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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by susannah

  1. susannah

    Starr Jones-Reynolds

    Hi Angie, The surgery has saved her life Angie! That is more important than whether or not she looks better to people I would imagine. Susannah
  2. susannah

    Starr Jones-Reynolds

    Hi, I really like Star also, and I think we on this site should be the last to criticize her. We have all struggled with our weight, so really we should have more compassion and understanding. If she wants to keep her surgery private that is her right! Go Star!:clap2: Susannah
  3. susannah

    Melbourne Chat Thread!!!!

    Hi, Well I am going to see my surgeon today and I will learn whether or not I have to have a port revision. Hopefully he will be able to put a fill in today and I will be able to avoid any further surgery. Who knows. It has been stressing me out for the last few days. Welcome to the new people who have come to the thread in the last few days also. Susannah
  4. Hi, I have Equal in my cups of tea and it has not caused me any problems at all. I have been losing weight just fine. I wouldn't search aspartame on google to be honest. There are so many internet urban myths about it to be honest. I have Multiple Sclerosis and the internet spreads a falsehood that it is caused by consuming aspartame. They do not know yet what causes MS. Anyway to each their own I guess. Susannah
  5. susannah

    Aussie Roll Call

    Hey Cleo, Yay! Welcome to the land of the banded. The first week after banding is a bit painful and uncomfortable, but it all looks up after that. Weight loss to follow!:biggrin1: Susannah
  6. susannah

    Self pay loans

    Hi, Congrats on your new baby. How much weight has your mum lost? Susannah
  7. susannah

    New member

    Hi, I think there is nothing worse than seeing someone's thong sticking out over above their jeans.:girl_hug: It is so tacky and crass. Thongs should be kept hidden from sight at all times. Susannah
  8. susannah

    Black man

    Hi Agoody, Welcome to LBT. I am not male or of African American descent, actually I am female of Hungarian Jewish descent and born in Australia.:girl_hug: I understand that coming from an African American background and being a male you would have your own unique life experience. Having said that there are lots of people here that would like to give you support and advice. Keep in mind that most people who are banded are women too. All the best. Susannah
  9. susannah

    Melbourne Chat Thread!!!!

    Hi Bronnie, If you go back several pages in this thread you will see that I had been having stomach aches from maybe drinking or eating too fast. It really is all trial and error. Also I found that your band behaves differently from one day to the next, and from one meal to the next. You may be able to eat a full cup of food at one meal, but only a half a cup at the next meal. It is like an intricate dance that you have to do with the band. I have now found that I approach every meal with care and caution, ie eat slowly and really listen to what my stomach is tealling me, and not letting myself get to that point where my tummy starts aching, which may mean you have eaten too much. I have only 1ml in my band. Maybe because you have 2ml it is tighter for you. My surgeon fills the band up slowly. Speaking of my surgeon I am going back to see him on Wednesday.:mad: Please no port revision!:girl_hug: Susannah
  10. susannah

    Hi newbie with questions.......

    Hi All, Hi Bubble butt. That was a very comprehensive response!:biggrin1: Christie lives in Australia, so the it is a little bit different here. You are covered if anything goes wrong with the band if you have private insurance. You are covered for revisional surgery and replacement etc, once you have paid your $3500 out of pocket fee. As for the band The AP band has been available in Australia for a while now and alot of surgeons are now switching over to it. Australia and Europe have been performing banding surgery since the early nineties. Susannah
  11. susannah

    South Park

    Hey, I love South Park. All these moaners were complaining about how SP lampooned Steve Irwin with a stingray barb hanging out of his chest. Who Cares?! Any celebrity is fair game in my eyes. Susannah
  12. susannah

    Fave comfort food?

    Hey, I love strudel, both apple and cherry, and kugelhopf. My Hungarian grandmother would take me to all the different cake shops as a child and we would devour some really delicious cakes. I think cakes are a real comfort food for me as they are also tied up in the memory of my wonderful bubbe. Susannah
  13. susannah

    Hi newbie with questions.......

    Hi Christie, I just wanted to welcome you to our little family here on the Australian section of LBT. Why dont you join us on the Melbourne chat thread. I wish you lots of luck on your banding journey. Susannah
  14. susannah

    Melbourne Chat Thread!!!!

    Hi All, Meredith your latest pic is fantastic.:clap2: It is hard work but we will all get there. I think I will be happy when I get to goal, but my happiness will be tempered because I have been through years of trauma and abuse at the hands of others as an obese person. I think that has left me with emotional scars and insecurities that I will have to live with always. Some people have not given me the time of day, and many have been outrightly hostile. Many have been beautiful though and stood by my side all the while. I would take a bullet for those people. I have got a really long memory, and those that have abused me will not get the time of day from me ever. I don't mean to sound morose, but I feel very scarred and weary from this battle. Better times ahead. Susannah
  15. susannah

    Aussie before and/or After pics

    Hey Meredith, Wow! You look terrific. All the blood, sweat and tears at the gym are really paying off. When I get under a 100 kgs I reckon I will post my full length pic also. Susannah
  16. susannah

    vagus nerve with lapband surgery?

    Hi, Google vagus nerve + lap band. Some interesting articles there. Susannah
  17. susannah

    Melbourne Chat Thread!!!!

    Hi Everybody, Quick question. Can you eat sultanas with the band? I like to get the little boxes and put some in my yoghurt. Not sure if they would swell once inside the little tum tum though. :) Thinking about my mini goal today I thought I will celebrate big time once I hit the 99kg mark. It will be ace to be under 100 kgs. Haven't been there since I can't remember. Susannah
  18. susannah

    Melbourne Chat Thread!!!!

    Hey Meredith, Will your mum have the same surgeon as you did? How is your dad going with it all? How much has he lost? Susannah
  19. susannah

    Australian MS Bandsters

    Hi Karen, I have never experienced vertigo as part of my disease course.It must be horrible for you.:mad: I wonder where exactly in the brain the lesions must be located to cause the vertigo type symptoms? You are amazing mate. Next time I have a little pity party for myself, I will remember that others are doing it much harder than myself. Keep storming the trenches digger!:biggrin1: Susannah
  20. susannah

    Melbourne Chat Thread!!!!

    Hey Meredith, 4 kilos!:biggrin1: :clap2: That is ace mate! Don't ya just love it! You eat a little bit of choccie and you still lose. That is wicked. Belinda, I have heard that there is quite a considerable wait to be banded on the public waiting list at most of the hospitals. I would say at least 18 months to two years. Is there any way you could go private? Check it out anyway. Loretta are you out there? Hope you are well. I am doing well, I just keep on keeping on.:mad: Susannah
  21. susannah

    Melbourne Chat Thread!!!!

    Hi Bronnie, Do you see your surgeon already? I didn't see mine until 5 weeks post op. He does not fill before that point. I am going to see him again next week, and I am looking down the barrel of a possible port revision already! :) Will know by next week what the go is. Meanwhile Bronnie all your aches and pains are normal as Meredith said. You must be looking forward to the mushies and solid stages also. Enjoy your game of tennis. You are doing really well. Good on you B!:clap2: Susannah
  22. susannah

    Melbourne Chat Thread!!!!

    Hi Dionne, How are you? One thing I have found that really speeds up your weight loss is the dreaded exercise. It really does. I know it is hard and unpleasant at first, but as you get fitter it gets a little easier each time, and you feel a real sense of accomplishment for doing it and sticking with it. As for my picture I know That I was not blessed with looks, but I was blessed with having a big and kind heart. Your diet sounds good. The only thing I would get rid of is the up and go. It has a lot of sugar in it. Good on ya D.!!!!:clap2: Susannah
  23. Gday Dr C, You should go to www.youtube.com and check out all the anti band/pro mini gastric bypass videos produced by a Dr Rutledge. He is really down on the band. Just put ''mini gastric bypass'' into the search feature there. Susannah
  24. susannah

    Melbourne Chat Thread!!!!

    Hi All, Blyth you will be a bandster before you know it! I thought I had better post something educational for once seeing as I usually just muck around and post fluff!:biggrin1: Benefits of exercise Physical *Reduced body fat *Faster metabolism *Stronger immunity and resistance to disease *Greater proportion of body defining muscle *Shapelier figure (women); more chiseled physique (Men) *Improved appearance *Easier to maintain weight loss *Increased strength and endurance *More energy *Better flexibility and mobility *Protection against bone loss and osteoporosis * Greater cardiovascular fitness *Reduced risk of diabetes *Reduced risk of developing some cancers *Less desire to smoke,use alcohol,or overeat *Improved sex life *Slowing down of the aging process Benefits of exercise Psychological *Sharper mental alertness and concentration *Relief of tension, stress, and anxiety *Brighter mood, less depression *Improved body image *Greater self esteem *Improved self confidence *Stronger sense of self discipline I thought it would be good to remind myself why exercise is so important in my life. The main points for me are that exercise will help to keep further disease out of my body, and it will slow down the aging process. FYI the source of this information is the Dr Phil ultimate weight loss solution book. Susannah
  25. susannah

    Melbourne Chat Thread!!!!

    Hey Blyth, Mate I love Glicks!:frog: But my love affair has had to come to an end. There is a new glicks in elsternwick. I also Love the Aviv cake shop in Elsternwick. Not any more though. They were my crack houses!:biggrin1: I used to love fruit challah, but it is so doughy that there aint no way it will go through the band.:eek: Only my mum's family are Jewish and we are those shock horror progressive Jews!:Banane30: :der: My rabbi drives on shabbat. My cousins are more orthodox Jews, and they would not set foot in a reform shule. Each to their own, Coz its all gravy baby. How are things going for you Blyth? Susannah

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