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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bluegirly

  1. I got my first fill yesterday. My surgeon does his fill in the hospital radiology dept, and OMG that was cool!! Drinking the yucky chalky stuff was totally worth it to see what actually goes on in my banded belly! He had me take a drink, and we watched the liquid just pool at the top of the band. He said "too tight", took some saline out, and I took another drink. This time the fluid slowly ran through the stoma, and we were good! It was so awesome to see!
  2. bluegirly


    It's not silly, it's AWESOME!!!!!! Great job!!!
  3. bluegirly

    First fill question

    I go for my first fill Thursday....I can't wait!!! I am definitely fighting hunger recently and it's rough!! So my fill is in the morning. What can I expect for the rest of the day as far as how I will feel physically?? My husband has the day off and we are going to take the kids out for a "family day". Obviously I know that I won't be able to eat that day, but will I feel ok to walk around or will I just want to sleep??
  4. bluegirly

    Wii fit game

    That's a great goal, and very attainable!!! Good luck!
  5. bluegirly


  6. bluegirly

    Anniversary and Before/After

    HOLY HOTNESS!!!! Thanks for posting!!
  7. bluegirly

    Too much protein!

    My NUT wants me to aim for 60g protein a day. She said together NO MORE than 70g a day. This is a constant struggle for me! I eat protein so that I can stay satisfied, and I'm afraid if I eat a lower amount during a meal that I will be hit with hunger too quickly! Anyone else deal with this??
  8. bluegirly

    Too much protein!

    Yes my kidneys are healthy, but that is good to know. I'm just going to keep doing what I am doing...eating protein first at each meal so that I don't get hungry too quickly. Typically I am coming in at about 80g a day....I don't think it's overkill. The next time I meet with my NUT I'll talk to her about it, Thanks so much for the input!
  9. bluegirly

    Leftover Candy....???

    I have two kids and a husband that would kill me if I gave away their candy! So it's sitting there on the kitchen counter just tempting me. Last night I gave in. I wish I could say I only ate 2 or 3 pieces, but I can't. So today I am trying something new. I put a bottle of mouthwash right on top of the bowl. Now hopefully if I reach for the candy, I rinse my mouth out instead. Who wants to eat after they use mouthwash??? Not me!!
  10. bluegirly

    Lap band website?

    Yes!!!! I've had all the same issues. I even called the phone number and no one seemed to be able to help. They gave me another number to call and the guy said they were working on the issue. I forgot all about it until now, but this happened when I was first banded 7 weeks ago. So I guess they aren't working hard enough!!
  11. bluegirly

    Singles, Mingle, Dingle....lol

    side note: I am ALL ABOUT online dating!! my husband and I met on match.com 8 years ago. it wasn't as widely accepted back then so we didn't really tell anyone that's how we met. but now, i think it's an awesome way to date!! if you can't find a WLS singles forum, START ONE!!!!!!
  12. bluegirly

    protein for hot drinks?

    I put protein powder in my coffee every morning! I just put an ice cube in to cool it down, and it's fine!
  13. bluegirly

    caloric intake

    I am NO WHERE NEAR where you are physically, and I am only seven weeks post-op, but I just had the same thing happen. My nutritionist at first wanted me to hit about 800 calories a day. I just saw her last night and we talked about my excercise routine. I told her I've been walking 2 miles 5 days a week and had just started some weights. She said that my body literally needed more fuel, and wants me to consume 1100 calories a day now. When I told her that number scared me, she said that she was afraid of me continuing to exercise on 800 calories a day and not having enough fuel for my body to replenish itself. So that's where I am now. And you are a super-duper-athlete, so I'm sure you need more calories even more than I do! Awesome job! Right now my goal is to run a 5K in the spring. It will be my first. But you gotta start somewhere!!
  14. bluegirly

    How do you deal?

    Thank you!!! My surgeon had me progress fairly quickly to solids. I did liquids for a week, mushies for a week, then solids. So I will definitely be able to try your suggestions!
  15. bluegirly

    help(I really want it)

    You don't sound like a downer! You sound like you want some encouragement and advice, and that is the best part about this forum! Don't worry about posting when you feel down, that's why we're here! But don't forget to post when you have success with something (and you WILL!) because we want to cheer you on!!
  16. Oh my gosh I accidentally swallowed my gum!! I feel pretty ok, i think I feel it but it's not bad, and it totally might be all in my head bc I'm so freaked out. Anyone ever have this?? Advice???
  17. bluegirly

    body image

    I think you look great!!!! You don't look like a cow, you don't even look heavy!! And your hair looks great too! Don't be so hard on yourself, you should be proud of how you look!
  18. bluegirly


    Thank you! This wasn't bubble gum either...just regular gum to cover my coffee breath! I feel ok but I still think I feel it there. I've had water to try to help it go down, but no luck. My husband suggested I try to eat something small to see if that would work, but I'm scared!
  19. bluegirly

    I did it.....

    AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait for the day when my pants don't need to come from the "big girl" section of the store. You look HOT!!!
  20. bluegirly


    Wait, you are supposed to have sex with your husband???????? I didn't get the memo.
  21. Is that I keep having to microwave my food because it's getting cold!!! I eat so slowly and the food just doesn't stay warm! Ok, it's not really a problem, but it's the only problem I am having so far! And you know what's not a problem???? Seeing the numbers on the scale get smaller and smaller! I LOVE MY BAND!!!!!!
  22. bluegirly


    Welcome!!! This forum provids a wealth of information from people who have been where you are, and you can get support every step of the way!! Good luck on your journey!
  23. Yeah, usually I can stay right around that 20 minute mark. I have a four year old and a two year old, so many times I have to be the hot dog cutter, more ketchup getter, or milk filler upper.....so sometimes i go a little over. I do the best I can! I think I would be eating cold food even if I didn't have the band
  24. not yet! my first one is scheduled for november 7th!!
  25. bluegirly

    NSV Finally Posted a Current Pic!!

    That's awesome!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
