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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by GeorgiaGirlie

  1. I had a hernia and a band readjustment done last week because my band slipped. There hasnt been any Fluid in my band for almost a month and my stomach looks and feels bigger but yet ive only gained 10lbs. Has anyone else felt like this way? I feel miserable!

  2. I am scheduled to have an EGD on Tuesday. I had to take x-rays to see if there was a possible slip. The x-rays confirmed that instead of the standard positioning of the band being at 45 degrees, it's more at a 25 degree angle. They had to take all of the Fluid out of my band. I'm really worried about this. What could have caused this? Is this the same as a slip? I'm not sure if it's because my band has been too tight or what. I've had really bad acid reflux for the past month/month and a half. I'm not really too educated on these types of things so it's all new to me. I've been banded for a year a month.

  3. Today, I was put on acid reflux medicine. :/ I used to never have this problem until about 2 months ago. I've had my band for a year now. The only time that I have reflux is if I eat something right before I go to bed. Other than that, I don't have any problems. My doctors tell me that this is normal for lap band patients and I should not be eating 2 hours prior to going to bed. Has anyone else had this problem? Should I have it checked for a possible slip?

  4. I just received a notice that my employer is changing to United Healthcare from BCBS effective 1/1/14. I'm super pissed about that. However, I want to know if my fills will be covered by UH. I'm getting really worried because I'm having trouble finding my doctor that does my fills in the "in-network" database. Has anyone ever had to go through this? Should I just call my doctor to see if they accept UH? With BCBS, I didn't have to pay any copays. Does anyone with UH have to pay copays? Any help and guidance would be greatly appreciated. :)

  5. This has been going on for quite some time, but I figured I would try and see if this has been happening to anyone else. When I eat, there are a lot of times where I have to lay flat on my back in order for food to go down. It is instant relief as I can feel the food go down. Could my band have slipped and I just don't know? It happens after I take one bite of something.

  6. My boyfriend and I have been sexually active for a little over a month now. This is the first time I've been active since I was 17 and I'm now 27. I'm not a very "experienced" person. I just recently had a fill on 4/3 and I'm already now starting to eat more. Before I was active, I wouldn't notice an increase in my eating until about a month after my fill. It's already 4/21? My weight has stalled for the past week now. I get kind of confused with the EPT home pregnancy tests where it tells you to take so many days after your missed period. I've been irreglar for as long as I can remember so I really don't know when to take it. I've tried taking the test a week before my period and a week after my period and it gives a negative. I feel like I'm doing something wrong. I feel bloated all the time and I feel like I've gained all my weight that I've already lost. Is that some of the early signs of pregnancy? I don't want to be pregnant right now but would be happy if I turned out to be. I'm not on any birth control. I had a bad experience when I was younger with birth control and wound up gaining a lot of weight so I vowed never to take the pill again. Any advice or help would be appreciated.

  7. This may seem kind of lame to some people, so please leave your judgments and insults at the door. This is an important issue to me as I am seeking advice. This may seem like childs play to some; but like I said above, leave it at the door.

    I've been going out with my boyfriend for almost 4 months now. My boyfriend met my parents three weeks after we met. I just recently met his mom about a month ago and met his dad just last week. His brother is in town from New Hampshire and I really want to meet him, too. Family is very important to me. I come from a very small family so I adore times with them. My boyfriend sent me a text last night saying that they all were going to be going out for dinner tonight and he did not even invite me. I kind of take it as an insult that he didn't invite me. I called him out about it and asked him why he didn't invite me. I told him before his brother came into town that I wanted to meet him. He said that he gets nervous and thinks about what if's. That's the most stupidest thing I have ever heard. I understand getting nervous, but thinking about what if's? He then said "I really want you to go!" I kind of feel like I'm inviting myself to everything. He doesn't get this way with his friends. I've met several of his friends and he never acts like this. If he's doing something with his friends, he's very quick to invite me to come along. Is this just a guy thing? I have no clue! It is driving me insane. I'm still pretty upset with him right now. I told him that I'm not going to dinner regardless and that I don't want to see him for a while.

    I haven't been in too many relationships to know what this means nor have I gone through something like this. I need to know if something like this has happened before to anyone else. It really irates me and makes me feel like I'm not important enough in his life to get to know his family. My boyfriend tries to assure me that I am very important, but judging by his actions, I just feel differently. It's not something that is worth breaking up with him about, but I feel like if it continues, I might have to think otherwise. Just feel unimportant and an embarassment.

    Mood: :(

  8. I went out of town for St. Patty's Day weekend. A friend tagged me on Facebook a picture of me. I almost broke down into tears. I looked like a 2-ton whale! I was banded 9/21/12, and so far I have lost 75lbs. I almost looked the same as before I had the surgery. I'm so embarassed that I won't even look at the picture. This is my first melt-down since I've had the surgery. Has anyone else gone through this? How long did it take for you to start noticing a difference in pictures. clothes, etc?

  9. I was banded 9/21 and i'm already eating solid foods. But when I eat it, I chew, chew, chew until it is basically mush. Ever since I've been doing it (since yesterday) i've been feeling more full. When I was eating just mashed potatoes and pudding, I would be hungry within an hour or so. Is this okay? Will this be successful in weight loss? I do eat small portions. Has anyone else done this? I haven't felt sick or anything. My body definitely tells me when I'm full.

    Ashleigh :)

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