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    ersraymdezande reacted to Browneyedbandit for a blog entry, It's Been A While   
    I haven't posted anything in a really long time. I do get on and read others posts just haven't had much to talk about myself. But I FINALLY have something good to report! I finally got my surgery approval! My insurance required a 3 month supervised diet and exercise program. I had to talk regularly with one of their nurses as a liaison. I thought, mistakenly, that that sufficed as the supervision but when the 3 months were over I learned that that was NOT what they meant. Soooo, the process had to start all over again! Finally, completed that and got all the other tests/paper work submitted. I checked with my surgeon's office on Monday but they still hadn't heard anything (all the paperwork, etc. Had been submitted for a few weeks). Then on Wednesday I finally got the call from the insurance nurse as well as the coordinator from my surgeon's office! Really excited but also REALLY nervous! I'm not sure on the exact surgery date-- either Dec18th or Jan15th. Will know for sure next week. I'm anxious about the 2 week liquid diet. Any advice? Would live to hear from anyone about that! Guess that's all for now!
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    ersraymdezande reacted to Shelleymb for a blog entry, A Quick Blip Before Bed   
    I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I sure did! It was a little out of my ordinary, but a wonderful holiday and a day off from work. Woke up and watched a bit of tv, waiting for Ty to wake up. Then we had breakfast and went and saw an early movie. We saw Red Dawn.... it was fantastic!!! I couldn't believe it! Then we drove back to Ty's hotel and when we got there we realized we had nothing to do and nothing was really open for us to do anything... so we decided to see another movie! We had lunch then headed back to the theater... to see... Pitch Perfect. Again! Another hit! It was awesome! Then after the movie we laid around the hotel for a bit, then decided to go see my family for a bit and maybe get a free dinner out of it... so we drove over to Seattle and saw a small bit of my family. Dinner was awesome and then we played a few games. I was able to tell my mom that I am about to start my Lap-Band journey, and she is pretty excited for me. Then I said goodbye to Ty (since he is TDY in Everett) and I went and barely caught the ferry home. And now, I am ready for bed and ready to get tomorrow at work out of my way... lol we shall see if I have to work on Saturday. I just want it to be Wednesday soooo bad!!
    Well, have a great night everyone!
  3. Like
    ersraymdezande reacted to Shelleymb for a blog entry, And The Wheels Are A Turnin!!   
    So I have set up the first 4 appointments needed to start everything! And I'm so happy about it!
    1st appointment: Novemeber 28th (nutritionist)
    2nd appointment: Novemeber 30th (doctor for recommendation letter)
    3rd appointment: Decemeber 20th (nutritionist <--- this one is tentative because of work, but I'm surveillance be able to go)
    4th appointment: January 25th (nutritionist)
    I may have another appointment after that, but I won't know until my first appointment on Wednesday, I have already seen this nutritionist, but it was in July and the person I was talking to to make all these appointments wasn't able to tell me if it would count. I hope it does. If it were to count then I could possibly be banded at the end of February, if not.... Then march. Which I'm ok with, because this is all happening about a month and a half faster than I though it would happen. Eeep!
    Well I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving!
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    ersraymdezande reacted to ♕ajtexas♕ for a blog entry, What Is Maintenance?   
    So my doctor wants me to change my mindset, think maintenance instead of weight loss…
    What does that mean?
    I am finally comfortable with my portion sizes and my band. I don’t get stuck or pb, I can eat breakfast, lunch and dinner, I can eat any foods, I eat 1200 calories a day and I don’t feel hungry between meals.
    For me, it means nothing changes. I lost my weight with my band more on the loose side than the tight side and therefore my body will settle and I’ll stop loosing (that’s what my doctor says). Probably around the weight of 170-175 lbs.
    That’s the physical part, but what about the mental part? How does the head handle maintenance?? What if I can’t keep the weight off? What if I fail and gain weight back? I can’t fail; I've worked too hard to get here. But, what if??? Man, the head is my biggest obstacle.
    I have to get a hold of my thoughts. I know I can do this. Per my doctor, nothing has changed. I still have the same fill; I still eat my cup of food, 3-4 ozs protein, ½ cup veggies. I still drink my water. I still exercise. I am at goal and it’s just another number on the scale.
    I'm just at the next chapter in my banded lifestyle.
  5. Like
    ersraymdezande reacted to Shelleymb for a blog entry, And My Night Keeps On Getting Better!!   
    Even though Ty is staying 2 hours away from me, he couldn't have been a better fiance' than today! After I called him with our amazing news about being able to start the process, he went and bought my Christmas present so I could have it early! A brand new Canon camera!! So that I can take photos of my journey and start recording a continuous vlog of everything! I'm soooo happy today! Nothing could bring me down! (Except this sad episode of Catfish ) I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving eve!
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    ersraymdezande reacted to ♕ajtexas♕ for a blog entry, We Are Family!   
    The last few weeks I have seen several threaded where members have gotten heated with topics and each other…
    It made me realize that we are a family, a big huge family. We fight just like brothers & sisters, we have those annoying aunts and uncles (you know the ones) but most important is we love each other and support each other to the hill.
    We all have one goal and that is to be thin. We are very passionate about our goal; we fight and defend it to all ends. And I for one love that!!!!
    I love reading the tough love, slap on the hand, you know better posts. I also love reading the cheering you on, you can do it; I believe in you, you got this posts. I also love being able to post these types of posts to my brothers and sisters.
    I thank each and every one of you for your words…every word! I would not be where I am at today if it wasn’t for those words and the support I have received from everyone here.
    P.S. If the Sister Sledge song is stuck in your head…..my job is done. lol
  7. Like
    ersraymdezande reacted to ♕ajtexas♕ for a blog entry, First To Sit Down?. Last To Finish   
    Thanksgiving is next week and with that is the all too famous family dinner…
    I will have my band portion, 3-4oz of turkey, ½ green beans, sweet potatoes & carrots, ¼ cup stuffing. I will be first in line and first to sit down at the table (my family makes me go first cause it takes me longer to eat).
    I will take my small bite and chew chew chew, then I’ll wait about a minute. In the mean time I’ll watch as my family members take bites the size of Mt Everest, chew 3 times and swallow while preparing the next bite…
    “Did you taste that?” “Can you taste the juices in the turkey?” “What about the stuffing? Can you taste the pecans and bacon?” “Oh my, don’t forget to breathe…”
    Wow, do people eat fast? My family sure does!
    So, I eat and watch. Everyone is finished except me. I tell my mother to go ahead and serve dessert while I finish my meal. Again, they wolf it down. “Hey, savor the bites I spent hours in the kitchen making those pies. Enjoy them, please!”
    I finally finish my dinner as my mother and niece finish clearing the table. The men make their way into the living room moaning and groaning about how full they are….. Me I am satisfied!
    Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!
  8. Like
    ersraymdezande reacted to ♕ajtexas♕ for a blog entry, Another Size Bites The Dust!   
    I went shopping today for sweaters. It appears that I am cold a lot these days & I don’t have many long sleeve tops that fit.
    So I picked out a few tops and walked by the jeans…. Out of complete curiosity I picked out a couple of different style in size 10 (currently size 12).
    Holy Sh*t they fit!!!!! I was dancing around in that dressing room and laughing. I’m sure the attendee thought I was nuts (ok I know I am but that’s a different story).
    That explains why the size 16 pants that I wore today bugged me so much; they were 3 sizes too big.
    Wow I don’t even know how old I was the last time I was size 10, 9 maybe 10 years old??
    I am so floored, I’m numb.
  9. Like
    ersraymdezande reacted to ♕ajtexas♕ for a blog entry, Towanda, The Avenger!   
    I love the movie Fried Green Tomatoes (1991) with Kathy Bates, Jessica Tandy, it’s a must see so rent it if you've never seen it. This is one of my favorite scenes…… Just wanted to share it with everyone.
    I never get mad, Mrs. Threadgoode. Never!
    The way I was raised it was bad manners.
    Well, I got mad and it felt terrific.
    I felt like I could beat the sh*t outta all those punks!
    Excuse my language. Just beat 'em to a pulp!
    Beat 'em till they begged for mercy.
    Towanda, the avenger!
    After I wipe out all the punks of this world,
    I'll take on the wife beaters, like Frank Bennett,
    and machine gun their genitals.
    Towanda will go on the rampage.
    I'll put tiny bombs in Penthouse and Playboy...
    so they'll explode when you open 'em.
    I'll ban all fashion models who weigh less than 130 pounds.
    I'll give half the military budget to people over 65...
    and declare wrinkles sexually desirable.
    Towanda, righter of wrongs, queen beyond compare!
    How many of them hormones you takin', honey

  10. Like
    ersraymdezande reacted to Shelleymb for a blog entry, I Feel Better After...   
    Some movies, a facial mask...a face wash...a face steam with peppermint...and then alcohol swabbed onto my face. We shall see if this is the perfect combination treatment or if this will irritate my skin further.
    ETA of my gorgeous camera is the 29th... a day after my first appointment. So I am planning on recording my first vlog then! I'm so excited to document everything! Hopefully my skin is cleared up by then :wub:
    It's pretty late (for me) so I'm off to bed. Night!
  11. Like
    ersraymdezande reacted to Shelleymb for a blog entry, Ugh... I Can't Wait Until....   
    I can feel good enough about myself... even when something isn't going well. I was invited to go out with some friends and I went to go shower to get ready and after looking in the mirror and staring at my aweful skin (I just went off my birth control and I have broken out like a teenager) so I made up some fib to get out of going out so that I could do a face mask and wallow in my self pitty. I'm normally a confident girl... but that's normally because I have flawless skin that I can rock with awesome eye make up... that over powers my body size. But not tonight. I don't think I have enough makeup or skill to cover up the mess that is my face. So tv, face mask and a fire for me. Cleaning tomorrow and santa on Sunday.

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