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New Hope

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by New Hope

  1. I feel like I'm getting to the point that I need my first fill, due to lack of restriction. But I do have to give my Band credit. Preband, I was not as conscientous of what I eat, when I eat, or how much I eat. I didn't drink enough water. I certainly didn't get any exercise. Now, I'm learning how to live healthier. I'm taking half of the prescription meds. My blood pressure, arthritis, asthma, and hiatal hernia are almost none existent. I want to get out and enjoy life now. Before, I just wanted to stay hidden away. I had zero self esteem. I'm also thankful for this website. I've picked up so many helpful pointers along the way. And it's a great place to vent (with others who truly understand). So far, this has been an incredible journey!
  2. New Hope

    Back from the Beach

    Welcome back, Alex! Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend! Rest and relaxation! Glad you have a sharing friend with a beach house. You don't have to pay the taxes or upkeep on it. You can just go and play!
  3. Jane, you have a beautiful family! I can see that you'll get plenty of exercise when you get back home. Please give yourself time to heal before you start lifting the children. Best of luck to you!
  4. Gail, you've got the right idea... just take it one day at a time. It's really important to follow your drs. instructions. Each dr. seems to have a different regimen. You want to let that band get anchored and scar tissue develop to hold it in place. Running food through too soon can cause problems. You've done great on your weight loss! Have you tried protein drinks yet? I love one for breakfast. They're really satisfying. Add some fresh banana and frozen fruits (from the freezer). This also helps with your fiber intake. Best of luck to you!
  5. New Hope

    more water

    Yippee! A good night's sleep can help with anything!
  6. New Hope

    May be something is wrong...

    Janie, I've been like a zombie all weekend. I told my husband that I think the Culex mosquito must have bitten me.
  7. New Hope

    May be something is wrong...

    Megan, I think you've been reading my mind!
  8. New Hope

    Another newbie

    Pam, great job on your weight loss so far! Congratulations on being banded! I don't like to exercise either. I've been walking regularly, and some bike riding. I tried a yoga tape and some small weights. But I haven't stuck with that regularly.
  9. Jackie, welcome aboard! Greetings from Houston. You've already had an amazing weight loss! So glad that you got the slippage repaired. Best of luck to you!
  10. New Hope

    new girl

    If someone presses me right now, I'm going to say I'm on a drs. restrictive diet. Someone else posted that once. I thought it was a great response. Not lying, just selective information.
  11. New Hope


    I've had a partial hysterectomy. But since losing some weight, I notice getting chilled some times. Which is wonderful for me because I've always been so very hot natured (like my internal thermostat is stuck on high heat all the time.)I may need some blood work done to check my hormone levels. I may need to adjustment myl hormone replacement dosage. Has your sister had any bloodwork done lately... to check out various things that could have changed. (thyroid, hormones, blood sugar, anemia, etc.) I think she's doing wonderful!
  12. New Hope

    I am back, missed you all!!

    Wecome back Grandma! But you have been doing very important things, helping to love and spoil that new grandbaby. Congratulations!
  13. New Hope

    May be something is wrong...

    I agree with Michelle. Also, are you getting your water in? That's the hardest thing for me to do. Have you had any bloodwork run lately? Perhaps you need that checked...for anemia, thyroid, blood sugar, hormones, etc. Best of luck to you!
  14. New Hope

    new girl

    Yes, I'm "in the closet". My husband is the only one that knows. I also had my gall bladder removed, so that's what others think (including my kids). I feel like once I'm really doing good, then I won't have a problem telling others. I just don't want to feel like I'm under a microscope and others wondering, "Why isn't she losing any weight? She had surgery." Darcy, I picked this up from another posting. You might want to try the Gerber Veggie Puffs (baby food). They're made from sweet potatoes and half a cup is only 25 calories. They give you that satisfying "crunch" and dissolve when you chew them. They really helped me during that soft stage.
  15. New Hope

    Five Days Out and Doing Good!!

    Sunnyone, I'm so glad to hear that you are doing so fantastic with your band! You sound like you've got this down pretty good! Your Mother must have raised a pretty special daughter. It shows in your postings. I'm so glad that you have such a strong faith. God can get us through some really amazing trials. Prayers and blessings to you and your Mother.
  16. New Hope

    seed/ice cream

    Wow, you've done great!
  17. New Hope

    watermelon seeds

    I had reflux for years before I was banded. Unfortunately, sleeping on several pillows doesn't help. It just bends your stomach. We had to elevate our head board about six inches. It sits on stacked lumber blocks. This puts the bed at a slant. Our dogs love it --- easier to get under the bed. You do sound like you're too tight. But raising your head board might help prevent night time reflux. That is a nasty problem that you don't want.
  18. New Hope

    OT- Purity test! how pure are YOU

    Donali, does that mean you're a little agitator? Hey, how are you feeling?
  19. New Hope

    I was Banded Wednesday

    Congratulations! I'm pretty new myself. Please get plenty of rest and don't overdo it. You want everything to heal correctly. Keep us posted.
  20. New Hope

    Updated pics -80 lbs

    Wow, Leo, that's wonderful! I know what you mean about cameras and pictures. I've been dodging them for years.
  21. New Hope

    Please answer re: When to Drink

    You have had an awesome weight loss! Please give yourself a big pat on the back. I, also spill my guts here. It's so wonderful to realize that you don't have to do this alone. We're here for you, just like you'll be here for us. What part of Texas is Zephyr located in?
  22. New Hope

    Working out?????????

    I started walking 2 weeks after surgery. Now I ride my bike.
  23. New Hope

    Calling all Mama's...

    Sascha, how much does he weigh? It's mainly the picking up that the dr. is concerned about. It's o.k. to hold and cuddle. You may not want him to kick you in the tummy for a while!
  24. You might check the internet for listings in Australia. Most experienced drs. have a website. That gives you a lot of info. about them and about the band. Best of luck!
  25. I'm not an experienced bandster. But I did choose an experienced laproscopic surgeon. My dr. has put in over 700 lapbands. He's also local, for fills and any problems. He does blind fills (no fluroscope), has no problems.

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