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Posts posted by Scotty75

  1. Yeah Sue, I still get recognised lol. It's hard though they all think it was a magic diet. Saying stuff like they're really proud of the effort etc etc makes me feel like a bit of a fraud..... When asked I just say I eat heaps less and exercise more. After I have my skin chop I think I'll let everyone know. I don't feel ready to tell all until then. Aussie I have heard its pretty damn tough after skin chop, not really looking forward to it but like u said its a final piece to the puzzle. Thinking bout doing Thailand thingo for op .... Any suggestions. I'm out of cash after VSG.

  2. Hi everyone!!! Its been a long time........Ive been going over the posts and you guys are rocking...... :D . Im at that stage where im starting to look at a body lift. Has anyone been there yet?? If you know of any places in WA thatd b be tops. I think I have lost about 40 kgs so far and I reckon with the body lift it will take me to around 95kgs.

    Theres been big changes for me since the op, Ive moved to WA in the Pilbara, obviously new job, Training heaps and loving the new me.

    Aint life grand......


  3. Hi all,

    I am struggling with all the positive comments from ppl, all the big guys are asking me how I've done it etc etc. I basically just say I eat a heap of small meals a day( which isn't a lie) but I feel like a bit of a fraud ( obviously I haven't told anyone about surgery). I hate lying its just not in my nature. I have told 1 mate at work and he told me he hasn't told anyone but u just don't know. On a different note I'm going for a new job on the other side of Aus, bit scary bit exciting, chance to start new. That's all I got,


  4. Hi all, had my my 3 month ( actually closer to 4) checkup and all was good. Lost 58 percent of excess weight, expect me to lose same again in the next 6-9 months. 30 kgs is awesome I'm expecting another 20kgs all up. Loose skin is going to be a big issue, already looking into surgery for that but will wait till 2 years is up. Feeling awesome buying new clothes ( even though they don't last long lol) food is all good, can't eat eggs or lamb. Still eat beef pork chicken. Only getting in about 600 cal 300 of that is iced tea which NUT wants me to cut out but have trouble drinking Water so rather that than nothing. Back into training and loving it, taken up surfing ( wife calls it mid life crisis lol) did RAW challenge, doing colour run in May, then a mountain man triathlon in sept. loving life. Love sleeve

  5. Hi all, just been reading through the posts and wow u guys are rocking it. Me on the other hand,struggling....... Im finding it real hard to eat. Yesterday I had 3/4 toast ( which came back up) bout 100g fish, Iced tea 500ml, 1ltr Water. I am always feeling run down but cant force myself to eat anything. I am around the 11 weeks (i think). I am having a multi every day. I have been back training on my days off but you can guess I am drained start to finish. Been stalling all the time lost around 27kgs so pretty happy with that still another 15-20 to go. My only naughty thing is I have a rum n coke about 3 days a week. I try and eat mainly Protein ( when I am eating), cant really stomach the shakes anymore. Just lately always feeling run down and off. Really struggle with the Water but iced tea goes down well, cant even stand diet cordial or other flavourings. Any hoo that was my wo is me whinge. Glad ur all doing well.


  6. Hi everyone, just checking in ;) in 7 weeks down 16 kgs ( plus 6kgs per op) feeling good, went back to training which was good, started going to gym again ( not very regular). Have had a few lil issues with food not sitting right, prob eating too quick ( we live n learn lol). I watched a YouTube video of a Perth lady who had VSG n she posted what she was eating at weeks 5-7 n there's no way I could eat that much. Anyhoo off to bed.


  7. Hi everyone!

    Out from my endoscopy just resting in the post op lounge. More bad news though :( they discovered polyps in my stomach which now have to be biopsied all that keeps flashing in my head is "Cancer!!!" Have to wait for the results before i can even think about surgery.......if he will do it now :(

    I'm 32 years old and am feeling 100yrs old at the moment, no sure what else to write really.........feeling a bit sorry for myself right now.

    Stay positive, keep us updated.

  8. I think a lot of those pre-workout supps are made of caffeine and L-arginine as well other ingredients. On a rare occasion I may have just a little caffeine to get my butt there and wake me up, but that's maybe once a month on the rare instance that I just can't get going. Usually once I'm in there working out, I'm alert with plenty of energy. And I usually do it on an empty stomach. It's weird, but I have my best workouts on an empty stomach. I don't know if being hungry makes me angry which results in a good workout or if it's because my body is not using its resources trying to digest food and I can devote all of my energy to the workout. I'm really not sure why working out on empty stomach works for me. If I do have anything before a workout, it will maybe be a banana and I make sure it's at least an hour or two before my workout. If I eat a complex carb right before my workout, I feel sluggish and lethargic and I've learned the hard way that method doesn't work for me. But everyone is different, especially if one has sugar issues. Some people absolutely can't get a good workout in without some carbs before exercise. I would try different things to see what works best for you before taking those high dose caffeine supplements.< /p>

    Thanks mate, yeah I wasnt real keen to take those things with caffeine in it. I have tried it b4sleeve and didnt like the efeect. I did read somewhere that someone was taking creatine to help them through their workout and was thinking along those lines. Training for me can be just drilling for an hour then flat out high intensity wrestling for half hour continuous so I was a bit worried about being fine drilling then getting folded up like a pretzel in the wrestling...lol.

  9. Hi all, I was sleeved 29/10 and lost 18kg, 6 preop . I have stalled for last 2 weeks, which is a bummer but clothes are fitting great. Started working out this week and feel better for it. Struggle with food ideas, having a Protein Shake every day ( has 42g protein) and try normal food for rest of meals. Typical day with food Protein shake on skim milk breaky, 1/2 cup spaghetti Bol, 1 fruit cup, 1 upngo , 1/2 cup of dinner. Usually get 1 ltr iced tea in but struggle with Water.< /p>

  10. Hi all, I am 6 weeks into it and cleared to go back to the gym and MMA training but am worried about getting worn out too easy. A lot of the guys I train with have pre workout powders and stuff but not really sure what to have. I was thinking about trying to adjust my food to give me the kick and stamina to get through a gruelling workout but I dont think I am eating enough as it is. I would really like to start training for a mini triathlon but that is still a ways off. I work shift work so cant do regular sessions at the gym but I'll find a way...lol. Im still on soft foods for another 3 weeks so thats where im up to with my diet.

    Ready to get back into it.


  11. Hi everyone,

    Started my 4 weeks on soft food on mon!!! It's good to be off purée, nothing that tastes good looks good puréed lol! I have had a heap of stupid moments along my short journey, with 1 freaking me right out thinking I'd busted my sleeve. It was prob the kick in the arse I needed! I will definitely say this has not been an easy journey for me, struggling with eating. I was fooling myself that I'm fine now and can eat what I want (along comes reality check). This was also my first week back at work so I had a few hurdles there trying to hide my lack of eating etc and energy. I also had a heap of guys asking how I lost 18 kgs in 7 weeks, I hate lying. Anyway the longer I go the better its getting. Can't wait to get back into training.



  12. Hi all, just an update... I'm starting week 4, purée stage but am hopeless with sticking with it! Nothing too terrible, I have had tiny bits of fish, really well chewed and had no dramas. Struggling to get Water in but found I can get 1ltr iced tea in easy!!! Was really worried bout Protein and bought some powder which has 34g Protein per 250ml which is half my rdi... I am listening to my body and not pushing things too far. Want to start back at gym and do some cardio n light weights but am suppose to weight till 6 weeks. Ready to go back to work but a bit worried bout fatigue, doing 12 1/2 hr shifts day n night. Anyhoo that's me up to now! Congrats on all the newly sleeved and everyone else seems to be charging along.


  13. Hi all, I am in week 3 puree stage........ Since ive gone on puree stage I just havent been able to stomach the Optifast shakes. My problem is im not getting enough Protein. My food for yesterday:

    1 weetbix, 1/2 cup milk, 2 spoons benefibre

    1/2 cup spag bol

    1/2 cup baby food *2

    1 ltr Water

    Today its looking worse so far

    1 weetbix+ 1/2 upn go+ benefibre

    1/2 cup chicken rissotto

    I am planning on having chicken and sweetcorn Soup for dinner

    Prob have about 1ltr of water

    Other problem being yesterdays food feels like a rock in my stomach (yes all food is pureed), just not feeling hungry.Trying to force myself to eat is not an option. Im thinking about buying some Protein powder to add to stuff but im lucky to eat what I am let alone add something else to it. Im thinking i might have to try n force myself to have at least 1 shake a day :(


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