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Posts posted by destynee1

  1. Hiyas all!!! You all are doing great! Well, I fall off the wagon for a bit there. I'd lose weight at a good pace and then gain back a couple.. my fault for eating the wrong things. Xmas/new years It seemed I lost it for a bit and went on a sweet binge.. ( I have never even been a sweets person )!! I just got my 3rd fill today. 6cc total.. in my 14band. This is the first time I have felt restriction.. I am hopeful and excited .. hoping this is my greenzone!! I am sooo hoping! Back to exercising and eating right.

    Ya fall off... ya get right back on. I don't wanna fall off anymore !

  2. So sorry about what had happened to you and your family.. I am so happy you all are doing well.. sometimes tragedies are blessings in disguise, showing what really matters in life. Spending more years with your loved ones. God Bless you on your journey! you have come a long way and I am sure you will do incredible. :) *hugs*!

  3. The easy way out? Not at all. In fact it is harder then my past dieting to be honest, but in a different sense.. a permanent one. It wasn't near as easy as I thought it was going to be, even though I am in band hell right now.. work hard for good results. I have had my struggles, believe me and I just had my band on Oct 22nd 12. You are still going to have to make the right decisions to put into your mouth.

    That being said, it is still the damn best decision I have ever made for myself. Even though I have recently fall off the wagon for a week or 2 >< I am getting priorities straight, and I am learning quickly that you only hurt yourself when you mess up like that. It's a learning process like anything.. and you have to want it bad..! Good Luck on your journey! :)

  4. I to use myfitnesspal. awesome site.. as they state above! Glad to see you are back in the saddle! I slid for over a week and that was to much for me.. back to the basics.

    p.s a good recipe site is emilybites.com :D and skinnytaste.com

  5. I just bought a Groupon for 10 kick boxing classes!! So excited to start kicking fat off my own ass! LOL

    I Love groupon!!! lol.. Your spirits seem a lot brighter! Happy to see that! wooo 2 lbs right on track hun! I totally busted this past week.. now I know why I shouldn't drink.. you get that i dont care attitude. My bf left for a week.. and I felt like a teenager in a house by herself while your parents are on vacation lol.. so.. shame on me.. I'm owning up to it. don't even wanna say how much I gained back.. im ashamed .. but I am right back on track! New year.. :)

  6. I can relate to a lot of that.. food defined many of us.. everything we did included it. Going out shopping.. ( what are you gonna have today girls ).. visiting friends/family.. So him feeling change is scary to him because it was a routine in a way. It won't last forever.. as you adjust to the do's and don't with your lap band and feel comfortable with it, you will find choices a lot easier to make. You can both enjoy going out for a meal, you will just, be eating healthier and takeing home leftovers with you. As long as he sees you enjoying yourself the same.. he will feel as if things haven't changed as much.

    I was lucky my bf was on board and supportive.. but!! he did moap about the eating out.. now I am 2 months out.. I have it mostly figured out.. well I am still learning, but it is going a lot smoother... I can go out and enjoy that aspect again.. I notice my choice in entree is different but I enjoy it the same.. well.. if a smaller thinking mind hehe. Good luck hun and everything will fall into place! **hugs**!! :)

  7. Ok. Just got banded 12/19/12. I like this thread & these folks, esp Cintucky since i grew up in cincy. Im now in Louisiana. I know what to eat. I eat it & other stuff. I like good food. I like preparing it, sharing it, eating it. I like how food tastes, smells,feels and makes me feel... etc. Im learning to treat it right. Enjoy it. Walk away. Enjoy it next time. Indulge responsibly. Walk away. Try it a different way next time. Enjoy it. & visit it again later... (i am still talking about food right? Lol)

    I can live life with this band. Looking forward to the redt of my life with "bandie". liquids? Sure, no prob. Mushies? Sounds like reg food you chew correctly (or mama bird it with a machine).

    Lets see, about me. I'm a divorcee (sorry fellas - not dating at the moment) (sorry ladies , i like fellas). i have a high stress 8-5, teenage twins, a foster cat, about to get some foster teens, havent Exercised seriously since 04. Hate swimming. Looking for a big punching bag to put in my livingroom..

    I have a bunch of secret recipes of my own. Im a lady that knows what she wants & can find it (I have my ways). i can spell but if i type too fast & dont correct it -well forgive me now, cause i prob wont go back. So, i was intrigued by your initial post & kept reading. now I want in this group & here I am. & oh great guru I am sure I can tap into your expertise soon. But for now I'm enjoying checking out your corner of the web.

    lol.. I like you. :)

  8. Destynee, I was doing the same thing to keep my Protein and calorie numbers up. My NUT told me to quit. She said only eat when hungry and just make good choices when you eat. Since I have listened to her I quit having stalls and am down 135 in 10 months (this week). I have 30 more to go and am really waiting for that big stall. It was slower this week because I ate a lot during Thanksgiving, but lost the pound I gained already this week. The band is so fickle!

    Have a really good talk with your NUT they really can help.

    Boy.. am I late!! hehe I just read this message!.. and thanks for the advise.. ! I am going to do that.. I still try to "fill in".. wishing I read that earlier .. lol..I will stop that! I still need to see a Nut.. that my insurance covers.. can't wait! damn these holidays. . I know i've gained 2 lbs back this week.. get em next week!

  9. If I can tolerate soda is that a bad thing? I heard that it gives you a lot of pain but I feel nothing at all.

    Just because it doesn't give you physical pain doesn't mean it is not causing harm behind the scenes.. why take that chance? I LOVE soda! believe me.. one of the hardest things to give up.. but it's something we all have to do when we make this commitment to have the band surgery.

    and like Chez says.. life is what you make it. I personally don't think you will be successful if you choose to continue drinking those types of drinks. They are easy to not count them as part of your diet.. and empty calories.

  10. Thanks guys. That's exactly what I needed to hear. I have been very successful at losing in the past, with moderation and calorie counting. My downfall is the volume eating and yo yo ing. I'm a binge eater, can easily mess up a weeks worth of healthy eating in one night. That is exactly what I hope the band will help me with.

    Just remember.. you still have to do your part.. while you don't have to deprive yourself.. you shouldn't eat till you are full either, listen to your band.. and stop before you are full.. you should feel comfortable and should eat very slowly.. good luck to ya!

  11. There is nothing wrong with enjoying yourself.. instead of having a full slice.. have a half.. it's all about portions!! I find it works better for me not to "deprive" myself.. everyone is different though!! In the beginning and now.. portions are hard for me .. with the good stuff! lol.. but .. I say to myself, it will always be there.. don't have to eat it like its going out of style! soo.. now, if I want a piece of chocolate.. I take a bite size.. and omg its perfect.. yes.. sometimes I could and just want to have the whole bag.. " damn mind hunger" but I say nope! and most of the time I am happy with just that. It is a life change, and I have to live with what I know will work for me.. you too.

    Also.. If I am really wanting something.. I exercise harder that day. Have a great Christmas Donna!! :)

  12. Same.. it is bandster hell, and I am still in it! I do great for the "most" part.. but I have this and that now and then also.. waiting for the AHA moment.. and try to follow Dr's orders best ya can. If you feel yourself gaining weight.. see a nutritionist and figure out frorm your diet what it is you can improve. From what I am told, the smallest changes can get ya on that weight loss path again. Just try to find what works for you. Just remember.. everyone loses weight differently. Good Luck hun! :)

  13. Hey! There is always a fresh start! sorry to hear about you losing your way, I hope you find the support you need to keep you on your lifelong journey for good! I to like 2much.. I love chicken stir fry.. I can eat that lunch and dinner and it gives you the Protein you need and not many calories.. I do very well with that.

    Throw in a pot, I sautee a lil smart balance butter with green beans/mushrooms/ bean sprouts/ unions/and broccoli.. and throw in the cooked chicken breast and walaaa! I make a big pot so I have left overs.. helps to not have to worry about what to make for a few days. :)

  14. Im in the same boat. Banded 10/3/12 and have lost 40 pounds and stalled. I have 3.9 cc in my band. Going for my 3 rd fill 21 st dec. hopefully it kicks in soon. Getting very frustrated :(

    40lbs is amazing! and in such short time!! just take it as it comes.. ! I do know it is fustrating when the scale doesn't move though. I learned to just keep doing what I'm doing and I know it will come off!

    Doing Great!! as of today lost 40lbs was banded 10.22.12 and I feel so good! this last week I messed up.. but I am back on track! Had my 2nd fill yesterday and have 4cc total now.. 2 the 1st time and 2 yesterday. Need to exercise more, I walk about 5times a week. You all are doing awesome! keep up the great work!

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