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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Tomo

  1. Tomo

    Body Scale

    I have 3 scales. lol My favorite is the Innotech wireless Bluetooth smart body scale that I got at bariatricpal. That thing is so consistent regarding weight. Up to date, it by far, the most consistent scale I've ever owned. I love the app too. My other two scales are not consistent at all, especially if I tilt or move.
  2. Tomo

    So popcorn is NOT my friend....

    Aw I feel for you. One of my favorite snacks is a small green apple [emoji520], sometimes dipped in PB2. Maybe later on, you will be able to tolerate it.
  3. Congrats! How exciting for you. I remember counting the days. It is an exciting time for you. Ahh I'm not really into protein shakes, I do really like Kola protein, RTD plant protein chocolate banana and powder form, I would say nectar sweets, chocolate truffle.
  4. Good tips, thank you! Wow, I wondered if the lower body lift was bad. I even wondered how it is to go to the restroom. I heard horror stories. It helps to prepare myself then, if and when. The only surgery I can compare it with is RNY, VSG. Thank you for the information! Maybe ink start with breast lift and arm lift lol.
  5. That was excellent thank you lol. I guess I'm afraid that I will be one of those dumbasses too haha. That is my personality. I push myself and think I'm super woman, and I am not lol. That was helpful because this type of information is so hard to find on the net because the sites are written by doctors and they say how long the recovery is but it is too general. The way they word it, I picture myself having to lie down for 2 weeks straight, and I can't do that with a bunch of little cats depending on me to be fed. Thank you.
  6. Tomo

    So popcorn is NOT my friend....

    Now I want to try popcorn lol. I haven't had it for almost 2 years . I went on a huge popcorn kick and still have quite a bit. I don't believe I'll have a problem. I haven't ran into any problems concerning food (fortunately or unfortunately depending on how one sees it).
  7. I get into "current addictions" too. Right now mine is airfried San Francisco style sourdough bread with jalapeno pepper jack cheese. I guess there is something in the real sourdough (probably the fermentation) that my body is craving. Probably more that it's delicious [emoji16]
  8. I've thought of having arm lift, breast lift, and thigh lift. I meant to ask this question here. I am worried about how soon would it be that I can feed my pets, nothing heavy or anything but there is no one to take care of them if I am down. If it is a quick recovery like the rny, it would be no problem. If anyone can give me insight it would be extremely helpful. Honestly, that's my only concern is my cats lol
  9. Tomo

    Eating slow

    I tend to eat on the fast side but I think snacking is more associated with (unless real hunger) eating out of boredom, distraction, emotional eating or those under psychological distress or stress.
  10. Tomo

    What do you eat in a day 3+ years out?

    No typical day either. While I am almost 1.5 years after my revision (gerd), and I still feel like a noobie lol.... I had WLS back in 2008 so it's been awhile for me too.
  11. My typical response is "yeah" and then I just nod my head and continue doing what I was doing. Sometimes I get the feeling they wonder if I got sick, just waiting for more information. People can be nosy. I also get "How did you do it? I need hints." I get that too. Again, I don't say much back to that either. It doesn't bother me though. They are un-important to me. Even the rude comments don't bother me, for the same reason.
  12. Tomo

    Post op complications

    Nothing about that sounds normal to me. Here is a red flag to watch out for, if you can't keep water down, it may be a stricture. If your surgeon is still acting as if everything is normal, go to the ER or to another doctor.
  13. Tomo


    No, I wasn't. Luckily I lost my hunger (ghrelin). The lapband does nothing for the ghrelin but rny definitely does.
  14. Tomo


    After the lapband, my biggest surprise would be... You are going to love the bypass (provided that you have a great surgeon). There is a learning curve, and during liquids and purees, you will not feel much restriction due to healing and the natural flow of liquids and purees through the small pouch. But once you get to soft solids, take it easy. Chew chew chew, after each bite assess whether you are satisfied enough to stop or not. It does not feel like a torture device, it's more of a natural feeling of satisfaction if you take your time during meals. If you rush it too soon, you will get the foamies similar to a bad episode of the lapband.
  15. Air fried oysters. I dipped them in cocktail sauce, with lots of horseradish and lemon juice. As usual, I ate it all. lol. I weighed out 135g.
  16. Tomo

    When to stop...

    I can eat comfortably a mixed meal of 170 grams (6 oz) but in general, I keep my meals between 4 oz to 5 oz per meal, if I am at home (less if I travel). So I stop eating when satisfied (vs full) at about 66 to 80% of my current capacity, before any body signals occur.
  17. Tomo

    Noobie Questions

    Gas pain after surgery is common. Some experience it, while others do not. My experience: I didn't experience gas with my RNY. Pain was overall on the low end. A bad UTI hurts more. My stomach felt sore for awhile, like I worked out a bit too much. Nothing major. No nausea or any bad side effects. I had asked for nausea meds before hand since I am prone to nausea. I was concerned about one of my incisions but it turned out to be normal healing. It didn't hurt, but it felt like there was a big ball underneath it. Fast forward almost a year and a half later, concerning post-op, no problem with excess gas or any bowel problems other than slight constipation that fiber or miralax can't correct. I always sleep with an incline wedge. Sleeping after surgery was normal. I think the incline helped a lot. Some like using recliners but unfortunately, I don't own one.
  18. I read that one can experience gallbladder problems not with pain in the right upper abdomen but in the back between their shoulders. Anybody experience this? If so, how did it feel? Like a muscle pull or dull or stabbing pain or ? The other night I pulled my upper back muscle, a lot of pain between my shoulders, feel nauseated, clammy due to the pain but after I stretched a bit and took Tylenol, I felt better. I googled pain between my shoulders in the back and they mentioned gallbladder problems. I am almost positive it was a temporary muscle pull but I've always been paranoid of gallbladder problems so here I am. Thanks in advance!
  19. My goal of 140 lbs. was set for a normal BMI classification for someone 5'3". I began maintenance at 140 but continued to lose while trying to find the magic calorie maintenance number. As long as I don't enter the medically underweight (or overweight) category, then I will just keep doing what I am doing.
  20. Thank you for your responses!
  21. Korean short ribs are one of my all-time favorite foods. I love it grilled, and in Galbitang soup. Yum!!!
  22. It is OKAY and expected . You won't hurt anyone's feelings. Congrats on your decision and we look forward to your success
  23. Yes, I did. I went to a few different consultations. I wanted to make sure I felt comfortable with my surgeon, that we saw eye to eye regarding post-op nutrition (i.e. fan of fruits/vegetable for health benefits, not keto or extreme low carb) and more importantly had a good surgical record.
  24. Restriction to me is the emotional or mental feeling of wanting to eat a whole pizza but after a few bites, you feel you have had enough. The build up to the point is different to everyone. Everyone has different signals like runny nose, hiccups, pressure in their upper chest... Etc. I just feel satisfied. I stop early, at about 75% full. I learned in the early days of my first surgery 2008, one bite too many can give you hours and hours of being uncomfortable. I recently went through another new learning curve after my revision to bypass ( for gerd).
  25. You don't have to eat "more" volume per se. Just eat and cook with calorie rich foods, like ghee, a mere tablespoon = 130 calories or peanut butter (nuts), healthy grains, sweet potatoes, rice (i e. Starches, carbohydrates)... Etc. I am glad to hear you are meeting with the dietician. She'll be able to assess your diet and see where the problem is.

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