caffeine After Surgery

    No restrictions regarding coffee from day 1 in my program.
  12. Tomo

    I am approved!!!

    Congrats! That is wonderful. Sent from my SM-S908U using BariatricPal mobile app
  13. Tomo

    Three Months

    I didn't have problems with lettuce but the skin on grapes, apples, even cherries gave me the foamies in the beginning. I rarely get foamies now but if I eat anything without chewing it properly, I will still get them. I had ribeye recently, it was so good but I must've eaten too fast cause an hour later, my chest and throat hurt from pressure until I got rid of the excess saliva. I use a tongue cleaner and it makes me gag just enough to release the excess saliva.
  14. Tomo


    Great job. That's incredible. You averaged 7.5 lbs. a week. Even 7.5 lbs. in a month is great to me. Continued success!
  15. I smoked a pack a day for 20 years, kept going to the ER for respiratory problems. I started vaping over 10 years ago, and I immediately got off cigarettes, never visited the ER again. My lung x-rays are so clear, there isn't a doctor who ever guessed I was a heavy smoker. I'm thankful for that. My surgeon is not against caffeine nor nicotine, only combustible cigarettes.
  16. I vaped from the time I got home from surgery. My surgeon has no issues with caffeine/nicotine. He does have a problem with cigarettes since they contain over 3K toxins and the nicotine is from burning which is what causes smoking-related illnesses.
  17. Tomo

    Saggy neck?

    I have a saggy neck too. Right under my chin, ugh. I had sculptra on my face and that helps a lot with the gaunt look after weight loss but not sure what to do with my neck yet. lol
  18. I had a revision from vsg to rny last august for gerd. It didn't take long to lose a lot of weight and hit and pass goal. I actually lost faster on the revision than the with the sleeve. My workout is less than when I had the sleeve due to much lower calorie intake after the revision. I had quite a bit of side effects with the sleeve (gerd, TMI stuff... Etc.) but none so far with the rny. Everything was resolved. I'm at the 10th month mark. Like you, I was concerned about whether I could lose more weight and the surgeon remarked "Oh, you WILL lose weight. Your pouch will be the size of an egg." He was correct. You'll definitely lose weight after the revision.
  19. Tomo


    I hit goal weight a couple of months ago, and continuing to lose weight, and am so glad I had the revision done. Had a blood test recently, all good numbers. The best I have ever had in my adult life. My cholesterol and triglycerides, protein, vitamins/minerals, everything is in normal range. I was one of the few that had complications with the VSG so I'm hoping I won't get complications later on with my RNY. So far so good. No more severe gerd, feeling really good. Wishing you all great continued journeys. Glad to see someone posting on this still. Ahh, sorry. I didn't see this was for sleeves. I know I was talking one thread for August 2021.
  20. Tomo

    Something positive

    Those little things are actually big things, huge victories! Thank you for the positive reminder. I forget how I struggled to do basic things before my journey. Congrats!
  21. If you can't lose weight, it's up to your doctor. I would ask him/her. Some may refuse to do the surgery, while others don't care and are aware how difficult it is for some to lose weight but they give you a goal to work with so you can begin practicing good habits and discipline. For example, if you eat the wrong things after surgery before healing occurs, you can hurt yourself, hence some discipline is needed. Good luck. I wish you a great and successful journey!
  22. Tomo

    asthma and allergies

    I've never heard of that. I have always had asthma but it has improved after the weight loss.
  23. I had the revision from sleeve to RNY last August due to severe gerd. Have lost all my excess weight and I can finally sleep restfully all night long. No severe gerd. I can't say whether you will screw up again but I assure you, with the RNY, it'll be much harder to slide back into bad habits. I'm in my 10th month and it's been a lovely journey for me so far. I am still elated that I can get full on 2 eggs. Unfortunately, complications can happen with all surgeries. I had a complication with the lap band and the VSG. No fault of my own. RNY is no longer a permanent surgery, but it is a risky procedure to reverse it. The sleeve is considered permanent. As for vitamins, I had a complete bloodwork 2 weeks ago and I was not deficient in any vitamins, minerals or protein. Cholesterol, triglycerides, sugar, all perfect. I only take a vitamin patch by patchaid. It may not work for others but it sure works for me. I hope this helps.
  24. Tomo

    3 week stall

    Changing macros is always interesting and usually pays off. Some say cut the carbs, others say up them. For example, I upped my carbs to over 100g and dropped another 5 lbs. I have been below my weight loss goal but was stalled for a few weeks. I have been working up to consume the 7-13 servings of fruits and vegetables per day, as per my surgeon's diet plan. It's similar to the Longevity diet based on a 30 year recent study.
  25. Tomo

    Caffeine/ coffee

    Like others, I was offered coffee at the hospital, No restrictions on coffee from my surgeon, pre or post. He is onboard that coffee is a superfood due to antioxidants... Etc. I drink mine with milk, cashew, almond, or oat milk. Black coffee may be a little harsh on an empty stomach for me since I had a history of gerd.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
