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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Baltimore2012

  1. Carrie I would love to be friends. I just added you as my friend. I finally figured out how to do it. It wasn't showing on my iPad. You are the day after me, and I see you are also self pay. Where are you having your surgery?

    I am going to email you on here...

  2. I picked this because i want accountability for my actions. My friend had the bypass like 10 yrs ago and has gained at least half of her weight back because she didn't change her life style. It saved her life and she is alot healthier but she still gained it back. I don't want that. I want something that forces me to do the work and to keep doing the work. I don't to spend all this money and still be fat. This is a life commitment for me.

    And as silly as this sounds, I need a cocktail from time to time and it's my understanding that you aren't supposed to drink after the bypass...

    The bypass is changing part of your anatomy by removing part of the stomach and other stuff too. The band isn't. It can be removed if needed.

    These are my reasons.

    You should find a doctor who is supportive of your decision. You don't want to be second guessing yourself because of your doctor.

    Good luck!

  3. Carrie, I knew there was a reason I like you.. we have a Water addiction!! LOLOLOL

    OMG, I feel for you! I like a big baby cried for weeks I couldn't gulp my Water or drink as much of it. (only in the beginning). Poor Missy (Mis73) I put her through hell with my whining and my poor husband. I will tell you what I was told; Drink all day long, but sip. NOOO gulping! You will go back to normal, trust me on this!!! I just had to learn to be patient with my new stomache. Now I drink my water like normal, wheeeeew!

    Thanks! You're AWESOME!!!! So I'll get to go back to gulping my water? LOL! I know that sounds weird, but sometimes thats how i get all my water in... I gulp it down. Also when exercising, i mean, how do you NOT gulp it when you're done and all out of breath?

    Another question... Why are you not supposed to drink while eating? I didn't quite under stand that yet. Because it pushes the food through too fast? Or can cause you to get stuck? Or because you get full on liquid instead of actual food?

    Here's one last question... until i think of another. LOL! What Vitamins do you take daily? I currently have really low Calcium and will have to take Calcium pills the rest of my life (so says my doctor) but what else? I started taking Biotin because i read all the good side effects... What else should I expect to take?

  4. I believe the only thing that is scariest the most is chewing. All I hear is you have to chew, chew, chew, and chew. How hard it is to adjust to chewing slowly when you have been gulping your food down for 35 years? I am not sharing my lapband with just normal friends, but I do go out to eat with a lot of friends and I know they will probably ask me why am I chewing so slow. I guess I am worrying what other people will have to say which is totally not important at this point. But just wanted to see what you guys think.

    I wonder the same thing... Also, I wonder about drinking... I drink Water in HUGE gulps... I drink alot of water... Can i keep doing that? Does gulping a drink hurt? How does all that work..

    I am being banded on Nov 6th... I am also 35. We should be friends. Keep each other motivated. Check on each others progress.


  5. Isn't it weird what kind of hold food has on us? I mean for me... as a child it was both a reward and punishment. If I did good, then i got a treat.... If i did something bad... well it was no treat. I learned all my eating habits at an early age. Fast forward to age 35 and my weight problem is a result of all that. Of course, I learned emotional eating, boredom, etc along the way. Now here I am 2.5 weeks from surgery day and I have tons of doubts. I keep telling myself if I'm ever going to be successful, these are the things I have to CHANGE. I have to learn a new relationship with food. I want a healthy relationship with food. I just keep telling myself the end result will be well worth the change and the hard work required. I mean, I compromise in every other aspect of my life, why not here too... Success requires change and compromise.

    I understand completely how you're feeling!

    You're going to do great! You're going to look and feel amazing! Good luck tomorrow!!

  6. I really hate reading posts like this! I mean when its your own Mother who is doing the critiquing, she is suppose to be your #1 supporter your biggest fan, and mostly your MOM!

    I am very sorry that you have to deal with such behavior from your own Mom. It disheartens me to read stories like this. Makes me proud and cherrish my Mom even more. My Mom is super supportive and is always there for me. She is overweight too, just a little but completely understands. So should yours!!

    Ugh! Let me stop before I say something horribly offensive ....

    BTW, YOU are doing beautifully keep up the great work sweetheart!

    PattyGirl66 I want to add you as a friend if you don't mind... You seem like a cool lady! You always have alot of positive to add. Would that be okay?

  7. I like Lipton diet green tea. No calories. I have drank the sweet leaf tea but I dont like it as much as the green tea.

    so those type of things are band friendly? I love tea alot and i have already given up the soda for about 2 weeks. I don't have a problem not drinking them but need something other than Water too...

  8. I agree... It's embarrassing to think we'll be lying there naked for them to see us like that. I had ankle ligament replacement about 10 yrs ago... And when i woke up, I sat up quickly and the nurse said, "Oh honey, those doctors never put the gowns back on correctly"... I couldn't speak because I had been tubed during the surgery and had just woken up... But I was mortified. Why had my gown been removed for ankle surgery??? I don't know!!! And I had a hot Doogie Houser doctor who worked on mostly athletes... But he was completely professional... Never looked at me differently or treated me differently. I know he had to think i was yuck! But he never made me feel bad. What kind of person would do that anyway? You certainly wouldn't want that for your doctor, right?!?!

    This surgery is different. They are there to help overweight people! Not to judge! I wouldn't stress about it. It'll be over before you know it and you'll never have to face that weight or body again... You'll be healthier, happier, and even more beautiful than you already are.

  9. I am not banded yet... Not until Nov 6. My doctor said most everyone will experience left shoulder pain because of the gas in your body after surgery... I asked him if it would go away and he said it definitely would go away. He didn't mention anything about the tubing just gas.

    Hopefully your pain goes away quickly and you feel better!

  10. Not silly. It takes your stomach longer to digest Protein so we eat that first (to make sure we get it all eaten) then if we are still hungry we move on to veggies for their nutritional value and carbs last.

    Ever notice how fast you get hungry after eating a potato verses eating a chicken breast?

    Totally makes sense! This is all a learning experience for me. I want to be as prepared as possible. Thank you! YOu rock!

  11. I literally just ordered the sample pack today because it seems to be what alot of people like on here. Can't hurt to give it a try!

    I'm in Texas and it says it ships from Virginia, so I'm assuming at least 5 days before i see it.

  12. My friend had the bypass back when it first came out... It was really dangerous back then... but she was life or death... Anyway - fast forward 10+ years and she's put on at least 60-80% of her weight... but her health is alot better.

    Also, when you have the bypass, you can't ever drink again! You need to research any surgery you are thinking of having. And ask alot of questions to your doctor.

  13. Okay, so I was banded on October 10th.

    Came home yesterday around 3pm.

    Got twenty minutes of sleep last night.

    But otherwise the pain has only been by my large incision. Which is more to my left side.

    I'be been drinking apple juice and Water.

    Was wondering if peppermint tea or raspberry tea was allowed just yet.

    You stayed overnight? (I hope that question isn't too personal) My doctor told me mine is outpatient unless something unexpected happened. I was relieved since i'm a cash patient.

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