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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Tomo

  1. Right? I wonder if this is a common practice now. I remember years ago they were reluctant to give WLS patients and appetite suppressants until years after the surgery. Well, at least my then-surgeon said no.
  2. Tomo

    1 Week PO update

    Yeah. I think so too . Definitely not anything you did. Hoping for a fast recovery for you.
  3. Tomo

    eating and drinking

    Lifetime rule. I just spoke to someone last week who had the size of his stomach checked because he gained back all his weight. He was sure he stretched it out. He had the surgery over 15 years ago. It was not stretched out. They told him it is because he washes the food out by drinking with his meal.
  4. I like trying different food from all over the world. I ate this golden egg today. 60 calories, 59 grams of contents. It was an egg restuffed with seasoned duck egg in rice. You boil it for 20 minutes then eat it with a tiny spoon included in the package. Not too sweet not too salty but savory. Like a riceball with egg in the center. One of the most interesting things I have ever tried.
  5. Tomo

    1 Week PO update

    Wow. I am so sorry you are going through that. That is uncommon less than 3%. My whole family are in the medical field. I looked it up because of that. Hopkins website stated that it can happen when you are touched by a contaminated caregiver or surgical instrument. Again, I am so sorry you had to go through that.
  6. Tomo

    1 Week PO update

    Aww, I really hope it isn't serious. Feel better soon.
  7. Tomo

    Upper GI tomorrow

    I had a barium swallow every year after my sleeve to check if it was stretched. I guess I was paranoid lol. Now after the revision, I haven't done that. But it is fast, you drink chalky stuff, they watch it go down. I always asked for a picture to compare year to year. No sedation, can Uber that no problem but ... For the surgery, not allowed to do Uber, at least here I couldn't.
  8. In the beginning, I added unflavored protein powder to things I drank and/or ate. 1 yr 3 months later, I still have have problems meeting my protein requirements so I can't stop. So far the only protein shake I like is RTD Koia plant protein shake in chocolate banana. Unfortunately, it is too expensive for me to drink every day, so I still add protein powder to my coffee in the morning. Recently, I like Syntrax chocolate truffle.
  9. From what I read, as long as you get your protein and iron in, there is no problem being on a plant-based diet. It may be more difficult to reach your protein and iron goals but as long as you are committed to reaching those goals, you will be fine. Tofu, tempeh, beans and lentils... Etc. And maybe add vegan protein powder. Also, I'm a fan of taking full blood tests every 6 months to ever year to make sure I am not deficient since I don't eat a lot of meat myself. Definitely talk to your doctor about it though.
  10. If you find the answer, let me know. My food storage is over-the-top. Luckily I don't have kids and family nearby otherwise maybe I'd do the same. My problem is I love to shop for food. I buy and buy and I have bins of food, and both freezers are stuffed with food. Help.
  11. Tomo

    Stalls and plateaus

    I don't do carb cycling because I eat a lot of carbs (tons of fruit) BUT, I naturally do calorie cycling. I know both carb and calorie cycling are effective. Some days I just feel hungrier so I eat more those days. I track calories by the week (net calories under weekly goal) so there is a lot more leeway, freedom and flexibility, for those bottomless pit days. My longest "stall" ever was during my maintenance phase. It was 33 days. I'm still trying to find my maintenance calorie level but if I keep losing, I won't stress, I'll just let nature takes it's course since the honeymoon phase will inevitably end soon enough since I'm 15 months post-op. Link: "Research suggests the benefits of calorie cycling include greater weight loss, improved ability to stick to a diet, less hunger, and a reduction in the negative hormonal and metabolic adaptations of a normal weight loss diet." https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/calorie-cycling-101#:~:text=Research suggests the benefits of,it works best for you.
  12. I can only dream to get food like that at home! I have been working on my cooking skills but ehhh, got a long way to go. I wanted to comment on your 1-2 bites. I practice the take 1 to 2 bites of everything when I go on vacation. It's a great rule. lol My siblings are foodies, and love to take me to all the best restaurants and try their favorite findings. The 1 to 2 bite rule is a lot of fun and works out well for me.
  13. Tomo

    1 Week PO update

    Sounds like everything is going pretty smoothly. I also had a huuuuge lump under one of my incisions this last surgery. It was the size of an egg. I thought it was a hernia or something. I do everything not to go to the doctor's but I was so concerned I went in ASAP, and let him squeeze and manipulate it, and then to ultimately tell me "That's normal" lol. Been looking for your update the past few days, and hoping you'll get a speedy recovery. If you don't feel like going back, I hope you can take another week off. The post-op exhaustion is real.
  14. Didn't see your reply that you already checked your team. Good good. I guess different surgeons have different criteria.
  15. I asked a relative who is a surgeon (came over to visit). He says no testosterone 2 weeks before or 2 weeks after. It thickens blood and may risk blood clots. Good to ask your team instead though.
  16. Things seem to taste sweeter. I never had a sweet tooth but now when I eat things savory that has a smidge of sweetness, like sauces, it's a ugh. It's amplified.
  17. Protein concentrates shots at Bariatricpal tastes good. I tried one over and liked it. Tiny bottles, 15g protein. All kinds of fruit flavors. Lemon, grapefruit, grape cranberry and more. I am not a shake person either. During that time I just put unflavored protein powder in everything including my coffee.
  18. Yeah but I was allowed to go through a quick drive thru at the local pharmacy. It takes a minute and doesn't hurt at all since they are no longer deep nasal.
  19. For awhile I looked like a terminally ill patient but after a few months of maintenance, my hair (finally lol) and skin recovered. I feel better and look better at my current weight (lowest) than I did at my goal weight of 140 lbs. I agree with Ms. SSS said, I think it is just a temporary phenomenon of rapid weightloss. Btw, hair thins out regardless of size, it is the surgery itself, it can't be helped. It is not her fault. Her hair will grow back.
  20. My lunch 2.2 oz salmon sashimi, with 2 oz rice with a 1 tsp of seasoned vinegar. I dipped the fish in lemon juice, soy sauce and wasabi. 177 calories total. Total weight meal 118g. I ate it all.
  21. Tomo

    ESG after VSG

    Yeah, I really believe that once insurance starts accepting it, probably the majority of people will go with esg. It's just most can't afford to pay out of pocket. If I had the choice years ago, I know I would have choosen esg over lap band or vsg. I recently tried to mention the ESG to someone close to me who is diabetic and obese because he is skittish still about any WLS. It didn't work but I tried.
  22. Tomo

    5 years post op

    Wonderful pictures. Wonderful post. You look great. Happy 5th anniversary. I am glad you are here to always share your wisdom and experience. Although I've been fighting the good fight for a very long time, I have stayed to myself all this time until just this past year. People like you make it easier for introverts, like myself, to get out of our comfort zone and share a bit.
  23. I am using both for maintenance calories. As everyone knows, these tend to be a little off but I still love using them since it gives me some kind of guideline, and I find tracking fun and enlightening. My questions are: When I input my weight when I lose or gain, does the calories adjust to the new weight I input or does it always go by goal weight and Fitbit activity alone? Also, those of you that use either, do you find the calories (or carbs if you are on low carb) requirement to lose or maintain, too high, too low or just right? Thanks in advance.
  24. I'm 5'3. I had my vsg at around 200, got to 160. No problem getting it approved due to comorbities. I held that for about 6 years, felt good, most comorbities resolved. But then I got severe gerd and had an rny to fix gerd over a year ago, now weigh 109 lbs.

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