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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Domika03

  1. Hello, I'm in the soft & moist food stage, 3 weeks post op. Here's a sample of my day, not including liquids (which I seem to not get enough of). This will be my meal plan for the next 3 weeks. Breakfast - 1/4 - 1/2 cup of egg whites, 1 tablespoon of crumbled feta cheese lunch - 1/4 cup tuna fish mixed in a blender with 2 tablespoons of low fat mayo & vinegar (helps it go down easier/smoother) 2 oz of 2% cottage cheese dinner - (still trying to figure this one out) 2 oz of cooked flounder w/ lemon & melted/shredded cheese on top Basically, I'm to eat 1/4-1/2 cup of certain soft Protein foods 3 x day. Each meal should come to 14g of protein. If it doesn't, I can add a protein snack (like Pure Protein, protein bars) or a Protein shake. Good luck!
  2. Domika03

    Just Wanted To Rant

    I'm sorry she's not providing the support you really need. But, Tate777 is right. This has NOTHING to do with you, and everything to do with her, and her own insecurities. Unfortunately, it sounds like it might take her a while to get used to your new healthy lifestyle, if she ever gets accustomed to it. I know it's hard, but try to not let it get the best of you. Stay focused, and stay positive. Best of luck!
  3. Domika03

    Colorado Springs Sleevers?

    I'm in North Denver, about 1 1/2 hours away!
  4. Domika03

    Scars are KILLING me!

    Did you recently have surgery? Sometimes the scar where my band came out bothers me by the end of the day. But, it's not painful, just uncomfortable. I'm 3 weeks post op tomorrow. If you're in real pain, please call your Dr ASAP. Always better safe than sorry!
  5. I did something similar. It's much easier to pre-plan & get everything so you don't fall into old habits & just "grab" something quick to eat. I sense success in your future!
  6. Congrats, sounds like it's all coming together for you!!
  7. Domika03

    family event strange happenings!

    Good for you. I had that from a few co-workers I hadn't seen in a while. i thought, well, how rude that they;re not speaking to me. Turned out they didn't realize it was me! Great feeling!!!
  8. Domika03

    Next food phase started

    I'm 19 days post op & am starting my next phase of food. I believe I'll be in this phase for the next 3 weeks. I started it a day earlier as I seem to be doing OK holding things down, and the nurse thought it'd be OK. Breakfast 1/4 cup of Crystal Farms All Whites egg whites with 1 tablespoon of crumbled feta cheese As it turns out, it was quite the large serving. I felt a burp, so I stopped eating figuring that was a sign from my stomach saying, "time to stop, I'm full." I probably ate 3/4 of it. Lunch 2 oz of tuna fish in water w/ low fat mayo & balsamic vinegar. I almost ate the whole thing. Hard to believe that this little amount of food can be so difficult to eat. I'm not complaining though because I don't want to hurt my stomach by just 'shoving" food in my mouth! Dinner 2 oz of almond crusted flounder w/lemon & melted cheese Haven't quite eaten that yet. Snack (NOT the smartest thing I've ever done): God help me, but I had 2 mini peanut butter cups today. Why? Because old habits die hard. IDK why I did it, but I enjoyed the hell out of it. Yup, need to focus on snacking on healthy things. I know better! Also, had a harder time getting my liquids in today for some reason. I worked from home today because of the snow, but it seems that I struggle with getting enough liquids in when I work from home. What's up with that?
  9. Depending on what stage you're at, do you have a favorite food? I'm on full liquids,but one of my favorites has to be: 3 tablespoons of mashed potatoes, 1 tablespoons of melted shredded cheese, and 1 tablespoons of tomato sauce. Soooooo tasty!!!
  10. Domika03

    Back to the office today

    Day 19 post op I went back to work today, as in into the office. It was kinda nice to get out of the house after working from home all last week. It was rather uneventful. Ate my mini meals & drank about 26 oz throughout the day. Hey, that's actually pretty good for me. I had another 6 - 8 oz since being home, so that's impressive for me. I'm going to start my next phase of food tomorrow, adding 1/4 cup of protein type foods. I'm planning my food menu in my little head already. Breakfast - 1/4 egg whites (though it doesn't seem like a lot). Planning to add a little cheese (maybe feta, though i'm not sure if feta is allowed). Lunch - 1/4 cup of tuna fish w/ 1 tablespoon of low fat mayo for lunch. Dinner - 1/4 cup of parm crusted flounder (though that really seems like so little) Ahhh, the thought of it makes me hungry now. Just need to focus on more fluids. One day at a time...
  11. Domika03

    constipation Wow

    Yes, my daughter has miralax almost daily as a toddler. it's not harmful at all.
  12. Domika03

    constipation Wow

    Smooth Move tea can be found by the organics tea section. We have it at our local King Soopers. Take it at night & hopefully you can go the next morning. I agree with others regarding Milk Of Magnesia too. I use the cherry flavor, not tasty but it'll do...
  13. Domika03


    O-M-G, I licked many doritos & cheetos. Yes, that's what I said. I licked the cheese off of them & gave my dogs the chips. Sad, I know, but it was my way of "justifying" my cheat..
  14. Domika03


    I went down from a 38C cup to a 36B. I now tell my hubby I have boy boobs. I've lost about 100+ pounds
  15. I wonder if anyone here converted from the band to the sleeve, after being mostly successful with their weight loss? I consider myself lucky in the sense that I lost 90 pounds with my band. But, I started to have issues with my band in April, Aug, Oct & finally Dec where it was determined to have partially slipped and became quite painful. I decided to convert to the sleeve for fear of gaining the weight back. I started this journey at 245 pounds & averaged around 220 pounds. I weighed 155 when I had the sleeve done 15 days ago. I now weigh 141 pounds. Has anyone else had revision to the sleeve with a low BMI? If so, what can I expect from here on out? I don't mind losing a little more weight, but don't want to lose too much more (now that sounds ridiculous) because my face looks too thin for my body. I can't believe I even said that ...
  16. Domika03

    Quest Cookies & Cream

    Congrats on the amazing weight loss. You look AMAZING!!
  17. Wait, we can't have artichokes? I love those. I thought they were healthy if steamed? Now I'm curious .... Of course, I'm only 15 days post-op so no where near anything like that (beef, olives, etc...). I still have 4 more days of cream of wheat, mashed potatoes, creamy Soups type thing before my next phase...
  18. I started my journey as a band patient - lost 90 pounds in about 16 months. I was a size 22 pants & 2-3X shirts. I hated it! In December, I averaged a size 12 pants & Medium / Small tops Converted to the sleeve on Jan 16th so I'm only 15 days post op I'm down another 14 pounds Size 10 pants S / M tops The irony is that I had breast reduction about 4 years ago. Best thing I ever did as I was OVER a DD bra size. I could sling those babies over my shoulders. Totally hated them. All this pre-surgery! After surgery, I was a lovely C cup. However, now that I've lost a total of 104 pounds, I'm a size B. Yes, a size "B" cup, oh my!!!
  19. Domika03

    Recovery Time

    I took 1 week, then worked from home about 35 hours this 2nd week. Wound up taking 1/2 day today because I was so tired, and I do not have a physical job whatsoever. If you're lucky enough to be able to take the time, go for 3-4 weeks for a good, healthy recovery. Good luck!
  20. I'm 15 days post-op, but I remember when I first sneezed more than 5 days ago. OUCH. Actually, I believe I sneezed and said OUCH at the same time! It hurt & I had similar thoughts. I also coughed a little bit a few days post op & was sooo careful coughing. It was like I had to clear my throat due to a post nasal drip or something so I keep clearing it very slowly & very carefully. It wasn't pleasant. It does get better. When I sneeze now, it's not bad at all. I can feel it a little bit but not at all like I used to. It no longer hurts.
  21. I went to my first bariatric support group meeting tonight. It was the first time this group was meeting in our area. There was about 10 of us, some sleeve, some gastric bypass patients. I was the only band to sleeve patient. There was a variety in our ages as well. Average was probably 50. We talked about many things: What stages we were all in; which was great because it varied from 12 days post op (me) up to 2 years post op. Struggles & triumphs (mostly triumphs thus far). One person was "stuck" since Oct with no weight loss. But, in listening to what she eats, it sounds to me as though she might be eating more 'bad' carbs than she should. But, I'm no Dr. Strategies for success: Since I had lost 90 pounds with my band, I talked about how I felt it was very important to pre-plan my meals. I'm a bit neurotic in that I like to plan my family meals 1 month in advance. Some days are off due to activities & things get changed around. But, nonetheless, it helps to plan ahead (at least a few days or a week in advance). This way you're not running around scrambling for ideas & just grabbing whatever.... Protein intake (how much & what kind). Many that are early in recovery are using protein drinks / shakes to increase their protein. Found out its OK to use Premier Pure Protein, found at Costco. I used this before when I was a lap band patient. Fluid intake, which I seem to be struggling with but no one else was. I got a few tips, such as drinking warm or room temp fluids might be easier to handle than ice water or cold drinks Caffeine - do you know why we shouldn't have caffeine in the early stages? Apparently, it dehydrates us. This is something that I definitely have to avoid for the next month, at least until I have this fluid intake down properly Exercise - I asked about going on my recumbent bike. Not something I should consider until week 6 because my stomach needs to heal better. However, walking was highly encouraged! Maintaining a support group outside of this meeting group. Discussed the importance of how sharing our experiences helps > whether by blogging (like writing a diary) as its helpful to vent & get feedback from others, or finding a bariatric "buddy." Focus on limiting sugar intake & increasing protein. Fruits like strawberries, blackberries, blueberries should wait until we're 6 months out. I think it was because of the 'seeds.' We're all planning to bring a favorite bariatric recipe in hopes of collecting 1 per person for the next few months. Then, we'll create a bariatric group recipe book. GREAT idea. That's all I can think of it. Glad I wrote it down so I can remember too I hope this might have helped some of you just starting out in this journey. And, if you're an "old timer," I'd appreciate any feedback you might have on what's making your journey successful. What keeps you motivated? What helps you stay on track?
  22. Hi, I was just curious how long people have waited before being intimate with their partner after being sleeved? I has a band removal & revision to the gastric sleeve. My left side is definitely still sore & I worry how uncomfortable any movement (you know what I mean) will feel. Appreciate any feedback. Thanks, Fran
  23. Domika03

    band to sleeve

    I'm doing well, thanks. Moving along slowly but surely. Follow my blogs listed under MissionSlimpossible! I try to post day to day recovery & info. Keep in touch & let me know how you are doing too!
  24. Domika03

    2 week post-op appt and update

    It's great to hear that your Dr was so supportive & offered the right options for you. Body image is a HUGE thing to get past. I remember what I felt like when I first started this journey at 245 pounds. It wasn't pretty. But, you've got the right attitude & are doing all the right things, including staying positive. Best of luck to you with continued success!!
  25. Very normal. By now, you've done research & have probably taken classes in preparation for this new lifestyle. I was quite nervous, but focused on staying positive and what I wanted to accomplish from all of this. Stay focused on what your goals are & you'll do just fine! Good luck!

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