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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by destynee1

  1. You are not alone. I felt the exact same way, Felt as if I didn't have anything inside and it was just me doing the diet grind once again. But it is band hell, something so many have to endure until the tool starts to work its wonder. I didn't feel much difference till my 3rd fill which I had last weds. Each fill they gave me 2cc. I am at 6 now inside my 14band NOW! I am all giddy and excited because NOW.. I finally feel as if something is here to help me. I eat pretty regular with some small changes so far,, and it helps to keep portion to a minimum. I get so excited! You will get there, not worry :) Good luck .. it's gonna be great! ;)

  2. while the band's purpose is not to really restrict, ( although it's nice when it does ) it's just suppose to make you feel satisfied with smaller amounts of food. From what I have read, and the way you said it didn't seem like you also didn't work with the band? Still eating the things you shouldn't have. I don't know how it was 7yrs ago, maybe that is what they sold is the restriction.. I can eat anything without anything getting stuck, soft bread, hard bread , whatever, I just know that I put myself through a lot to get this and I had to work with it. It's just a tool as you know.

    Hope things get better for you. If you want the tool out, talk to your Dr?

  3. Thanks everyone for your comments and encouragements.

    Saw the Doc today and was very surprised about the fact that he kept pushing bypass surgery over lab band.

    Frankly his explanations made no sense to me or my wife who is an ICU RN with 30 years of experience.

    Well I'm not going through with bypass, it's either Lap-band or some other doctor.

    I'm not having a perfectly good organ butchered so I can lose weight -- not that desperate.

    I'm going to talk to my endo and primary care docs to see what they have to say.

    Mine also tried to steer me towards the bypass or sleeve. He said to do what I am comfortable with. Said the band is slower and won't have as great of results as the others. I considered my options, I read lots of information on this site, and saw many who weighed more than me here lose a considerably amount of weight! That was all I needed to know I can do it to. I just need to work harder, but with this tool to aid me, it is possible. I did NOT want to have my intestines re-routed or anything cut. Besides I know a few people who did the bypass, sick sick sick. I don't think it's worth it to me to be honest. AND! gained a bunch of their weight back, so no thank you.

    I wanted something that will aid me, that is irreversible if I need it to be, and something that will help me life long. My Primary Dr. also said, that I willg et better results with bypass but many have complications but when it works it works great! but you have to be willing to take that risk, you never know if you are going to be the one with the complications. Lap Band seemed the best and safest choice of them all to me. Good Luck with your decision, I believe you are making the right one! I know I did :)

  4. Hun.. there are people who have the band here and their starting weight was under 200lbs. I WISH I had had this done at that time instead of waiting till I got huge! You are taking action now.. ! Happy for you! I say go for it! I am sure it will be the best thing ever happened to you. You don't have much to lose which is even better. My bf weighs 165 and he says, I wish I had the band! because he see's I am able to eat small portions and I get semi full and stop. I get so excited when that happens!

    Good Luck on whatever decision you make! :)

  5. Going on a cruise soon and I'm sure it'll include pool and beach time. This means I'll have to bare my upper half which means the surgery incisions will show.

    I've decided that if anyone asks I'm going to say I was in a knife fight. As with any fight someone invariably sees the damage and asks about it. The common response (if you're a dude) is: "You should see the other guy!". My plan is to cut it short with: "Yeah... I'm the other guy!".

    Seriously, how do y'all deal with the incision scars? Do they eventually go away by themselves or do I need to take some action like rubbing Vitamin E on them? I'm ugly enough already - don't need to give little kids more reason to scream, cry and run away when they see me...

    lol silly! and Vitamin E is always good to help reduce scars!

    Have a Blast on your cruise!! lucky lucky! :)

  6. I agree with many and both sides of things. Some of you got out of hand with your postings. If you get that angry that you feel the need to call names and bash each other, walk away, leave the site, take a breath and do something else.

    The truth shall set you free, for real! It is a little annoying when I hear ( in general and also in everyday life ), "Oh I'm not going to sugarcoat, I'm honest" Yet, many say things in such a tactless manner . I speak the truth with still being considerate. There is always a way to say things and have some class to it. Missy for one has always been one of those to me that has always said the truth straight forward without sounding mean or she is better than anyone else. I just wanted to put that in when I saw that being put out there. And Wallflower, you always had nice posts to, you let the anger get the better of you and directed it to someone who didn't deserve that.

    Any other out there, don't be intimidated by these posts. We truly are here to help each other. Not everyone see's eye to eye on everything and just ignore that which you don't agree.. I know it can be hard sometimes! lol. but it's not worth the bad feelings. Like family, we have quarrels. Time to move on.. **hugs**! all of you working it, that is freakin awesome! Tell us your secrets!! :) and all of you who are trying hard and it's not going as fast as you'd like, try something different, look at everything and I hope you find what will make your WL easier. I am in the middle..But I know why I haven't lost as fast as I'd like, fell off.. and now I'm back on that wagon again. The mentality is more difficult than I thought.. but we all have to face and work out our demons.

    Good Luck! <3

  7. Hi guys, I used to stalk this forum a lot when I was pre op. Due to insurance issues I was switched from the band to the sleeve just 2 weeks before surgery. I was ok with this as I knew there was a risk that if I had the band, I might end up with the sleeve eventually, due to complications.

    I don't have any experience with the band, as I didn't end up getting it, and am not trying to swing people over to the sleeve. I am posting on here to let you know that if circumstances change, if complications occur, if you are one of the ones that the band just isn't working for, the sleeve is not that bad and you can still have great results.

    I'm only posting this because the advice I got from here was invaluable when I was pre op and making my decision. I wanted to return the favour somehow.

    The band is a great tool, and for some, a great first step. If you find yourself having to take the 2nd step of revision to the sleeve, you have not failed and you can still expect great success.

    Good luck on your weight loss journey.




    125lb. Surgery was on 13 August 2012.

    Thanks for the sweet and helpful post! That is amazing weight loss and you look great! No matter what WLS you got we all have the one thing in common and always nice to have something to fall back on in case things don't go as we would hope. Good luck to you! Wish ya the best!

  8. My first fill was a bad experience also. She couldn't find the port and was poking around in there, I can feel the needle hitting the port. Ugh.. The 2nd one was worse, she would whisper to herself, what the hell? it was that bad, stuck me 4 times.. then noticed my knee's where not flat, I flattened them and they it worked, 3rd time was a charm!

  9. WHITE bread.. I was a bread eater.. I still once in awhile may but I 99% choose whole wheat bread now.

    and damn those pancakes sound so great!! almost made me choose that to be the thing I miss most! lol.. but like CG said, nothing is really off limits, now it's just Portion Control, and the foods that are bad for ya, well only a once in awhile deal for me.

  10. Glad to see this topic.. I had my 3rd fill, Jan 9th. as soon as the fill was finished.. I got into my car, I hiccup'd. More internally. Ever since weds... I have been hiccuping off and on. I don't have to eat anything for it to happen. Wonder why that is? I might call on monday and see what they tell me. I don't think its anothing to worry about just kinda weird to me and I don't want to hiccup forever. lol.

  11. Hiyas all ! :) Ok, so I had my 3rd fill this past weds. I finally feel restriction and might either be in the greenzone or damn close! YAY! but anyway.. hehe

    So ever since I had my recent fill.. I've been hiccuping! has anyone gone through this? Doesn't seem like anything to worry about but it's odd and a little annoying. Kinda weird right?

    Anyway, have an awesome day all **Hugs**!

  12. Missy.. I hear ya on that.. I think that is a harder problem for me then the drinking! I have always been a snack all night , eat all night gal.. and not during the day.

    My Dr says can drink all the way till you eat your meal, once you eat, stop. Says some dr's still have that old mind set of the drinking rule.. but it shows that food itself passes through relatively quickly and only need to wait about 30mins afterwards to have a drink. He said it could be 15mins but they are still stuck in their ways. lol

  13. I don't consider this a 'fad' diet. I mean.. I guess you can.. but the way I see it, it's another option for someone out there that might not use it as a fad diet and more as a lifestyle change. It's a great thing to tweek. It's definitely something I can easily live with also. Just like the low carb diet, that can be a 'fad' diet as well. To many it's just a way of life.

    I however have found, for my body .. doing 5 low carb 2 high carb works awesome for me. I was a bit naughty during the holidays.. next year I will control myself more. Lifestyle changes and mind games is something definitely hard to get down.. everyday I learn something better to help myself. I went to my surgeon and told them how bad I was .. I admit I was ashamed.. but they said, you still lost weight from the last time we saw you.. you're doing good.. I said, ya but I know I could have done a lot better. Her words were encouraging and let me know, we are not all going to be perfect, she said work with what works best for you.. holidays will be there every year, you will have to deal with them. You can have.. just don't go crazy. lol

    As far as low carb days.. I agree Missy.. it is hard to get those calories in!! meat and veggies! and I stay satisfied .. I usually get in around 500-700 calories.

  14. I felt much the same as you.. even after a couple fills, I can eat anything. I choose not to .. ( most of the time ) but it is so hard.. especially recently. After my 3rd fill which was this past weds I finally felt some restriction. 6cc total. Just hang in there.. it's different for everyone and you will get there. bread is my downfall as well. I still eat bread but now I just eat less and whole wheat.. it's the small choices that will help you!

    Good Luck!! :)

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