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Everything posted by 396power

  1. I never said it is cleaned up we are for the most part out of there. there will always be some remnant of our existance there. Just like there is still remnants in Germany, Japan, Cuba, Korrea and the list could go on. We have not been at war with Germany since wwII.
  2. You see this is what is wrong with people. You do not read anything you just threw your own spin on this. I stated the above post to rebut what Green had said which is this. "Dudes - are you idiots? Do you really think that the raggedy-ass third-world Islamic forces of the Middle East have the wealth, the technology, and the man-power to cross the Atlantic Ocean and overrun a continent whose manpower numbers more than three hundred million indivduals? " And so when you accuse me of blaming the libreals or whatever for the gas costing so much. Where do you get that from??????????? My suggestion is that you don't put your own spin on this.
  3. Exxon is just one company. that happens to get its oil from all over the world. but more so in these oil soaked lands, these "poor" arab's have.
  4. So you are saying that profits don't go to arabians?
  5. Lady we were at war with Iraq for over 15 years off and on. President Clinton in 1998 droped more bombs on iraq in 4 days than in the first gulf war. and the only proof you need that iraq harbored terroist. Is that look where they all are right now we spent 16 week in afgan. And cleaned it up. but we are still in Iraq. maybe that is where thay were to begin.
  6. Excuse me if I don't get what your point is. You may need to spell it out.
  7. 396power

    Christian Bandsters

    Well I was not refuring to anybody. But in Proverbs it says that the fool says there is no GOD
  8. 396power

    Getting my first tattoo today :)

    I have 2, and wish I didn't.
  9. 396power

    Christian Bandsters

    This always says to me. Don't try to appeal to the rich (rulers). Because it will get you nowhere.
  10. ?????????????????????????? Green
  11. 396power

    Christian Bandsters

    Your right. But I was saved at 12 so I really did not have people pushing me so it's hard for me to relate. And I will admit that I did not know all I do now about the plan of Salvation, at age 12. But I still don't know everything. It is a life process, and like you say it is not for me to save them. All I can do is tell them about it and try to live it
  12. Green you must not get out much also. when you pull up to a gas pump and fillup w/ $3-$4 gallon gas. Where do you think that money goes. I believe it goes to those middle east poor un techno types that just happen to fly planes(our planes) in to major bulidings here in the States just 6 yrs ago.
  13. 396power

    The Biblical Case for Pro-Choice & Stem Cell Research

    Picture this if we were in the year 3007. We're in History class and we get to our red letter days. and what does the History book say. " They Killed The Young To Save The Old. Well I want no part of it.
  14. 396power


    This my doctor also when you say that you had a failed attempt on 12/05/06 does that mean that they opened you up then stoped the procedure.
  15. 396power


    I have dr felts to and was thinking it was weird that we have not met. But my wife(who is also to be banded) said he goes all over the place. we are in Houston and sound like you guys are in Dallas. So maybe it will all work out.
  16. 396power

    Christian Bandsters

    I'm sorry but I'm having a problem w/ the way thing are today. Not just on this site but anywhere. it's like if you tell someone your faith or about JESUS or ask them what they believe. and if they are somthing other than you (say like an athiest or morman or watch tower ect.). And then when I tell them what I belive then I am a bad person. And we are suppose to tell everyone that. JESUS is the way the truth and the life. But when we do that we are"pushing our beliefs on them". I guess what I don't get is in Proverbs it tells us not to argue w/ a fool, but at what point do we give up on someone and not argue with them
  17. Well I have to disagree with you. I must have been out lately cause I have heard that somewhere. Maybe the libreal media. But what they dont get, and you of course by your post. Is that people have been fighting over in the middle east for thousands of years. And ofcourse that includes Iraq. And the reason they are fighting is because all the muslim country's around Isreal do not want Isreal to exist. And seeing that we as a country support Isreal we are # 2 on the hit list(so to speak)
  18. 396power

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Thank you thank you, and I'm glad you got an aproval and good luck. btw my Wife's name is also Michelle She is to be banded May 18.
  19. I used to be one of those idiots. And when I got married I relized somthing changed. mainly cause I felt I was cheating on my wife by doing this so I stoped, that was 10 yrs ago. I'm still tempted to look But for the most part I have taught myself to look the other way.
  20. 396power

    The God Question...

    I'm a Christian and. I think your right that is not a good reason to belive. I don't want to be wrong in what I belive. And it is not important for me to be right. But it is very important for me to worship the one true GOD!
  21. 396power

    Christian Bandsters

    But one verse of scripture say's that if your eye causes you to sin pluck it out. Mark 9:47. I may be just interpeting this to justify my decision. But my minds hunger for food and me giving in to food. Is a sin and if this band will stop that then maybe it is ok.
  22. 396power

    Christian Bandsters

    I have that same battle in my mind. And till now,I have not said anything not even to my wife. My answer is I don't know.
  23. I just don't get how simple some folks are. If the terorist are not fighting in Iraq. where do you think they are going to go? I'll tell you where. they might end up in Isreal, or most probably here. On that basis alone as far as the war goes Bush is doing the right thing. And as far as bush being set up to be a hitler he has no following. His approval rating is extremely low. And that is because his stance on the war. And that is wht is wrong with the war. It is just like Veitnam. an unpopular war that when it is said and done we will lose. Becuase alot of leftwingys don't understand the concept!

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