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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 396power

  1. you people are hypocrites! you will stand behind innocent babies being killed but the rapist that killed, he can go live his life in a cable tv room w/ 3 meals a day. What is wrong with you people? look I don't want to see anyone die, if the rapest murder person was to straighten up. Then fine but you guys are unbeliveable! And funnyduddies Of course there is no outcry from these whiners. they are to busy trying to justify baby killing. Such dirt and mrs. alexander go ahead and prove what type you are. Tell me to tone my post down. As I can see you have already posted here and you seem to care less for equality, because you have never said one thing about the such potty mouth people on you side of the fence. (on any thread). Some moderator( or lack thereof
  2. 396power

    Christian Bandsters

    Victoria you are very cool, you obeyed the spirit promptly. And that is very cool. I agree with you all we have an awsome GOD. He is always there even when we are not. I'm aw-struck by your faith Victoria. It was hard for me to witness to my Father-inlaw much less my entire family all at the same time. I have told him about the Good News, but I don't think he got it. Please pray for him and that someone else might come in his life and also tell him. And that the HOLY SPIRIT will move him to a desision. As I pray that for all the Lost.
  3. My post goes to all here that feel a woman has a right to choose , but should not have too many kids! I finally see that you do not belive in a womans right to choose (cause if you did you would not complain about their choice to have 15 kids. And I could care less about what you say about dwindling resources if you really belived that you And I would not be here, as larger than normal on a lapband site. (And I'm not making fun of our weight remember I'm fat also) so then what do you people really belive, womens rights or are you just on a political ramp about something you really know nothing more about than what your dorm roommate told you she belives. And if that is it then please tell me so I can put you on ignore list.
  4. It is truly amazing to me that a man has to get his wife to sign off on him getting a vasectomy. But she does not have to tell the father of the baby, her parents or anbody to get an abortion. Even if she is married.
  5. It's not confusing ( don't have sex if you can't take care of a baby) and if you do get in trouble then we will help you. as much as possible but you ( the pregnant lady ) have more of the responsability. That is what we should be setting as an example, not If you have a problem well kill it. and all your problems will end.
  6. I'm sorry but I don't truely understand how a woman has a right to choose! Honestly there are 2 lifes and she decides for both that is just wrong. And if you want to argue that the fetus is not alive well you have already lost! He or she is alive. And will only die from complications, either by nature or intentional. And now amount of mickey mouse stuff that the left side people say will make it right ie.. population control, women rights, stem cell research. And for those that say that we conservatives should foot the bill for women to have their baby, well most of us are doing something. And I think that is the right thing to do, becuase we all make mistakes, and need a little help sometimes. but no matter what help we recive, there are always repucutions to our choices. And maybe some of these repeat offenders to killing babys will have some other choices to make if it was illegal. And I know that would not stop it completly but it would stop most of it. And the few that go to dirty doctors and die for killing their baby well they made that choice as well. You see I do belive in a womans right to choose. but there has to be a punishment in place to stop people from doing this crime. And if there isn't then you get people doing this 7 or 8 times or more. Is that right. But what about that baby's right to choose!
  7. My question is how does the port come undone? I was banded yesterday. and last night when I turned over I felt like a stretch or somthing. I seen one guy on the net that he was taking a shower. And he bent over to pick somthing up. And his port came undone. my question, is it realy that easy to fall off.? And if it does fall off does that mean another surgery? I just may be overreacting. <!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
  8. 396power

    4 weeks since LB, still eating

    A vg is the bigger band. And from what I can tell it is the hardest tto slip (they say?) Yes it would be hard to eat solids but i could probably get some down but Doc said 2 days liq.
  9. 396power

    4 weeks since LB, still eating

    btw my Wife is doing great so far!
  10. 396power

    4 weeks since LB, still eating

    I was in the same boat, was banded 3 days after you I just got 1st fill yesterday (when my Wife had her surgery). I'm on liquids and w/ good reason. I don't think I could eat any solid. I have a vg band and they put 3 cc in.
  11. I would tell your doctor about the antibiotics
  12. 396power

    May 2007 Banders

    KaCee I'm from the Magnolia area. Have you always been in the Houston area? Lowrey is my married lastname.
  13. 396power

    Christian Bandsters

    My wife was banded yesterday! And she is doing better than I did. She is really making me look like a wimp. But I just thank GOD that she is ok!
  14. 396power

    Christian Bandsters

    Welcome Lose the chains, I'm glad your here also. And Leatha thanck you for backing me up on that other post last night!
  15. 396power

    When the truth is inconvenient . . .

    There already is a tax break for hybrids
  16. 396power

    Black Ministers vs Gay Rights...

    Look this is it in a nut shell. I don't like a homosexuals life style (there I said it). But I don't hate them or want physical harm to happen to them. I just want them to see that the way they live is not right. And if they don't then so be it I can not change them. I would expect someone to tell me if I was doing something morally wrong. And I do plenty wrong. But I'm not wrong for the way I belive. It is amazing too me how people put down the Bible, and blame all the problems they have created on GOD. the orgins of the Bible has been around for around 5000 yrs. You tell me somthing else that has been around that long, that could withstand generation after generation trying to disprove it. and it is a gateway to the future,past and present. The last books which were written 1900 yrs ago tell of our days now, and how there would be a falling away of the faith and homosexuality would be common. Well look around the sin that was thought of (only a generation ago) as sick and underground. Is now main stream to the world, so many things have come true that is in the Bible and not one has been proved flawed. So if we have these answers, why don't we use them. The truth is that many that don't belive in the bible has not studied it I was in the mission once to prove it wrong. I grew up in Church. And when I was an adult I wanted to know that what I was told about JESUS was true I started living in the world and I was thinking the way some of you think. And I tried to disprove the Bible. I could not do it I have read alot and There is some very direct things that could not be orchestrated that were written about JESUS 700 yrs before he was born. And many things that happen in modern history that was written long ago. Now I don't know all there is to know about GOD he is infinite and I'm finite. But I know he love me, as bad as I am. He love you whoever you are and he even loves you if your a homosexual. I know that, and the reson I know this is because while yet I was still a sinner he sent he's son to die for me and all of us. As much as he loves us though someone has to pay for our sins(mine and your's Mine have been paid for by CHRIST) The question is will you let him Pay for yours? The wages of sin is death. He has already died for the sins of man, will you accept it?
  17. 396power

    I am very offended by the B**love post

    What I meant to say in the original post was that we used to have no legal abortions in this country. now we do. it seems pretty clear to me!
  18. 396power

    I apologize

    You miss the point. she has as much right as someone else to rant on a THREAD THAT IS ALL ABOUT RANTING. It has nothing to do with your 10 grade class!
  19. 396power

    I am very offended by the B**love post

    You make no since. All you are doing is making my point!
  20. 396power

    I am very offended by the B**love post

    Abortion used to be against the law!!
  21. 396power

    I am very offended by the B**love post

    I have never attacked any one person. I attacked the way people think and belive.
  22. 396power

    I need help!

    I have no will power. I have been eating what ever I want. And that has been going on since 8 days out of surgery tomorow is day 14. and some times I eat to much I need help.
  23. 396power

    I am very offended by the B**love post

    And Carlene this is one time that we are finally on the same side, scary isn't it.
  24. 396power

    I am very offended by the B**love post

    You guy's want censorship. Well wait becuase the post I made above will bring Alexander running.

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