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Everything posted by AshevilleEddie

  1. AshevilleEddie

    Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgendered Bandsters

    Um, any chance that's my fault??
  2. AshevilleEddie

    This is getting ridiculous

    Well, it did come with the caveat that I could eat whatever solids I could tolerate. So having said that I should mention that I did not go hog wild. I just started introducing easily chewable stuff. No ribeyes or anything. That was on day 9. :biggrin1: Just kidding!! But seriously, even though I could tolerate things like ground meats and well-cooked veggies, I still ate lots of mushies most of the time. Didn't want to push the envelope too much...
  3. AshevilleEddie

    This is getting ridiculous

    Don't sweat it! I was at the same stage as you 2 days post-op and my doc advanced me to solids at 8 days post-op.
  4. AshevilleEddie

    Spend the night?

    I had to stay overnight because I'm diabetic and DH had to stay because of sleep apnea. Our doc normally sends his patients home the same day...
  5. AshevilleEddie

    Head Hunger Help

    I like that a lot better! Guess I read it wrong. But did you like Supreme Band Rule #1??!?? :biggrin1:
  6. AshevilleEddie

    Head Hunger Help

    As a bandster, I have to disagree with this statement. I'm not saying we need to rigidly schedule our meals and never deviate from that routine, but I've found that if I let myself get too hungry I almost always eat too fast and make myself sick. As a diabetic, here's what I have done (and I'm now off ALL diabetes meds since about three weeks post-op). I follow Supreme Band Rule #1 (I made that up, like it?) and eat my Protein first, then my green veggies, then any low GI carb source last (only if there's room). I am eating very low-carb by default. I also eat a little something every few hours, for a couple of reasons. First, until I am off meds for at least a year I still consider myself diabetic and try to avoid hypo episodes at all cost. Second, that helps to boost your metabolism and keeps the weight loss going. As for your original topic of head hunger, I think we all have to deal with that to a point. I haven't found any magic bullet for it yet. :phanvan
  7. AshevilleEddie

    Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgendered Bandsters

    Ok peeps, you're not going to believe this - I'm now down another pound since yesterday's post!! The coconut oil thing seems to be working. I was so stoked I went and worked out last night! Cheri, I'm taking in about 1 1/2 - 2 Tbsp per day, max. Plus I'm adding a little grated fresh coconut in with it for some added benefit (as well as protein and fiber). I also started cutting back on my other fat intake yesterday. I know now that I'm not going to lose like Sean, but as long as I'm losing something I'm ok with that.
  8. AshevilleEddie

    Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgendered Bandsters

    Oh, almost forgot, here's yesterday's totals from FitDay: 973 cal, 77 g fat, 25 g carbs; 43 g protein. Cheri, according to FitDay sodium has averaged 1941.9 mg over the past three days. That includes what I've used for cooking, as well as what I've used from the shaker at the table. And another thing to bear in mind with all my counts is that if I can't find an exact figure for a food I tend to way overestimate what's in it. The only exceptions tend to be protein and carbs, they're usually right on target.
  9. AshevilleEddie

    Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgendered Bandsters

    Ok, let me qualify what I'm about to say by saying that I'm not doing the Atkins Diet here. However, there are a lot of principals in it that do work for me. I know that not everyone's body responds in the same way, so I understand that a low-carb diet works for some people, low-fat works for some, and low-cal works for others. Low-carb is the only way my diabetes will stay in check. Over so many years of insulin resistance and overstimulation of my pancreas, I just about burned out all my beta cells (they're the ones that produce insulin). Low-carb eating gives the remaining ones enough rest that when I do eat carbs they can now keep up. The band has been a great tool for helping me stay on the lowered-carb path, as evidenced by the fact that I'm off all my diabetes meds and have better blood sugar control than I ever have, even on meds. Now, if I want a few carbs, I eat them and it doesn't shoot my blood sugar through the roof. When I was on my low-carb, low-fat pre-op diet, I lost 11 lbs in two weeks. I've tried to reproduce those results post-op but it didn't work. That's the only reason my fat intake is so high right now, because I've added the coconut oil to help get me moving. It had been well below 85 g per day for almost all of the previous weeks. And I was going to the gym too. I was doing everything by the book (the only deviation was eating less carbs) and still not losing. I'll say again that I should be very happy that I'm losing inches and am off the meds, but there's just something psychological about not seeing the scale move. It's so discouraging. Oh, and BTW, Sean's lost another six lbs since his latest fill on Tuesday. But now that I've bitched and vented, I do have some good news - I've dropped three pounds since Wednesday! :whoo: Woo hoo! Don't know if it was the coconut oil but I'm going to continue on it for a few more days and see what happens. I am also going to try to lower the rest of my fat intake to offset what I'm getting from the CO and see what that does. If I can eat pretty much fat-free the rest of the day, maybe that will do even more. I can't tell you all how much it means to me that you care about me and are here for me. I know that with you guys here, I can accomplish anything!!
  10. AshevilleEddie

    Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgendered Bandsters

    I am following the rules! That's why I'm so frustrated. I'm doing the same thing Sean's been doing (except before I quit going to the gym I was going about 5 times more then he was!) and he's losing like crazy. I'm not getting much from my shakes other than Protein (203 cal, 2 g fat, 6 g carbs, 30 g protein, once a day, and those calories are included in my daily calorie counts) so that's not the issue. Plus my nutritionist told me to keep drinking them so I get enough protein. I don't drink anything at all with sugar, nothing fizzy and almost zero caffeine. I'm already eating my protein first, then veggies, then I do actually eat carbs - just not many because I'm usually about full by then. The low-carb thing is really more by default than by design. Even so, I need to eat less carbs than most people because that's the only thing that keeps my diabetes in check. My body doesn't metaboloize carbs properly. My doc knows that and has given me his blessing to eat that way. And I've only just started adding the coconut oil to try and get the weight loss moving. Before that I was eating fairly low-fat (again, by default). My calories are always under 1200, sometimes under 1000 and I do eat a couple of small mostly protein Snacks. I only quit going to the gym because I was already annoyed that the weight wasn't moving. Don't get me wrong, I don't regret being banded, I'm just frustrated that it's not moving. If my clothes are getting baggy (I mean, really baggy) and people notice a difference on a daily basis, why is the scale not moving? Where are the inches going?? If it's not coming off as fast as Sean, that's ok... i just want something to come off. I feel very disappointed everytime someone says how much thinner I look than last week and asks how much more I've lost and I have to tell them that I haven't lost an ounce. Now I'm noticing myself being nasty to Sean and the kids, because I'm getting depressed about the whole thing. I'm going to make a psych appointment next week to try and work through the emotional issues. In the meantime, does anyone have any ideas what else I can do that I'm not already doing? Aside from getting back into the gym obviously...
  11. AshevilleEddie

    Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgendered Bandsters

    :help: Ok family, I need your help. I'm VERY frustrated right about now. As you know I've had two fills and have good restriction. Even before my 2nd fill I was eating only a fraction of what I used to eat pre-band. I lost 11 lbs on my pre-op diet, then 13 more the first 2 or 3 weeks post-op. Then I gained about 6 back and have finally lost those again. But the scale has pretty much not moved in almost 6 weeks! I should be very happy, because I'm off all my diabetes meds and my clothes are fitting really poorly (I'm losing inches) but damn it, I need to see the scale move! I'm eating VERY low-carb (in deep ketosis for anyone who has lo-carbed), and moderate fat. I'm getting in all my protein and am trying to drink as much water as I can. I'm not taking in many liquid calories either. In fact, about a month ago I switched from making my protein shakes with Carb Countdown milk to using half CC milk and half water. I started logging everything into FitDay.com to make sure I wasn't deluding myself with what I'm eating. Yesterday I consumed 1055 calories (59 g protein, 22 g net carbs, 82 g fat). This is a generous figure, because I don't actually weigh my food and I overestimate what I'm putting in there. So far today, I'm at 493 cal (10 g protein (no shake yet today), 3 g net carbs, and 49 g fat). The reason the fat % is so high is because I just started using coconut oil in an attempt to break the stall. And when I calculate net carbs I only subtract the fiber because sugar alcohols have the same effect on me as the real thing so I try to avoid them as much as sugar. I haven't gone to the gym in about 3 weeks, mostly because I was going 3-4 times a week and working my ass off without any weight loss so I got disgusted. And no, I wasn't doing anything much beyond cardio so I haven't been adding muscle weight. I'M JUST SO PISSED RIGHT NOW AND AM STARTING TO REGRET HAVING THE SURGERY! I've hesitated to post any of this because of the newbies here, but I figure if I can't share it with you guys I can't share it with anyone and I'll go nuts! In the meantime, my dear husband is dropping pounds like an ice cream cone in an oven. It's like he's the f***ing Lap Band Poster Child or something. It just makes me feel even worse. I really thought I was going to lose like he is, and it's just not happening. I really wonder if I should have gone the RNY route... Bueller? Bueller? Anyone? Anyone?
  12. AshevilleEddie

    Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgendered Bandsters

    That's funny because there's a nurse at the doc's office that we call Nurse Ratchett! She never smiles, barely speaks, has her hair pulled back into a very proper bun - she just presents a very severe image. Good thing is, his nurses don't do fills. <WHEW!>
  13. AshevilleEddie

    Harry Potter Anyone???

    LOL! Don't have to worry about me Derick - I'll be too busy reading to be on here...
  14. AshevilleEddie

    Harry Potter Anyone???

    Well, I would have been all over it, but I dunno - if they broke down all the books (even just the longer ones) into multiple films, there could be 20+ movies! Hmm, maybe not a bad idea after all, Faith!
  15. AshevilleEddie

    Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgendered Bandsters

    Ouch, sorry you had to get poked so much (and not in a good way!). Now I almost feel bad that mine haven't hurt...
  16. AshevilleEddie

    Harry Potter Anyone???

    That probably would have been a good idea, but would any "normal" (unlike we big time Potterphiles) folk have gone to see it?
  17. AshevilleEddie

    Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgendered Bandsters

    Damn, we're going to New England over spring break so our budget won't allow Vegas too. Hopefully, I can talk Sean into driving up to Canada and getting married while we're there...
  18. AshevilleEddie

    Harry Potter Anyone???

    I actually liked it a lot. Of course, after POA they could have made with a $100,000 budget and it would have been better as long as Alfonso Cuaron wasn't directing it. That was such a sucky movie. And while I still don't care for the choice of Michael Gambon to replace Richard Harris, he was better in this one.
  19. AshevilleEddie

    Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgendered Bandsters

    Yay Kat!!! That's AWESOME!!! HAHAHAHA!!! That's too freakin' funny! :spit: And what makes it even funnier for me is that last weekend at St Pete Pride one of the bars had a big pink bus named Priscilla!! No pink chiffon flowing behind though. But they did have tulle in rainbow colors tied to the back of the roof rack! Welcome Kenny! :wave: Great to have you on board!!
  20. AshevilleEddie

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    Ok, I think I meet the requirements for this thread. I was banded on 5/16/07. I had lost 11 lbs on my pre-op diet, then 13 more the first couple of weeks post-op. Then it just stopped. I actually regained about 6 lbs, but it eventually came back off. Now I'm stuck right back where I was. So I haven't had a net loss for about 6 weeks. I've had 2 fills and have good restriction. I do still get hungry at night, but I'm still eating about 70% less than I was pre-op, both in volume and calories. My carb intake is very low and fat intake is lowered proportionate to my caloric intake. I was in the gym on the treadmill 4 days post-op, and have only recently stopped going because I'm so frustrated. So now I have two questions: 1. Do I make the cut for this thread? 2. Does anyone have any suggestions/ideas? Thanks!
  21. AshevilleEddie

    Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgendered Bandsters

    Hey family, Just checking in - no one's posted anything for a couple of days and I was just wonder how everyone's doing....
  22. AshevilleEddie

    Just got the call...

    WOO HOO! Congrats, Alex!! :confused:
  23. AshevilleEddie

    Scooter Libby's Sentence Commuted

    Are you f***ing kidding me?? Who exactly does George W Bush think he is?!? This man committed a CRIME! He outed a CIA operative, someone whose very life depends on secrecy. He was convicted by a jury and sentenced by a conservative judge. And King George says his sentence was "too harsh" since his life and career have already been ruined. Give me a break. He'll write a book that all the extreme right wingers will buy as fast as they are printed and he'll be set for life. Or maybe after Dick Cheney's out of office he'll just put him on his payroll. Oh wait, that's where he was when he did all this in the first place. This is nothing short of blatant corruption. 2008 can not get here fast enough...
  24. AshevilleEddie

    Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgendered Bandsters

    Whatever, Mark. That's not what you told me the other day... :heh:
  25. AshevilleEddie

    Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgendered Bandsters

    Sorry I couldn't reply to this one sooner. We had almost zero internet access where we were camping this weekend. If you recall Cheri, I'm the one who pretty much opened that door (I'll let you off the hook, Stevee). All you did was walk through it. Of course, if the comfortable shoe fits...

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