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Posts posted by mummajuju

  1. I started one and need buddies to keep me on it. User name is taylorstephens1989 but I can't seem to figure out the phone app to add anyone

    You can't on the phone app. You need to open MFP in safari on phone and do it that way x

  2. Don't be discouraged. Maybe your body just needs a little time to adjust and its "hanging" on to every calorie. The book does say it could take up to 2 weeks to start seeing a loss on the scale.

    I started last Saturday also and weighed myself this morning and I am down 5 lbs.' date=' so it does work. Just hang in there :)[/quote']

    Hockey wife THAT'S FANTASTIC X

  3. Good morning all

    I'd like to preempt that I'm not into whingeing in general' date=' so forgive me for this...

    I searched for an eating system/dietary solution/food plan to support my band in breaking through a nearly year long plateau and lose the last 20-25 lbs separating me from my goal weight (15 of this 25 I gained back between June-October 2012).

    So I found carb cycling. It makes so much sense to me, and I was so eager and happy to start this Monday. I did weigh-in the Saturday before. I followed the plan all week, I felt great, I stuck to "approved" foods, I watched my carbs and fats like a hawk - heck, I even enjoyed it! I could actually see some "melting" around my soft bits, and my dresses feel a tad looser.

    So I was looking forward weighing in this morning. And I just did it.....

    ...and to my utter despair, I put on 0.6 lbs....

    I'm beyond disappointed.

    I set out last weekend, telling myself I give it 4 weeks whatever happens... and now, that the dreaded "whatever" did happen I still intend to carry on for 3 more weeks (at least).

    But when I see how many of you are loosing so nicely with this system I cannot help but feel despondent...

    Sorry about the Saturday morning downer - I hope you are all doing well.


    Sent from my KFTT using LapBandTalk[/quote']

    I'm sure you'll notice it next week xx

  4. Thanks! I just recently tried Hummus for the first time and now I'm hooked. Half of my carbs came from the pita chips (18g)' date=' but it was well worth it. Tomorrow is high carb day. I love carbs, so it should be an easier day for me. That being said, today wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be.

    Oh and I can't eat 30 mins. after I wake because of medications I take. And when I can finally have something, I have to have liquids, because my band is way too tight in the morning to eat solids. So I ate my carbs (pita chips) as a morning snack. I don't think that will hinder this program...I hope.[/quote']


    Just something I read. (I think you done great and ill be pinching the hummus idea to lol )

    If you can't eat first thing put some Peanut Butter in your Protein shake this way you're getting the carbs he suggest to start the furnace (his words) id even pop in a small banana xx it tastes yummy too x

    His book totally makes sense on keeping the fire burning (metabolism). Just we need to tweak so much being bandsters x

  5. I'll be honest' date=' I struggle with low carb days. I never seem to get enough calories. High carb days are easy, I just eat "normal".

    Today is a low carb day, here is what I'm eating:

    breakfast- Slimfast low carb shake (20g protein)

    lunch- salad with diced ham, shredded cheese, ranch dressing. 1/2 cup low fat cottage cheese

    dinner- 1 cup low fat chili mixed with 1tbsp cream cheese and sprinkled with shredded cheddar

    This sends up about 900 calories and 34 net carbs. I may have another Protein Shake at some point today, too. Or a maybe a spoonful of peanut butter.[/quote']

    Thank you for sharing this with me x

    Today for me I've had

    Wholemeal toast with a virgin oil butter

    Green tea

    Special K bar

    Turkey rashers with salad an half an avacado with a light mayo and half a tin if tuna in brine drained

    5 almonds

    Salmon fillet with spinach and rest of salad bowl I never ate from lunch

    I take Vitamins too


    Here is the summary.

    What do you think?

    Hope your feeling better too cx



  6. Well my system is all messed up from having 2 surgeries a month apart and most recently an MS relapse. I'm retaining a ridiculous amount of Water weight all in my legs' date=' too.

    So, I've decided I'm going to start carb cycling again for a couple weeks. It's worked twice for me before so I'm praying it does this time, too. I'll let y'all know![/quote']

    Sorry to hear your not feeling good. Hope you feel better soon.

    When you're up to it could i be a pain and if you have the time ask for an example of a typical menu of what you eat and how much on a low/high day only its a struggle for me with the band so not sure I'm doing it right xx

    Many thanks xxx

  7. I'm trying to think of high carb healthy foods. Any ideas?

    So far i'm thinking

    whole wheat Pasta

    fiber one 90 calorie bars

    granola bars

    morningstar chik'n patties

    Can anyone think of any other foods? (i'm trying to make a menu for the week)

    Ideas in book got high carb meals are

    chicken stir fry with brown rice

    Chicken with corn tortillas

    Chicken with pasta in a Tomato sauces teak with yam it potato

  8. I looked up about this' date=' and I don't see how this would be effective for me... On low carb days it tells me to eat 117.6 to me that is very high... there is no way that my body would go in any type of ketosis with this level. When I stay under 60 carbs a day I will go into ketosis which then uses fat to fuel the body. And what they are telling me to eat in Protein is crazy 235.2? I struggle getting in the 60 a day the dr want's me to get in.. lol... And 98 grams of fat...???? this is what I am suppose to consume on low carb days...[/quote']

    It certainly isn't aimed at Bandsters i grant you lol

    but I think the general idea of high carb low fat, and low carb high fat could be used. I just got the book and haven't had time today to sit and study but the concept of keeping the fire fuelled seems to make sense and keeping the metabolism ticking along. I'm going to try the theory of it just not in the large amounts he states

    I'll keep you posted if any loss/gain as I'm at a bit if a plateau.


  9. I've been reading the book and I'm definitely going to start this on Thursday. I figure by then' date=' I'll be done with the book and will have my shopping list made out. I've already done my shopping for this week, so today isn't really a good day for me to start, especially since it Mother' Day. This sounds very doable, and I'm looking forward to seeing the scale move again. I had gained a couple pounds this past week, but have already dropped that this weekend, so I'm ready to keep on losing :) ...no more gains for me :angry: ![/quote']

    Are they're many dinner ideas in the book?

  10. I know it is been a while of your post. I am newly banded and just browsing through forums. I thought I would tell you my experience with fitnesspal. It started by telling me to eat 1280 cals' date=' but these were my first days, so I was doing 300 the first 2 weeks and now i am doing 1000. I am going to try to keep at 1000. It readjusted for me because I lose 12 pounds quick, giving me now 1220. But I was reading a lot and I found that some people have said that 900-1000 cals is enough. I also just had a nextplanom put in for birth control, and so far it doesnt seem to affect weight gain. I know it is different for everyone, but it is working for me. Just be aware that the side effects may include daily spotting or constant bleeding.[/quote']

    Remember MFP is not based on banded people. I have around 900 a day and as long as i try to get in around 20g of Protein per meal the I do ok. I was banded in September and am nearly 60lb down. It can be slow but they say thats better.

    Bandsters can hit a lot of plateaus and the carb cycling seems a good boost to get out of that rut.

    MFP will always give you a basic calorie intake allowance and calorie burn for cardio (which is always a lot higher than it actually is for me - tested with a monitor) but you can change this to the amount your nutritionalist recommends in the settings section.

    I have had an Implanon rod for about 5yrs. I cannot say it caused weight gain as I've been heavy most if my life. Thankfully never had any bleeding since day 1 x

  11. Thank you for your help. Yes I watched the Dr Oz clip x. It's hard getting it all in but I'm trying x I can't believe that I done it yesterday and have lost over 1lb this morning. Think I'm still a bit shocked that I could eat that much and lose weight!

    This is what I managed


    How does that look to you. Any advice welcome xxx

    I'm going to buy the book on Monday xx

  12. I can't figure out how to add people' date=' so I'd love if people added me - DukesDuchess :']

    To add people go to the Community Tab > Find members. > put user name in > add friend

    You cannot do this on a phone via the app unless you go to the site via Internet then you can complete the above.

    Hope this helps


  13. thank you everyone for the encouragement and kind words' date=' wow, I am about to cry at all the positive statements to me about my loss. Yes CG I just need to believe in myself, as you know my ex really beat me down and I just need to crawl back up again and believe. I'm bummed it is supposed to rain all weekend here in Western Ky and I can't get out and walk outside but I plan on going to the mall and walk as I do not belong to a gym yet. As far as the MFP goes, I just simply do not and cannot understand how to use the darn program as far as creating a recipe etc., sorry to be so stupid about it. Heck I can't even figure out how to accept friends on it, duh. I'm a lost cause on it I guess. I do however count calories, fat grams and carbs the old fashion way, paper! Bahahaha. Can someone travel to Nashville airport and I will pk them up and come here and show me how to use MFP, teehee. Plus then we could go shopping in Nashville too. woohoo. Thanks again for all your input. Much appreciated.


    I'd be on the first plane over from good old blighty if I could lol. Keep up the good work. Xxx

  14. Donna your weight loss is nice and steady and you are doing fantastic. If you want to lose a little more maybe work out calories needed and used etc. I think MFP is an amazing tool as you can see a summary of all the nutrients consumed in a day. Have a play around with it and see if you can get to grips with it it really will be worth it. There is so much support and understanding on there too with friends you add along the way. I have never had any judgmental comments only encouragement.

    I agree with Rikimom I cook 98% of the time so am far from lazy but still manage to log everything. Even recipes once you've put them in then they're there to use again and again and then you can divide very easily into portions. It can be time consuming but worth it.

    Good luck with your journey and hope to see you as a friend on our lovely little MFP community xx

  15. I've read all of this and agree I think you are too tight. Maybe the doctor would allow you to pay in instalment if you explained the situation.

    I know you say you have liquids but after PB'ing a lot you should be on complete liquids only for at least 24hrs. Is this something you do as if not you may also have a very irritated and swollen stoma.

    I'm not a fan of Protein drinks either but I know some days I NEED to just suck it up and drink it.

    You can mix with Water. Rather than milk. I personally now use Almond milk and I NEVER mix it with the amount they say. I'd rather halve the amount of less. It's not great but means its gone a lot quicker.

    Don't compare yourself to others we are all different.

    Accept that maybe you won't eat meat or breads again. I don't as that makes me get a stuck episode no matter how slow or tiny a bite I take - then bam have to be on liquids again for 24 hrs or I'll pb everything!

    Stomach noises - hey mine plays a symphony whether hungry full or whatever! I get weird feeling like being hungry but I know I'm not and I'm learning to live with that. My true hunger gives me that tummy flip feeling so I'm learning what my tummy is saying

    Mint tea is good for the gurgles too.

    I was banded in September 2012 down about 54lb inc post op. there are people banded same time as me on a lot less and a lot more but I'm going my pace and having to accept that. It no easy journey at all and certainly not an easy way out but I wouldn't change it. I eat healthy now and I'm sure that with. Little unfill you'll soon get there. We d only ever know ' hey let's shovel that food in' now we need to start over and learn to listen to our body.

    I'm not preaching by far and I still love a bag of crips (I'm British) and chocolate or a Chinese but all of a sudden it clicks that you must get your Protein in first and I never thought I'd say it I DO! But even now as I know it fills me up I may just eat that roast potato first as I really fancy it. After all were only human lol

    Ring your doc. Explain your finances and whats happening and see if he suggests some plan

    Good luck I'm sure in a few months you'll be posting on here a very happy person x

  16. Ohhh I hear that diet coke!! My choice was diet Pepsi!! I think that is what helped stretch my pouch out!! I had to finally just give it up for me it is like a drug :( I think I can just have one nope before I know it back to a six pack a day lol!! How much have you lost? I will never lose the urge for soda!!! Sucks!!! :(

    I was a coke zero addict before my op and thought I'd never be able to give it up. I'm not allowed any carbonated drinks with my band and the craving has defiantly gone now - thank god! Lol good luck x

  17. I did not expect the band to bring me instant satisfaction but I also did not expect to feel starving and wanting to eat like normal so soon. I was more curious as to what others have experienced.

    I think it's normal for us all to feel that we should at least know the band is there once we've had the operation regardless of what we've read and regardless of what other people say. And that we shouldn't feel hungry I was starving and for ages though, this hasn't worked)

    We expect to feel this foreign body in us. But reality is most people wont know its there or have restriction for quite a while.

    I had my band in September 2012 I have just had recently my 6th fill and now I actually feel that I am in the Green zone. I definitely know my band is there now. so it does take quite a while but I promise you it will be a great tool used right.

    Good luck xx. Try joining My Fitness Pal on your phone or computer too. Loads of bandsters on there and lots of lovely support from friends you will make xxx

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