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Posts posted by jenjen82

  1. I was sleeved 11-8-12 and was 215 and I'm now 168 but I really thought I would have lost a lot more by now!!! I'm worried that my weight lose is over so was wondering if anyone else has lost this slow but still reached their goal? I seem to stall alot which is frustrating. I haven't been able to workout much because I have a bad back and I tend to not eat much during the day because I get busy with my two toddlers and eat late at night, now I eat lean cuisine at night which isn't.that bad but my hubby says that my eating late is keeping me from loosing weight...any advice would be appreciated.. Am I losing really slow because it seems like everyone else does so much better???

  2. just wondering how long until everyone started eating red meat? is it just really hard to digest or something , i'm trying to figure out why they say to wait months before eating it...i want to be safe and was just wondering what everyone else

  3. thanks for all your replies, ive lost 5 more pounds since i started this post so thats 25 lbs in 5 weeks which is pretty good but im going to start over and actually not eat any carbs even the goods ones like instructed because apparently it makes a difference in the weight lose...im so thankful for the surgery and my lose thus far and i know i can do this thing!!!!!!

  4. I had my surgery on 11-8 and i've lost 20 lbs..i'm on stall #2 and wondering if i'm doing something wrong or is the weight lose and stalls normal..i'm not overeating in any way but i've added some healthy carbs light whole wheat bread and brown rice a few times..there have been a few time that i've eaten about 1 hour before bed but it was always a small amount and healthy so i'm wondering if these couple of things are keeping me from loosing weight or if i'm just in a normal stall and doing good. i started off at 214 so i'm wondering if thats why i feel like i'm not loosing like others on here (and everywhere else). i'm scared that i'm going to stay this size forever and wasted my money...what do yall think???any input will be appreciated

  5. Hey everyone I just wanted to tell everyone what is going on and hopefully i can get some advise....i had my surgery on the 8th and i've lost only 11 lbs but ive been stalled at 11 lbs for like 4-5 days..what is going on??so I looked at what i'm doing and the only thing i can think of that may have caused the problem is cream of potato Soup that i've had several times..they said cream Soups were fine and i haven't liked the chicken or mushroom or the broths very much so tried the potato and when i looked today after not losing anymore it says that it has 15 g carbs and i'm just not sure if that is bad or not and if that caused me to not lose or if im doing good but in a stall..i've heard of 2nd week stalls but 1st week stalls???other that that im drinking my Protein, sugar free jell-o, pudding , light yogurt and thats pretty much all i eat every day...i'm so ready for the next stage...also i just started walking today so other than taking care of my babies and constantly being up walking around the house i havent had much exercise...I just wanted to break this down and see if anyone has any thoughts . I'm really hoping to start losing more..also my starting weight was 214 so my weight lose may be slower that some peoples....uggghhh i just don't know...

  6. I can't believe it but im finally sleeved. i was sleeved on 11-8 and the surgery went smooth. i felt bad the first day but was soooo much better the next day. i've already lost 8 lbs which is crazy to me and i have chronic high blood pressure and it was way down just now when i checked it so im thinking that I may actually get off my bp meds soon. I'm still trying to recover from the surgery but have no regrets and I'm looking forward to the future

  7. when asked about caffeine i can't help but think COKE..because that is what i love , well until surgery of course so thats why i said that about stretching the stomach because when i asked about coke the P.A at my surgeons said that . not sure about everything else tho

  8. thank yall so much for your answers..i feel better just hearing from other people and having my feeling validated!!!i dread life right after surgery but i'm a strong woman and i've been thru so much already in my life so i know i can get thru this and be happy on the other side.. I had back surgery in may and recovered as much as expected considering i have other herniated and bulging discs (another side effect of obesity) and i know in my heart that if i dont get a significant amount of weight off and keep it off forever than another back surgery will probably happen. not to mention my high bp which i have to take 2 meds for and pre diabetes. I have to have this surgery. I'll be sleeved this time next week..omg.. i still can't believe this!!!the future is bright

  9. i worry about my babies too. i have a 22 mth old and a 10 month old so i'm a nervous wreck about this. i've decided to write a letter to my boys and husband just in case something happens so that i know they will have something physical from me telling them i love them and what my dreams a for them..this gives me a sense of peace..other than that I just know that i'm going to miss them the 2-3 days i'll be away...my surgery is the 8th so just 2 days after u....good luck with the surgery and hopefully the children will understand and not have too hard of a time when your away.

  10. I had a thought today "omg my surgery is in 1 week, i,ll be sleeved this time next week"...I think i was in denial and now it is here. I'm so exited and know this is the right thing for me to do but apart of me wonders if ill look back a year from now and say I shouldn't have had the surgery....I know there is a chance of complications that may cause me to regret my decision but i've done my research and feel as ready and anyone can be before having a major operation. Is there anyone else who wondered the same thing before surgery and do you feel that you did the right thing? How long after surgery or what event took place when you said "yes, i'm glad i made the decision to have vsg". I ask when because i know life is rough after surgery for awhile and there are alot of people who think they made a mistake then later change there minds and are completely happy with their decision...ready or not the time has come........

  11. ozeedonkee, so u didn't like the book..i've just started so we shall see but your the first i've heard not like it..lol...im sure the movie won't be boring :) my mom saw that i had the books and asked if i knew what it was about and i have to say ive been surprised so far becasue I had no idea . i can't imagine what is in store...

  12. Thanx! My doc is gonna scope me in 2 weeks. She didn't want to on Monday bcuz she said its to soon. Thanx for sharing!

    geez i dont know if waiting two weeks is a good idea because it sounds like your not able to get anything down at all. they need to make sure nothing is wrong..hopefully its nothing but i wouldn't wait two week..maybe if your not better by monday i would call and insist that something be done..i just have had serious issues with other medical stuff because of neglect from doctors and i learned that if you know something isn't right than it probably isn't and alot of times we have to fight to get the treatment we need....ill be praying for you..hopefully this weekend you can get something down

  13. I have been checked for leaks, don't have any. She wanted to scope me on Monday, but she felt it was a lil too soon since I was then only a lil over 2 weeks. Reason for bypass was to reduce the reflux. I was told because of having the reflux issue prior, I should have gotten that anyway. But we'll see...

    well hopefully its just the reflux and they can get it under control without doing a bypass..my friend is looking into vsg also but has heartburn and reflux..how bad was your prior to surgery? im wondering if bypass would be better for her but i know she wont want to do bypass..smmmhhh good luck!!!!

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