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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Tomo

  1. Had a special occasion to attend. I love Mimi's cafe French quarter burger. Didn't get far though. I ate about 80g. I brought the rest home for my better half to eat. I hear many people say that they are embarrassed to eat so little and worried how the server will react. Not me! I am so happy to ask for a box right away. I still remember days of eating ALL of this plate plus their French onion soup or salad (fast), and my slim acquaintances just playing on their phone, chatting and eating a bite or two of their food. I could NEVER do that... but I can now.
  2. Tomo

    Head Hunger vs Actual Hunger

    Whatever path he has decided to do after retirement is his choice. He retired at 45 but so does many people who have been successful. He followed his father who retired at 45. I retired at 48. I'm in my 60s now. I respectfully disagree with you. In no way, shape or form, has his views on his bariatric theories and diet advice have been discredited. All his bariatric videos have always been based on sound or cogent arguments. I do wish he didn't because I enjoyed his bariatric videos. But, hey, it's his choice and there are a lot of good doctors out there that I enjoy listening to.
  3. @Laura M, read@catwoman7 post, it was extremely helpful when I thought I had a stricture. It's good to hear from other's who actually had the experience and went through procedure. Mine was a false alarm.
  4. No, it turned out that I didn't have a stricture because I was able to drink water and keep liquids down. They told me when I can't drink water without it coming back up to come in ASAP.
  5. And I am especially careful when I buy clothes made in Asia because their sizes are significantly smaller than US and EU sizes. I remember getting a pair of harem style pants and they fit like tights lololol.
  6. In the beginning I was very tight and had foamies if I didn't chew to a liquid. I was told if I "can't drink or keep Water or liquids" then to come in right away, they will fix the stricture, and it is done in the office and didn't take long. Since I was able to drink all the water and liquids I wanted, I did not have a stricture. That's about all I know without googling it. I am sure others can share their experiences since it is rather common.
  7. I would call your doctor and ask if you can make an exception for Thanksgiving. They know your situation and health best.
  8. Not even sips but it's natural from the beginning. Meaning that physically in the beginning, you'll eat so little that any additional water will make you feel uncomfortable anyway. Before you know it, it becomes habit. It still makes me so uncomfortable that even now I wait over an hour after I eat before drinking anything. I understand your concerns about vitamins too. If you hate swallowing pills, many of us have been using patches successfully. You'll have to see what works best for you. In the end, the weightloss will be worth with it and you will see how very little you eat, and will want to keep your body healthy by taking supplements. For months, I ate less than 800 calories. Even years later, many of us still do not eat enough to be well nourished. I totally get the fast food with our significant others as a bond but it is totally doable. My mister doesn't care what I order but I think he feels more comfortable as long as I order something. So let's say Taco bell ... I order a side of black beans with onions (50 cal). I don't think it is what I eat but that I have a meal with him regardless what it is. IF he ever insisted on me eating what I used to eat, then there is something really wrong with the relationship in the first place.
  9. Tomo

    Accidently been drinking coffee

    Every program is different. No restrictions for coffee or tea pre or post op as per my surgeon and team. Coffee offered to me right after I woke up from surgery. I drink about 3 cups a day. I have never had issues.
  10. Will you be home for Thanksgiving or at a family event? I will be at home on the holidays so I will eat as usual. Like you breaking your stall (congrats), the weight loss and fear of gaining it back, are great motivators not to go overboard during the holidays. I count calories, weigh my food no matter what. If on vacation, or a special event, I eat a bite of different things, log them right after the meal. If I can't log at the time, I take snapshots of the dish before I eat (and after) so I can remember what I ate and how much I ate, then log later. 24/7, 365 days/year.
  11. The mister cooked tonight so that means I get some great food. He made Chow mein noodles (as per Joshua Weissmanb with minor changes due to availability) with fresh noodles, 1T Chinese cooking wine, 2T dark soy sauce, 1/2 tsp white pepper, 1.5T oyster sauce, 1/2 tsp sesame oil, 2 tsp corn starch, 2T olive oil, tons of cabbage, onions, and garlic. Made it in a wok. I weighed out 112g (98.8 cal), I ate it all.
  12. Wow, Kim you will be under 300 in no time. Thank you for the update. Although you went through a lot, your daily journaling can aid others who may experience something similar, and learn from your experience and positive mindset.
  13. Oppo squash soup with green papaya, onions, tomatoes, ginger, garlic and more. (95 cal). I make different versions every week. Different veggies every week. I eat this throughout the day to get my veggies in and stay hydrated. The protein I had was an air fried small tilapia which I ate first. I ate half of it (112 cal). My cat ate the rest.
  14. Sounds like you may have a stricture. I would call your doctor asap or go to the ER. I hope as I am writing this, you are better.
  15. Ooh yeah lol, as far as macros, the only macro I pay attention to unless I need to analyze my diet is my protein. So although I track everything (it is fun for me). The basic goals I was given, and I find it works wonderful for me long-term is the following: Stay hydrated, protein 55g and above, 7 to 13 fruit and veggies servings a day to decrease inflammation & let leptin do it's magic, eat good fat, and good complex carbohydrates (oatmeal, healthy breads especially sourdough, beans... Etc).
  16. I track everything I eat: calories, carbs, fat, cholesterol, sodium, anything that is on the label since I manage my weight by daily average calories. I tracked in all the four stages: liquid, pureed foods, soft foods and solid foods.
  17. Tomo

    Head Hunger vs Actual Hunger

    He's my all time favorite. Have read a couple of his books. Watched all his videos. Love him.
  18. Same same. I have a thing for jalapeno and cheese anything. I ate a Marketside jalapeno and cheese pastry the other day and I put it in the air fryer to puff it up and crisp it. It was wonderful despite it coming from Walmart lol.
  19. Tomo

    Dealing with Sabotage

    That was my first thought too. Lock your food down so she doesn't get into it. Also, you and your husband lay down those firm boundaries, and hold firm. Let her freak out, and just ignore her when she acts up. Treat her like a 3 year old having a temper tantrum. I get it about not throwing her out. I have helped many in a situation who needed a place, especially relatives. It gets annoying fast. She is over the top so that's why locking your food down and other drastic measures are needed so you can stay on track. Good luck. We're rooting for you.
  20. Since you don't mind my wraps lol, this was my lunch. 2 oz lean roast beef deli sliced (70 cal), 1 oz pepper jack cheese (80 cal), lettuce and red onions, spicy brown mustard, all wrapped up in Ole Spinach and herb wrap (50 cal). Heated in the microwave. Total 220 cal . I ate it all. If you are low carber (I am not) the Ole spinach and herb wraps have 50 cal, and only a net carb of 6g and tastes good. Soft and pliable.
  21. Tomo

    Day of Surgery Concerns

    When they told me I had to be completely naked under my gown, I asked if they had any disposable underwear and they gave me a pair and said they would cut them off when needed (catheter if the surgery was long). I asked if they can replace them with a shield before I wake up, and they did.
  22. Yeah, seems like post-op is all over the place depending upon the program. We all have different medical needs too so maybe there are some surgeons that require a different plan depending on height/weight/comorbities... Etc. for each of their patients. My surgeon wanted me on good carbs post op as soon as possible (fruits/vegs/whole grains, oat bran... Etc.) And of course, the typical general rules. Protein first to make sure I met that first. Lots of liquid in between, no drinking until 30 minutes after.
  23. Tomo

    Eating carbs

    I had no problem with carbs at 3 months out but I did with certain meats from time to time. It seems like an individual thing reading all these responses. At 6 months, I was able to tolerate everything as if I never had WLS but just tiny portions of it
  24. Me too haha. Store bought food lol. Or maybe a wrap I made haha. I guess I do it to show my current portion size and what goes in my tummy. I enjoy all of this thread's pictures, those who can cook and those who try (I fail but I still like to try, it is relaxing) and even those who show pictures of frozen foods from the grocery store!
  25. Syntrax Nectar in chocolate truffle is the only one I have tried. I just tried it for the first time last month because of the recent rave reviews. I was surprised but I love it. I put it in my coffee. It is not that sweet and mixes so well. I've been thinking of getting the lemonade one but I don't use a whole lot of protein powder these days so I probably will wait.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
