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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by megamomnj

  1. megamomnj

    i feel bad

    I think the hardest part of having the lap band is retraining our brain. For so long, my life revolved around food. Someone's birthday....let go out to eat. Bad day at work.....order yummy take out. Date night with my hubby....go out to eat. I am still not there yet but I am really trying to focus on other ways to Celebrate. With that said, one slice of pizza is fine if you track it. My feeling is that noting is off limits as long as I track it and keep within my calories. To be honest though, I don't even crave those things anymore because I am placing less emphasis on what I am eating everyday. One question though....Are you on solid foods yet? I thought you were recently banded.... Sent from my iPhone using LapBandTalk
  2. I was banded on November 6th and have lost 36 pounds without a fill. I see my doctor every month and if I have lost more than four pounds, he won't do a fill. My feeling is that it took me a long time to put the weight on, it is going to take me a long time to take it off. Slow and steady wins the race! Sent from my iPhone using LapBandTalk
  3. megamomnj

    Need some support.

    I have been cooking up a storm these last few weeks and stocking the freezer up with healthy meals. Both of my crockpots have been getting a workout! I have been getting some great recipes from emilybites.com and skinnytaste.com. Emily bites has a lot of recipes that you use a muffin tin to bake it in. Great for portion control. For breakfast, I either have a Protein shake or Special K protein cereal. I am made mini quiches in the mini muffin tins but I have been eating them for lunch with a cheese stick. Boca burgers are also a great option for lunch...or Greek yogurt. Good luck! Sent from my iPhone using LapBandTalk
  4. You look great!! Sent from my iPhone using LapBandTalk
  5. What about chocolate calcium chews. I have the caramel ones that they help me with the sweet cravings. Here is a link: https://www1.bariatricadvantage.com/catalog/item/3005/ Good luck!! Sent from my iPhone using LapBandTalk
  6. megamomnj


    Just a tip I have been using. When I make my dinner at night, I make sure I have my proper portions and less than one cup of food. I then pack up any leftovers and put them in the fridge. Stops me from reaching for seconds. Sent from my iPhone using LapBandTalk
  7. megamomnj

    Please help...need food ideas.

    I second emilybites.com. Love her recipes! Skinnytaste.com is also a good site for recipes. Sent from my iPhone using LapBandTalk
  8. megamomnj

    How do you cook for your family??

    I have a five year old and a two year old so I feel your pain. We do cook two meals, but mostly because of time. I get home with the boys at about 4:30pm and they go to be at 6:30pm. I know it sounds crazy that they go to bed so early but they are up getting ready for daycare at 5:30am because my husband and I both have to be in work early. I can't eat that early so my husband and I eat after they go to bed. I have been making a ton of meals on the weekend and freezing them. I double the recipe and it makes about three to four meals for us because of the serving size I eat. My crockpots have been working overtime! Makes it a lot easier to make smart choices. Good luck! Sent from my iPhone using LapBandTalk
  9. megamomnj

    Healthy recipes

    I love emilybites.com. She has some great recipes and some of them use muffin tin for portion control. Skinnytaste.com has some good ones too. Sent from my iPhone using LapBandTalk
  10. megamomnj

    drinks detrimental on weight loss?

    Again....think about the Golden Rule. This is a public forum and everyone is entitled to their opinion. In my opinion, people need to take what they can use and leave the rest behind. We are all adults and there is no reason to be calling each other names. Sent from my iPhone using LapBandTalk
  11. megamomnj

    drinks detrimental on weight loss?

    Just my opinion..... Doesn't anyone remember the Golden Rule. Treat others the way you want to be treated. And my mother taught me that if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all Sent from my iPhone using LapBandTalk
  12. megamomnj

    i need to go

    While my doctor said it was ok to use a laxative, your doctor may have different rules. What did your doctor say? Sent from my iPhone using LapBandTalk
  13. megamomnj

    Bowel movements

    If I were you, I would call your doctor tomorrow. They are probably closed on Tuesday and I would want to know what I can do in case it becomes an issue and you can't get a hold of the doctor. Sent from my iPhone using LapBandTalk
  14. megamomnj

    New Year Goals

    Small goals for me.... By February 1st, be under 200 pounds. By February 1st, exercise of some form three to four days a week. I know myself all to well. I never work well on long term goals. While I want to be 150 to 160 pounds eventually, I need to set smaller goals to reach my ultimate goal, which I will reach in time! Good luck everyone! Sent from my iPhone using LapBandTalk
  15. megamomnj

    Bowel movements

    My doctor did advise me to only take one or two doses of Dulcolax because it is a laxative. Only took one dose and I was good to go....pun intended! Sent from my iPhone using LapBandTalk
  16. megamomnj

    Bowel movements

    It is probably because of the pain medicine. Always binds me up too. I used a little Ducolax but called my doctor's office before I did. Can you call your doctor to ask his/her advice? Sent from my iPhone using LapBandTalk
  17. megamomnj


    I like to have something sweet to eat after dinner too. I ordered Bariatric Calcium Chews online and have one of them if I need something sweet. They come in a few different flavors too.
  18. Today is my 35th birthday and my goal was to loose 35 pounds by today. I kinda made it. I have lost 34.7 pounds. I am going to say that I did because it is that TOM and you ladies know how that can effect our weight! Here's to a great new year!!
  19. megamomnj

    Pre-Op Diet Questions

    I have been getting migraines for over 20 years now. I have been doing great since I was banded in the beginning of November. Not one migraine since. I did have two during my two week pre-op, I think from the lack I eating. I don't really drink crystal light because of the artificial sweetener. I drink mostly Water, decaf hot tea, and unsweetened iced tea. I did talk to my surgeon about my migraines before I had surgery though so I would definitely consult your doctor. I too was worried but have been great. Good luck!!
  20. megamomnj

    pizza substitute?

    What about the low carb tortillas as the crust? I have also seen a cauliflower crust recipe before. Worth a shot, right...
  21. megamomnj

    Down in the dumps

    No need to be harsh. You know what to do and the fact that you are upset proves that you really want this. Keep working hard and get back on track. Can't go back and do things differently so just move forward. And just to keep things in perspective: my three weighs about 35 pounds. Take him and 20 sticks of butter and that is how much you have lost!
  22. megamomnj


    Love emilybites.com!!
  23. megamomnj

    Feeling sorry for yourself?

    Just had dinner with my in laws and the entire family. Tasted just a little of everything...but mostly had the turkey with no gravy. Took a bite of my husband's dessert and that was enough. The three hour car ride right now is a lot more comfortable because I didn't stuff myself!! Happy Holidays!!
  24. megamomnj

    Weight loss!!!!

    I keep track of all my food and drinks in an app on my phone called My Fitness Pal. I aim for about 1000 calories and 65 grams of protein per day. I can search for food, scan the bar code, or build my own recipes. Lots for people from here us it.

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