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Everything posted by hely88

  1. hely88

    dr diet restrictions

    i dont really understand your post or all the phases. I dont eat the stuff he said because they are pretty much sliders and wont satisfy you. the juce because its loaded with sugar. As far as fiils I was always told one day liquid one day mushy and then solids. once on solids i dont drink any my protein normally. sometimes during my tom i have to do shakes because i am so tight. hope this helps you some.
  2. hely88

    First Fill and I am Sacred

    Dont be scared my advice is dont watch the needle. It looks really big but you will barely feel it. Be prepared to do liquids for a day after.
  3. You will not really know how things will be until you get to solids and are eating high protein soild foods. Hang in there.
  4. hely88

    Need info about It Works! wraps

    My doctor said you either will or will not have sagging skin. He never said but if you try the wraps. Mis made a really good post while ago about the wraps. Something like they have diruretics in them and they draw out a lot of water. Hopefully she will reply to this post.
  5. hely88


    I just saw this posted in chat. You'll make it - the band is not for the feint of heart but you have to keep it as tight as you can stand it if you don't have will power. No amount of surgery fixed that for me - no willpower. I HAVE to have mine so tight I can only eat a bit. I Warning about taking advice from others. If you are not sure about what someone is telling you or you think it might not be good advice be sure to ask your doctor. It scares me that someone would choose to live their life with their band as tight as they can stand it. That no life at all.
  6. hely88

    Big Difference ??

    Great job Country so proud of you too!!
  7. hely88


    I also do not consider mirilax a medication it is more like a fiber substitute. That is what the lentils are giving you. Fiber.
  8. hely88


    Thanks line, but I don't think I could eat much better than I have lately. I eat beans most every day but I am on a lot of meds and suffer dryness which my nurse says contributes and I still have problems. It is very different for me. Before changing my diet I could have bought shares of stock in immodium! As long as I can remember from when I was a kid I always had diarrhea . Always! I am very happy you finally found something that works for you.
  9. I just wanted to add that I know a lot of people buy pre made shakes. My experience is that none of those satisfy me. I am hungry immediately after. I find making my own shakes and flavoring them with ice blended satisfies me more. Having said that I rarely use shakes after hitting solids. They will not satisfy me enough to be successful and I would much rather eat. Best of luck to everyone!
  10. hely88


    Mirilax works for me and my doctor called in a script because less expensive that way. Make sure to drink tons of water.
  11. Hard to really answer your questions. You will or will not have sagging skin. My best advice is to try not to even worry about it during weight loss.
  12. hely88

    Third day of preop diet

    Glad you found your inner stregnth and thanks for sharing your story.
  13. You can usually get sampled from your doctor or nutritionist. You can also buy samples at the vitamin shoppe and other stores like that. You can find lots of way to make shakes taste better by adding things like sf ff pudding miix, sf syrups or pb2(a powdered peanutbutter product) you just have to take chance and learn to be creative. I like unnury and nectar. Nectar because they have tons of different flavors. Best of luck! You can also buy unjury samples on line.
  14. hely88

    I feel like a failure

    You are doing great! Don't forget a lot of that time was healing and a lot of peope dont lose as much during this period. Just make sure that you keep to your guidelines measure and track all of our food. You might want to also arrange to see an nutritionist. Hang in there.
  15. Surprised? I Amin total shock!! If for any reason you think we are wrong that your doctor is so f'd up then I would advise you to do more research other then justI On this site. Maybe find a support group. This is your life and I advise you to ate an active part and seek more information and better aftercare. If that was my doctor I would be reporting him and flooding the Internet with bad reviews.
  16. Friend me on Facebook at hely lb to join IP and my recipe group. Everyone is welcome! 97.2 down sooo close to 100!!

  17. hely88

    What do you eat now?

    I agree ask your doctor. I do 24 liquids, 24 mushies then solids. Sometimes you have to play it be ear on how you feel. Good luck with everything.
  18. hely88

    Need advice

    I agree please call your doctor. Even if you have to do self pay of wait to be reimbursed your health is to important to put off.
  19. Awesome job. Maybe you can update your before and after in your profile.
  20. Awesome! See if you can update your before and after pics on your profile. I looks at mine a lot it really helps to have side by side.
  21. Please check to see if there is a local support for WLS. That would really help you alot.
  22. hely88

    Help please

    I am very much with MIs on this. It really sucks to be too tight and can cause all sorts of problems.
  23. I like to be looser then tighter. I am able to eat more food then I do but I am careful to measure so I know when to stop eating. Every time I get a fill it seems like I need to have some taking out and my fills are .25. That is why I always say there is not Green zone for me. Hope you figure it out soon. Wish I had some advice for you. Hang in their I am sure others will reply.
  24. I hope all of our band family are ok

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