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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by susannah

  1. susannah

    Melbourne Chat Thread!!!!

    Hi Blythe, I do several different workout dvd's at home. I like the fact I can do them in private and when it suits my schedule. I would like to join a gym bit they are so expensive. I reckon if the government wants to reduce the annual cost of obesity medical care they should subsidize the cost of gym to make it more affordable for people. I think more people would use a gym of they could afford to. I also power walk and use light weights. Today is the last day of the working week!:clap2: Bludge city here I come.:biggrin1: Susannah
  2. susannah

    Melbourne Chat Thread!!!!

    Hi All, Meredith you poor girl. You need some steaming hot chicken soup. Feel better. Blythe, thanks mate, any updates on your banding situation? I am going to bed early tonight. I exercised hard tonight to work off the last two nights meals.:clap2: Susannah
  3. susannah

    Melbourne Chat Thread!!!!

    Hi Everybody, I am so tired. The last two nights I have not been to bed before 1am due to Passover. I was only able to eat a small amount last night and then the trap door closed!I was not able to eat the main meal. In a way I feel liberated, like I have been set free from this desperate need to eat. I actually felt happy that I couldn't stuff myself like I have in previous years. I have now lost 12 kilos post surgery and the exercising is also going well. I feel like I am on track to succeed in this journey. Some people are so funny, when I tell them I have a band around my stomach they think it is around the outside of it, and they ask to see it!:biggrin1: Hope you are all well and happy. What is everybody doing for Easter? I plan on taking the two days off work to just really rest and relax. Susannah
  4. susannah

    Melbourne Chat Thread!!!!

    Hi All, I went to the bandster meet up today. It was fantastic and I met some wonderful people. I hope there will be many more meetups in the future. Maybe I will come over to the west for one and meet you too Bronnie. Hope to travel up to see Meredith soon too. Love to meet you all actually. Susannah
  5. Hey, Why don't you ask Dr C if it is necessary? Susannah
  6. Hi, I didn't know there was any steel/metal in the band. I have MS and have to have MRI scans and I have been cleared to do so based on there being no kind of metal in the band. I have a medic alert card for the MS instead of a bracelet which I personally prefer. Susannah
  7. susannah

    Courtney Love weight Loss!

    Gday, Not everybody who has lost weight was banded. Some people do it the good old fashioned way. I was never successful at keeping my weight loss off after dieting. I wish her all the best though because she has had a hard trot in life. Susannah
  8. susannah


    Gday, I get numbness in my limbs but it is from MS. Also a possibility. Susannah
  9. susannah

    Feb 2007 Bandsters: April Challenge

    Gday Babygrl, I am such a bad Feb 07 bandster! I hardly ever check in. Anyway make it an exercise challenge I reckon. Also lets all try not to overeat at Pesach and Easter. This is my first Pesach being banded. Luckily we don't eat bread over passover, coz I can't anyway! I am ready to workout! Susannah
  10. susannah

    Starr Jones-Reynolds

    Hey Lizrbit, I have found that women can be crueler to each other and more ruthless than men can be, to be honest. I reckon positive energy and thoughts towards others will bring positivity into your own life. Susannah
  11. susannah

    Melbourne Chat Thread!!!!

    Hey All, Bronnie don't stress! You have lost 8 kgs you little legend. Have a small easter egg if you want to Dionne! When is easter? I thought today was the first of April but we are still in March. So I can go tomorrow to the bandit get together because that means Passover starts on Monday night. Mate I don't know whether I am Arthur Or Martha at the moment I am so tired. All this exercise is doing my head in. I am stressed about passover next week because it is like days and days of eating! Bronnie I don't feel very restricted either at the moment with 2.5mls in my band. Maybe it has all evaporated. Susannah
  12. susannah

    Dietician - Mornington Peninsula area

    Gday Bobbie, Will c u there. I am the fat one you can't miss me!:biggrin1: Susannah
  13. Hi All, There is a perception out there on other boards that Lapbandtalk is a site full of negative and depressing people who more often than not have complications with their band because they abuse it. I think this is so unfair. I have personally found posting on this board to be very valuable in that I have learnt a lot from those who have been banded before me, and I have made some wonderful friends. I believe a small percentage of people will have complications with their band and it is ligitimate to come here and post to seek help and reassurance. Does that make us negative band abusers? The intention of this thread was not to bash other boards. I really like the other boards also for the same reason I like this board. I think they all serve a common purpose and they are all terrific in their own way. I like coming here each day, and it really got to me to hear others downing it here. Each to their own I guess, and everyone is entitled to their own opinion for sure. What do others think? Susannah
  14. susannah

    Melbourne Chat Thread!!!!

    Hi All, I forgot, Hold the phone, today is my eight week bandiversary!!!!! :biggrin1: Time flies. I just wanna be one of those people saying I have lost 50 kilos, like yesterday! Susannah
  15. susannah

    Aussie before and/or After pics

    Hi Mickey, Pop on over to the Melbourne Chat thread and start posting with us. Welcome and congrats on being banded. You will find that it is the best decision you ever made.:clap2: Susannah
  16. susannah

    Melbourne Chat Thread!!!!

    Hi All, I don't feel anymore restricted with my second fill. Is this normal? How many fills will I require before I feel good restriction? I agree with you on the treats Bron and Mez, but I have a lot more weight to lose than you both so I don't allow myself to have any at this stage. Man I used to love the peppermint freddos! Susannah
  17. susannah

    Melbourne Chat Thread!!!!

    Hi All, Anybody catch the story on A Current Affair last night about the family of lapbanders? They were a father and his two daughters who ran a restaurant that offer smaller serves of meals to those customers who request them. What a good idea. I reckon we would be better off as a nation if we all ate smaller serves whether you are banded or not. I think Australia has gone down the same path as America where monster servings of meals have become the norm.:welldoneclap: I think we should reverse that trend. Anyway this family was all banded by the same surgeon who thought this was a unique situation. What about Meredith's family I thought! It does happen. Stories about lapbanding are becoming more and more frequent on the current affairs shows. Maybe more obese Australians will take up the challenge. Apparently surgeons are only treating/banding 1 in 200 people who need it. TGIF!!!!!:biggrin1: Yay ,the weekend is nearly upon us. I need some serious down time. Susannah
  18. susannah

    Best Exercise Video?

    Hey Wheetsin I don't reckon iI will be ready for Tae Bo for another year!:biggrin1: I currently love doing '' Walk away the pounds'' 2 and 3 miles with Leslie Sansone. Susannah
  19. susannah

    Starr Jones-Reynolds

    Hi, This surgery has saved her life. She was at very real risk of going to an early grave. You can't win with some people honestly. You are either a disgrace because your obese and you look terrible, and when you do something about it, you dont look goood. Faaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrkkkkk! Susannah
  20. susannah

    Melbourne Get Together Knox

    Hi Colleen. You lucky duck.:biggrin1: You go and show off that body girl! Just work it.:biggrin1: I am going to try to get to the Cranbourne meet up. although I have to be honest and say that I am not looking forward to having to schlepp all the way out there on the train. I live in Caulfield, and Cranbourne is a long way away. I am one lazy biatch! Susannah
  21. susannah

    Dietician - Mornington Peninsula area

    Hi Bobbie, Welcome and congrats on getting banded.:clap2: I have MS so I know what it is like to have an additional health condition on top of being banded. Did your surgical group not hook you up with a dietician? Mine did, and she works out of The Alfred hospital. I don't think she sees peninsula patients though. Could you call your surgeon's office and get a referral? Surely they must have this information. Good on ya Bobbie. Come on over and join us on the Melbourne Chat thread. Susannah
  22. susannah

    Melbourne Chat Thread!!!!

    Hey, Meredith good luck with your run ducky! It sounds like the stuff nightmares are made of to me!:biggrin1: I hate running. Jacqui would probably like it though. I will not, will not, run here or there, I will not, will not, run anywhere! I do not like green eggs and ham, I do not like them Sam I am! :biggrin1: :biggrin1: :biggrin1: My band is the AP ( Small) I am not actually sure of its capacity to be honest. Anna or Jess would probably know. If anybody knows can you tell me so we will all know! I only had liquids yesterday, but will start back on solids today. I will let you know how I go. Anna you are a champ mate! Wicked weight loss.:clap2: Susannah
  23. susannah

    Melbourne Get Together Knox

    Hey Colleen, Yay another Avenue Bandster! We rule.:biggrin1: Where are you going overseas? Not sure if I can come, but will try to if I can. I am going to another bandit get together this sunday. Good on ya! Susannah
  24. susannah

    Are we neagative on Lapbandtalk?

    Hi Everybody, So glad to hear some of the thoughts that I have had about LBT being reinforced by others. I also like the fact that as an Australian I have been warmly welcomed onto a forum that is made up of overwhelmingly American posters. I like the honesty and diversity of experience and opinions on this site. I also like the different features on the other sites also. Long may we all live in the web! Susannah
  25. susannah

    Melbourne Chat Thread!!!!

    Hi All, Well it's no revision for now!!!!!:biggrin1: Yay! The port has somehow decided to behave itself and has gone back to it's upright position! I am stoked.:biggrin1: The surgeon said we will need to keep an eye on it, but he said I don't have to have a revision for now. He was able to put a 1.5 ml fill in it, so I now have 2.5 mls in there. I have heard that it can take up to 8 fills to get really good restriction. I also saw my dietician today and she gave me some very interesting information re the public waiting list, because I wanted to know on behalf of some of my mates on this board. She works out of the Alfred Hospital in Melbourne, which is a major teaching and accident and emergency hospital here. She said that they are only funded to do 15 operations per year, and that they give priority to patients with co morbidities over others. A person could get bumped down the list quite easily. She has a patient that has been waiting for surgery for 7 years. Well Loretta I am gonna go out with my balaclava on and pull a bank job to get you the money for your surgery.:bananapartyhat: Hey Paulie, and new life welcome. Shoshanna

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