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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by susannah

  1. Mate everybody wants to move to our country! Best country in the world bar none! Sorry yanks.:biggrin1: Susannah
  2. susannah

    Melbourne Chat Thread!!!!

    Hey All, Meredith good to hear your mum's surgery went well. I remember after I was done and the nurses were trying to get me out of bed to walk the following morning. I was like '' I just want to lay down here and not move and be in a painfree bubble please!'' Just moving ached. I hope your mum will feel better really fast. You guys are keeping your surgeon in a job I reckon! LOL;) Sorry to hear about the horsepills too. Hopefully they will do the trick. I still feel atrocious! I forced myself to exercise tonight reasoning that all the sweating should get the toxins out of my body. I am not a happy camper. Bronnie how are you? Did you have a good easter?Most of the banding girls I met said they were going to have a few little eggies over Easter. You have to have some pleasure in life I guess. Susannah
  3. susannah

    Melbourne Chat Thread!!!!

    Hey Meredith, This site is really bad for spammers! It looks like our particular section of the board gets all the porn posts as well! No other forum I belong to has this problem, so I don't know why they can't fix it. I am not going to exercise today because I am just not well enough and it may actually be counter productive. Hope you are keeping nice and roasty toasty warm like I am. My nose is running like Niagra Falls!:eek: :biggrin1: Susannah
  4. susannah

    I've decided to become a Democrat!

    Hi Leatha, I think you could be right on this. I have found people like that to be in the minority as time goes by. Most people just want to live alongside each other happily. Susannah
  5. susannah

    How did you come up with your User Name?

    Hi, Mine is a no brainer! Susannah is my name. :biggrin1: Susannah
  6. susannah

    Now I'm really worried.

    Hi, It is not unusual for people to want to take a break from posting. Our lives get busy sometimes. If it does turn out he has MS there are a number of us on this board, myself included ,that have the disease that can offer a lot of support and advice to him about it. Susannah
  7. susannah

    Melbourne Chat Thread!!!!

    Hi All, Meredith I have not been able to sleep. I am so sick. Oh well. Yay about your mum!:clap2: I have decided to stay on soups etc at the moment while my band is tight. That way I am not putting any pressure on my band. Hey Mezza, Big Brother starts again April 22nd! I reckon I am going to watch it as a guilty pleasure. I hope they have a more Interesting, diverse group of people than they had last year.Wishful thinking! Susannah
  8. susannah

    I've decided to become a Democrat!

    Hey, It is interesting, I am not a Christian but my notion of Christianity is that Jesus was a caring and benevolent figure who wanted to embrace people from all walks of life and bring them into the fold. It is funny that some people who profess to be Christians are the most hate filled ,nasty people, that try to dictate to others how they must live their lives. It is irrelevant, but I am actually a heterosexual female. I am sorry but I don't buy this whole notion of sinning. People are born into this life to be who they are, and live to their full potential. In 2007 I would have hoped we had evolved a little bit more. Susannah
  9. susannah

    What the hell?

    Hey Laurend, I saw that there was snow on the tulips in the Whitehouse garden! :biggrin1: You should try living here in melbourne. We regularly have four seasons in one day. You have to pack sunsceen and an umbrella often! Susannah
  10. susannah

    I've decided to become a Democrat!

    Hi, I hate it when people twist the words in the bible to marginalize and discriminate against others. Religion should be about embracing people and lifting people up, and not putting others down. Susannah
  11. susannah

    People with slipped band

    Hi, All of the above, another possibility is if the surgeon does not place the band correctly. Susannah
  12. susannah

    dam im big

    Gday Big Thunder, Good on ya mate! Go you good thing! You can do it. It is so worth it. You will get your life back. :clap2: Susannah
  13. susannah

    Melbourne Chat Thread!!!!

    Hi Tara, My next appointment for a fill is on Tuesday the 17th of april @ The Avenue @ noon. Would love to catch up with anybody if they happen to be there on that day. How is Bobbie going? It must be a great support network for you both being banded. Has Amy heard anymore news re the waiting list? I am sick today. I have been sneezing my head off for hours. I still exercised though. Susannah
  14. susannah

    Melbourne Chat Thread!!!!

    Hi Meredith, I saw a huge, giant sized easter egg in Myer's department store. It cost over two hundred dollars! I would like to see somebody eat their way through that one!:biggrin1: I have a cold. Woke up this morning feeling unwell. Well I am down 14 kgs now since I was banded.:biggrin1: Happy with that. I am really tight at the moment, due to it being that time of the month. It is so bizarre really how it can tighten up like that. Last night the saliva was pooling in my mouth which was not pleasant at all. First time ever. Somebody explained it that the band tightens due to the tissue in the body swelling when you have your period. TMI, but we are mostly all girls so I am sure we can take it. Here is a group hug for everybody! :biggrin1: Susannah
  15. susannah

    Gun Enthusiasts Mobilize

    Hi, I live in the state of Victoria in Australia and I can assure you homicides with firearms have not gone up dramatically. It happens here and there but not often. Australia on the whole is an anti gun nation which I believe is a good thing. My brother is a gun fan and he lives in a rural area and goes shooting. When he gets his rifles out to clean them it turns my stomach and I feel very uncomfortable. Susannah
  16. susannah

    Gun Enthusiasts Mobilize

    Hey, Gun hater here. Susannah
  17. susannah

    Rhubarb, anyone?

    Hey Carlene, I adore rhubarb!:hungry: It is interesting that something so yummy can have poisonous leaves that are not for consumption. Susannah
  18. susannah

    Melbourne Chat Thread!!!!

    Hi Karen, Methyl Predisolone is horrible. It gives me chronic insomnia, nervousness, depression etc. I have not had it since last year when they gave it to me in the IV. I am lucky in that my MS is really stable at the moment. You would not even know I have this condition to look at me. I realize it will relapse again at some stage but I am enjoying being in remission. You are so right about Diet plate girl! I even have a mind to email A Current Affair and set them straight about this bogus story, but hey I am not the Grinch, she will get caught out. In my thirties I really could care less what other people think of me. I would have in my twenties, but I see so much disfunction and unhappiness out there in so called normal and perfect looking peoples lives, that I know they are in no position to judge me. They don't pay my bills or do anything for me so they can go jump basically if they wish to judge. Today is sushi day.:biggrin1: I always eat sushi once a week on Saturdays. I really look forward to it. I was telling my sister that my idea of a treat now is sushi or saladas with vegemite on them. No cake, no ice cream etc. Susannah
  19. susannah

    Housecatgirl's new photos - 15 lbs to goal!!!

    Hi, Wow you like fantastic! Congratulations. You have worked hard for this, so enjoy it. Bet your hubby is estatic!:biggrin1: Susannah
  20. susannah

    Melbourne Chat Thread!!!!

    Hey All, Meredith great stuff!:clap2: I am doing a happy dance for you! Hey Bronnie do you deal with a lot of elderly ladies in your job? They are not the most tactful people at times, not that it is meant in a malicious way, they just are used to speaking their mind re weight etc. My own Grandmother used to give me a really hard time about my weight constantly when she was alive. Dionne, did you hire that treadmill? I don't reckon I would like to be confronted by a snake on a walk outdoors either! Tarajane, how is your little dolly? May you have many more grandchildren to spoil. Well I have been enjoying myself today not having to go to work! I have been reclining on the couch like Cleopatra. :biggrin1: I have no money to go away this weekend. Story of my life. Susannah
  21. Hi, I think that it is never ok to hit a child. The act of striking a child is an act of violence. We teach children that it is not alright to be rough with or hit another child, then we smack them? I think Parents need to develop skills that allow them to negotiate difficult behaviour management issues with their children without resorting to physical means of punishment. Smacking is never ok. Susannah
  22. susannah

    How do i get someone banned?

    Hi, I understand that you are upset about this person, as they should not write inapropriate posts. At the same time people who don't have a band are allowed to post on this board though. Susannah
  23. susannah

    How do i get someone banned?

    Hi, Do people who get banned just come back with a new screen name anyway? I think Wheetsin is right, there has to be a serious breach of the rules etc for a person to be banned. You couldn't just ban a person because you alone don't like them. Susannah
  24. susannah

    Melbourne Chat Thread!!!!

    Hi Karen, I understand what you are saying, but like I said ,I understand if people want to keep it a secret. This lady decided to take her story to the press, and she did not give a complete and honest explanation for her weight loss. This is not ethically sound. I just think she needs to be honest. If she wanted to keep it a secret don't go to A Current Affair and Women's Day! As for other people's opinion I don't care less to be honest. People are always going to have opinions, I just block out what they are saying. I had this surgery for my own health, and if people have a million opinions about it ,tough luck to be honest. They probably have other areas in their life where they are struggling so they don't have any right to judge me. By the way how are you coping with the MS? At least it is not so hot any more.:clap2: That is music to an MS patients ears. Good on ya K. Susannah
  25. susannah

    Melbourne Chat Thread!!!!

    Hi All, Paulie what is it with nurses and getting banded? I think there were a few nurses that came to the bandster meet up that I went to. How is nursing as a career? Bronnie I thought you had gone AWOL! Are you glad to be back at work? I was reading one of the women's magazines at work today and I read an article about a lady who lost over a hundred kilos by only eating around the inner circle of her dinner plate. She was recently on A Current Affair. When I saw her on A Current Affair I was a bit sus about it all. Anyway It turns out she was banded. She never once mentioned this in the TV interview, she just waved the plate around and said it was because she was eating less. I understand if people want to keep the fact they are banded a secret, but this lady went to the media with this story and she omitted the fact she has a band. Does she have band shame? I think she was being dishonest, and she was not doing a service to any obese people watching the show. The article is in this weeks Womans Day, or New Idea can't remember which. Anyway she also said in the magazine article that she has a band but that she put on 46 kgs from sucking up chocolate. She reckons she has now lost the 100 kgs from diet and eating off the small plate she carries around. What crapola! She probably has just started following the banding rules instead of breaking them. Once again she is dismissing the band and trying to pretend it doesn't exist. Whatever. Susannah

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