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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Tomo

  1. Do tell your surgeon and team. I'm sure it is common, and they have had other cases so don't be embarrassed. Your surgeon will know anyway the second he/she looks at the camera, if your food is anywhere still in your system. Depending upon the person, the whole process can take up to 5 days to get the food completely out.
  2. I recently got the Millard memory foam seat cushion. I paid $24.99 and it's very comfortable.
  3. Tomo


    For those who have had it, is the pre-surgery checklist less drastic than pre-WLS? To think about all those hoops that I had to go through for WLS, like heart stress tests... Etc. makes me feel tired already lol. Thanks in advance.
  4. Tomo


    Yup. I asked about it too and that is when he said maybe 20 lbs. Luckily, he was wrong in my case, but it is an individual thing, I think. It may be because just living gerd free has drastically help me stay on plan. I no longer had to have food in my stomach in a desperate attempt to control acid levels.
  5. Tomo

    More than 200lbs to lose

    I don't see why not. There are many here who hit goal weight after having a virgin sleeve. But unfortunately, band to vsg usually doesn't have as high of success rates to get to goal. They may lose some weight but not as drastic as those who never had a previous wls.
  6. Tomo

    7 Months Out, Need Motivation

    For me, 100% this too. I never want to be morbidly obese again and all the things that go with it, including not being able to fit in seats or pain from unnecessary health problems. That is my main motivation. Even naturally thin people will sometimes have too big of a meal, or eat unhealthy foods. It doesn't even phase them. So after all these years, I have finally wrapped my head around the fact that it is not an all or nothing situation anymore, I just go back to my normal routine the next meal. It took me a long time not to take one slip too serious. So the majority of time, my fridge is stocked with nutritious food so if I get the nibbles, I can reach for a handful of strawberries but sometimes I just really feel like having an apple fritter lol. It is a meal to meal, day to day, month to month, year to year consistency for following my plan 80 to 90% of the time.
  7. Tomo


    In defense of the surgeons, I think one of the reasons doctors either don't tell you (some warn you of minimal weightloss) that a revision due to gerd often results in minimal weightloss is because to them, it isn't about the weight to them, it is to fix your gerd. You can't live a quality life suffering from severe gerd day in and day out. I couldn't sleep at night and during the day towards the end, I had to have food constantly in my stomach or the knawing feeling in my stomach would never go away, and my throat literally burned all day no matter what. It was miserable.
  8. Tomo

    Not sure about the sleeve

    I would go with the advice of your doctor since he knows your case the best. However, you can always get a second opinion. Many people who have had the sleeve have long term success. I know those who had vsg and they regained, but I know people who had bypass and regained. It's really up to the person to be able to follow life long changes and commitment. I think if one has a history of gerd, then they are the main people that should stay away from the vsg. Good luck and how to hear of your decision soon.
  9. Tomo

    Not sure about the sleeve

    Doesn't matter what type of WLS if you are taking about gallbladder. It has to do with rapid weightloss and bile acid circulation. For example, a recent study "The occurrence of cholecystectomy was 46% after sleeve gastrectomy and 71.1% after gastric band procedures."
  10. It sounds like you are out of the honeymoon stage, that is, less restriction and more hunger. It is common for many to be able to eat more after a year and get hunger again too. Your doctor is right, and it is generally true that our stomach will never go back to original size BUT some people learn to eat around their WLS and unfortunately gain their weight back. The honeymoon phase is the best time on learning to eat correctly to maintain long-term weightloss.
  11. The reason I mentioned second opinion is there are many causes of myopathy, and it is imperative they find out what is causing it early on so it can be treated properly. It can be congenital, even an infection past or present, rheumatoid arthritis, electrolyte imbalance... Etc. One of my siblings has it due to rheumatoid arthritis and gets monthly steroid shots and treatments to help with his autoimmune condition. Another had it due to being in a long term off and on state of dehydration. Both had significant improvement from their treatment.
  12. If your blood tests have been fine, and you have had no history of serious nor long term nutritional deficiencies, then they don't have a clue what is causing it so they are blaming your bypass. I would get a second opinion.
  13. I use organic milk but not raw but only c cause I can't get it here, but here is a great starting video.
  14. You can get them from Amazon and other places in the net. All you need it a tablespoon and you add it to a cup of milk. After 24 hours at room temperature, strain it and reuse the grains over and over. [emoji846] I have had the same grains for many years. I make kefir cheese, kefir drink, whatever I feel like that given day/week. It is fun lol.
  15. Tomo

    Softs Go To Foods

    I ate a lot of hummus, chili, black beans, oatmeal, hearty soups, tofu, fish, well cooked veggies, soft fruits or fruits with high water content like granny smith applesauce, bananas, watermelon.
  16. Tomo

    Am I Full?

    Sounds about right for 3.5 months. Some eat more, some eat less. You're good. Just keep working on learning your cues. You'll be a pro in no time.
  17. Tomo

    Am I Full?

    How much are you eating at each meal in weight or volume? One can't stretch it if meals are around 4 ounces.
  18. I lost about 16 lbs my first month. If you want to call my weight loss slow at 16 lbs my first month, then yes, I hit my goal of 140 lbs and then lost an additional 30+ lbs. I don't think 16 lbs nor 19 lbs a month is a slow loss at all though.
  19. I love milk kefir. I have been making it for years at home. I do second ferments with grapefruit rind. It is so yummy, like drinkable yogurt but way more probiotics.
  20. If you are in the pureed stage, it is common to have very little restriction. Once you get to solids, you will feel it. You will learn about your body's cues to tell when you are close to being satisfied and it will react strongly at one bite too many. Some find it helpful to weigh food beforehand (instead of winging it) to avoid the latter and/or to track calories. I think you are doing good, glad to hear things are going smoothly. I also had a very smooth start. I remember wondering the same thing.
  21. I am not familiar with your type of surgery but not being able to drink is a huge red flag for any of us. Please contact your surgeon asap maybe you have a stricture or something similar.
  22. Tomo

    So depressed about my hair

    Mine came way late like 4 months or something like that.
  23. I didn't really have any soreness as@Catwoman7 said. I did, however, feel tired, probably due to lack of calories for the first week or so.
  24. I think you could drive a few days after but it may be very uncomfortable due to the stitches healing and/or soreness in general. Depends on how long your drive will be too. I think anything over an hour would have been extremely difficult for me to stay in that position for that long that soon after surgery. I just took Tylenol otc after surgery.
  25. Wow. I really love that outfit on you. Classy with a smashing figure.

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