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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SkoreAfattY

  1. SkoreAfattY


    Warning!! Dissertation !!Since y'all mentioned both insanity and p90x I thought I'd chime in since I've done both programs and each definately has its own merits. Insanity to me was mostly cardio and after 60 days I found I was lacking in some major muscles that just don't get hit with the workouts, but boy did the inches come off! i only lost 15 pounds, but when i was done i literally couldn't keep my pants on. I easily shaved 3 min off my mile run time. I found p90x great for all muscles but by the second week I had to augment way more cardio. You could always do a hybrid and some days I've done both. Both end up being a time suck. Insanity starts out short the first month, but gets longer in two. P90X was always a time suck Of about an hour. When it comes to the "host" it took me a while to not get irritated by the "Asian Os" (if you've done insanity you know what I mean) but lord knows Shaun Ts easy on the eyes. Horton took a few days to get past the goofy, but was like able in the end. Insanity is practically no equipment but after a few days of jumping I invested in a plyomat. A) to save my knees n so the neighbors would stop thinking they lived on a fault line. P90x did involve more equipment, but I still use the bands today so good investment. What else....? If u do insanity and start cursing yourself cause you can't keep up, always look at the back of the bunch. P90x isn't quite as intimidating with its models and they show enough modifications that you can easily hang with them. Any one else care to chime in on their experiences?
  2. SkoreAfattY

    Here's To The Girls!!

    For the past two weeks the Girls have hurt like hell everytime I went running or played sports. It's not that time of the month and I haven't been able to explain the tenderness. And then today it dawned on me....I'm losing weight, the Girls are shrinking, and my poor sports bras just aren't cutting it anymore! So here's to the Girls and realizing they need some support in this weight loss process too!
  3. SkoreAfattY


    I'm a popcorn fanatic, but I hate any kind of processed popcorn. I find the air popper too inconvenient so I put about 1/8 a cup in a brown lunch sack, microwave that bad boy for about two minutes, throw some Boellners Fiesta Fajita Seasoning on it (no butter) and end up with a great little snack!
  4. SkoreAfattY

    Turbo Fire

    Today I finally pushed play! Got a good sweat but I think I may prefer Insanity. It seems like both will be killer on the knees. How far into it are you?
  5. SkoreAfattY

    Can I Do Zumba

    I was back to exercising and running about 2 weeks post banding and found that wearing a back brace (or ace bandage) helped 'stabilize' me in front and kept the pain from my fat/port area jiggling down to a minimum. Might not work for u, but maybe worth a try.
  6. SkoreAfattY

    Turbo Fire

    I bought it, but just can't seem to get it together enough to push play. My cousin says it rocks...I'll take her word for it for now. :-)
  7. SkoreAfattY

    Steri Strip Residue

    That last post didn't work so well from the iPad...just ignore it.
  8. SkoreAfattY

    Steri Strip Residue

    A hot mess. And I'm still puzzled why they even bothered with the glue anyways.
  9. Banded 10.10.12 and cleared to exercise this past Friday. Saturday I ran three miles w/ no problems, no pain. Today I played full court bball and ran 1.5 miles afterwards but couldn't stop burping...no, belching during both. About five mins after I finished...belching disappears. I didn't have bad gas after the surgery and I'm pretty sure I passed all of that the first week. I also did not consumed anything at least three hours prior to my pickup games. Any one else burp a lot while doing cardio? Am I enhaling to much air and the bands affecting things? Although the burping makes playing defense easier (they hear me belch, look and miss passes), but I can't keep exercising like this!!!! Suggestions, comments, concerns?
  10. SkoreAfattY

    Itchy Itchy Scratchy Scratchy

    @Jlynn217- I actually tried the ice last night before I my original post and it worked ... until the cold wore off. Great minds think alike. :-) @Knewland/Lana08 - I think I'll try the benadryl and lotion today since it's a lazy Saturday and I can nap away the urge to scratch. @Floridays - My doc has me on no baths/swimming for two more weeks, but that sounds like a great idea! Thanks Everyone!
  11. I'm a lurker not a poster, but now I need some "best practices". I was banded on 10.10.12 and got my stitches out this afternoon (no issues) only, they put "liquid glue" or what ever it's called on the remnants of my slits and now I'm itchin' like a mutha!!!!! I know it's normal and will pass, but what are some good ways to stop the itching? My first thought is some Vodka, but that will just warm me up although I'm sure I'll forget about the itching! :-)

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