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A New New Dawn

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by A New New Dawn

  1. A New New Dawn


    I would strongly suggest you also log what you are eating. Using myfitnesspal or some similar tool to monitor the calories you are taking in. Sometimes we don't realize until we track that we are taking in more than we realize. Are you taking in a lot of liquid calories, by chance? Best wishes, you will get there.
  2. A New New Dawn

    Burping & Back Pain

    I would suggest meeting with your bariatric surgeon as it sounds like it may be a band related issue. I have this same pain (stabbing pain in my middle/upper back) during a stuck moment. I have had this happen even a while after eating but it turned out it was me getting stuck (hence the burping and pain). I had a slight unfill and don't have this happen anymore. I was taking pain meds to relieve the pain too. I noticed sometimes drinking a little bit of liquid helped me when that happened too. I hope you get to the bottom of it.
  3. A New New Dawn

    A New Day

    Good afternoon, All! Safe travels to Carole and I cannot wait to hear about your visits with your boys and our friends. I am very excited for you on all accounts.I know it is bittersweet with Seth, but will be great to see them, regardless. Di, so glad you had a nice visit with your daughter and grandkids and a couple days away from work to unwind!! Terri, YAY for losing another pound!!! Proof that this can be done and maintained!! So excited for you, Carole and Di meeting!!! Lol, you could all order one meal and share. Janet, thanks for all your encouraging words. Also, I am so excited for Ericka and am excited for Audrey to be starting college soon and at the college she has dreamed of. The girls definitely make me proud. Who is Sharpie that you are meeting, btw? In Chicago, we would think of Patrick Sharp from the BlackHawks, lol. Dee, I am glad you are taking action. Print off his FB posts too because he acknowledges there he owes you, if you haven't already done that. Sorry he is such a jerk to have done this but so glad you AREN'T TAKING IT. Michelle, good luck on the finals today! Hopefully, they are not too painful! Nicole, welcome back to work!!! Hope your day was seemless! I am doing well today. Work is hectic but I am enjoying it. So I have lost 5 lbs of the 9 I gained. I am feeling better about that too. Went out to lunch for a coworkers birthday and kept it all in check. This chic don't wanna be FAT NO MORE. Yes, Terri, I went there. I told Brad what's been going on. He was very supportive and agreed that I need to get in to the dr. too and to stop being afraid to face him. As he reminded me once what my doc said is that it's just a diet if the band isn't helping me and it isn't. I do feel so much better heading back in the right direction though! Calling doc now to make appt. Have a great day, ladies!!!
  4. A New New Dawn

    A New Day

    Good afternoon, my friends. Sounds like a good day for all so far. It's overcast here today and expected to be up to 90. Not sure how much I will be doing outside. If Audrey ever gets out of bed, she and I may do something since I don't see her much these days. I have been in contact w/ Ericka quite a bit though it has slowed the last few days. At school she has WiFi so she will message me sometimes on my phone through Google Hangouts and send pictures, etc. She is having a great time. Lol, on Father's Day she told me they made Cuy and she didn't eat it and had chicken instead even though they were trying to convince her. What is Cuy, GUINEA PIG. UCK! It's very common in South America though. We used to have those as pets she certainly doesn't want to try it. (That's my girl). She is having a great time though. They were trying to plan a weekend to go to the Galapagos Islands but their coordinator said you need more than a weekend and it's very expensive. There is some other island though that is a "mini Galapagos" so she is hoping they can go there or get to the beach. It is soooo beautiful where she is. Brad was so sweet before she left and gave her $500 towards her trip for spending $. He knows the trip alone was a lot for us to finagle and he wanted her not to worry about $ while she is there since it is a once in a lifetime opportunity so she would have $ to do the things she may not have by being on a tight budget. July 3rd I am driving out to see him w/ Audrey and with his son, Owen. It should be fun, plus I miss him! I attached a picture of Ericka (far left) with some of her friends in a National Park in Cuenca, Ecuador the city she is living in now with her host family. Michelle, gosh, I wish I could get up at 6!!! I need half your energy. I am happy to hear you will have a break coming soon w/ school. I hope you have a nice weekend. Carole, so happy Sushi is happy. I, too, LOVE the view of where you are. I love mountain views. Some years back Brad and I and our kids did a road trip to the Smokies and stayed in a house in the cabin. It was the most beautiful scenery!! Di, I love the pic on FB of you and your daughter and granddaughter... talk about family resemblance. How are you doing? Nicole, enjoy, enjoy, enjoy your weekend. How are you liking your fitbit? Terri and Dee, what are your plans this weekend? Janet, I don't know how you do it w/ as little as you sleep and as active as you are. No wonder your ticker is dropping like mad! Off to get some housework done! Have a great one!
  5. A New New Dawn

    If I can do it, so can you!

    You definitely are a warrior and great source of inspiration. Through many obstacles you haven't given up and have a great attitude. I, too, appreciate you sharing your trials and tribulations and success stories along the way. We can all learn a lot from you and others in doing so. He has a plan for you and it wasn't your time. So glad you are doing better and recovering nicely. Your kids and family must be so relieved as well and so proud of you!
  6. A New New Dawn

    Chips & cheese

    You can eat it but as my nutritionist would caution us against it. It's hard for many of us to just have that as a little treat and it can lead to unhealthy habits or craving other unhealthy foods. Also, I would caution you that we need to start learning that we can enjoy nights out with our friends, significant others, etc and the focus should be on the company we are with and not food. It's a huge learning process and changing of habits and routines.
  7. A New New Dawn

    A New Day

    Janet, we need to see a new picture. You have lost a bunch more even since your profile pic. We need to get you a sexy sundress now too!
  8. A New New Dawn

    A New Day

    Carole, that is awesome progress with your walking!!!! Remember when you could barely walk down the drive?
  9. A New New Dawn

    A New Day

    I, too, would love to be "overweight" - good one momma.
  10. A New New Dawn

    A New Day

    Janet - your ticker ~ OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are slaying the obesity dragon gurl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. A New New Dawn

    A New Day

    Good point, Terri. It may help our relationship for him NOT to teach me and help MY golf game. Aw, got C Mom all in a tither! Michelle is just fine and dandy, one sexy eye candy!!! She just busssssy!
  12. A New New Dawn

    A New Day

    Hello, Ladies! Can I get a whoot whoot...? Sorry, I have been inundated at work this week as I am covering for my coworker that is observing a hospital survey w/ our boss in Israel. The last couple nights I walked the dogs and was exhausted to do much else. I am doing well. I am down to 209 now from 213. Still trying to not get too upset that I was at 204. I am happy it's going back in the right direction. I keep feeling like I need a fill but not sure. Kind of like you ladies mentioned, some days I can eat anything (embarrassingly, I ate a polish sausage a couple weeks ago on a bun and had no issue). Now that I am back to eating how I am supposed to, I do feel like I am satiated most of the time. I had my egg white oatmeal this a.m. and for lunch a lean pocket (didn't have time to make lunch today) and a light and fit Greek Yogurt and I feel full. I think it's my choices that were making me hungry or allowing me to overeat. I also was really getting lazy and not doing any exercise. My one doggie (Benny, my rat terrier) needs to lose a couple pounds and w/ his energy level needs to be exercised and I am lazy about it. This week, I have been making myself walk the dogs. It is good for them and me!!!! Seeing the scale come back down is definitely motivating. My bandiversary, July 27, is also motivating me as I would soooooo love to be at or below 200 for it (or at least a lot dang closer than I am now). I haven't seen a 1 as the first number in my weight for 10-15 years. Diane, I am so glad you have a couple days off and hope you can unwind a bit with some Di time. I am soooo sorry to hear about your ring too! I sure hope it is found. Have a fun weekend w/ your grandkids and kids. C Mom, ugh for the storm. Glad you are doing well though and making progress on the quilt. Thanks for checking in on me and my CTwin. My twin sense tells me she is doing fab and studying hard. Or she completely knocked herself out this time in her RX class. Going for the first though. That is awesome that your hubby got that trip for you two! Maybe we can Skype in and have lunch w/ Terri, Di and Carole since we can't make it out there???? Terri, I wish I knew how to golf. I always think that would be fun. I have told Brad I would love to do lessons (for fun). He went golfing for work yesterday (big event in the energy industry to do that during college basketball in Omaha). He says he is horrible at it, lol but he won a putter in the raffle. Nicole, I am so sorry I didn't get on here yesterday to wish you happy birthday. I am loving that you got a fitbit and thinking I need to "hint" that to Brad for mine next month. Something to keep me honest and to track so I can see what I am really doing. I hope you are enjoying this week before going back to work. Dee, any word from your computer repair bandit? That stinks you are having such issues w/ your computer. So glad you are enjoying your summer so far. So what did the "boys" bring home from this last animal auction? Are you finding it difficult to "maintain" since you have lost your weight? Carole, ahhhh sleep, so happy you are getting some. That really can put us all out of whack when we don't. How's little Sushi doing? I am glad you were able to see your new doc and he seems to be someone you can work with going forward. I am excited that you, Di, and Terri are going to meet. We want pictures and stories!! Twin, was I right on with my twin sense about you?
  13. A New New Dawn

    Reintroducing carbonation?

    I would ask your surgeon what he/she thinks. Most of us were told no to carbonation, myself included. I haven't really missed it.
  14. A New New Dawn

    Rough day...

    Hang in there! This will pass and soon be a distant memory!!! Best wishes on your journey.
  15. A New New Dawn

    What are you NOT ABLE to eat?

    Doughy breads don't work well for me and sometimes pasta so I tend to avoid those. Also, I hear many people say salad but for me it goes down tooooo easy (slider food for me). I have to be very careful w/ bananas too as those can be very painful for me if not chewed in small bites to mush. Lastly, cereal doesn't go well w/ me. I found the crunchy fiber cereals are ok though. Dry meat I won't even go there. How about you?
  16. A New New Dawn

    Stuck :(

    I agree and think being sick could be intensifying it. It wouldn't hurt to talk to your doctor about this if it persists. Also, bread doesn't go well for many of us and for me is one of the easiest things for me to get stuck on and the most painful when it has happened. Now, I only eat bread in very small doses and either well toasted (breaks up and dissolves easier) or as part of a sandwich. For me, it seems to work easier like that. I rarely eat bread for that reason but if I do, stick to multi-grain bread. The denser (multi-grain) or drier (toast) bread are easier for me to eat.
  17. A New New Dawn

    A New Day

    Good morning, Ladies! How is everyone? I survived Father's Day at my dad and stepmom's yesterday. Only a few insulting comments/digs from my stepmother. I loved hearing from my sister that she was making digs about my gram, mom, dad's sister, and my ex to my sister. She is such a hateful woman but acts fake to everyone's face most of the time. My dad is actually a very nice guy on his own; however, he doesn't say anything with her comments and ignores them and so I blame him equally for not standing up to her EVER. Oh well, it went fine for the most part. I spent the afternoon having Dawn time and hanging out w/ my bff catching up on our lives and some sun! I am down 3 of the pounds I put back on. I was down to 204, then got up to 213 (UGH!) and am back down to 210. I am feeling a little better about it. My sister-in-law made a yummy casserole for my dad's yesterday and only put a little bread in it and made it mostly with egg whites. I have to get her recipe for that. I could make it in muffin tins and have some yummy stuff ready to go. Diane, I loved seeing the party pictures a) you seriously look GREAT!! and you looked happy FABULOUS cakes you made! c) your grand daughter and daughter are beautiful ladies, like their mama d) OMG, how cute your dog had a party and cake too!!! LOVE IT. They really are like our kids. I love my dogs to pieces and esp with Audrey working all the time for summer and Brad gone, they are great company for me and always happy to see me! ♥ I am so sorry about how things have evolved with your mom and can only imagine how hurtful and stressful that is. I do hope you can get a break here and there before it makes you totally lose your mind. I am so excited you, Terri and Carole will be able to meet up soon. Carole, the kitchen and unpacking will be there and you have all the time in the world to unpack and get it organized. IMHO, I think exercising would be a great idea. I know I feel so much better when I do, maybe just the endorphin release but it really does help my pysche and I feel better that I did something for myself. So glad you were able to sleep last night too! That had to be a relief. I was wondering, do you still have your gallbladder? I have heard some people with similar issues and it was also gallbladder related. Just a thought as I am obviously nowhere near a medical professional. CTwin, I am soooo proud of you! You really are an amazing and strong woman and I love your wit! You really help motivate me to get off my duppa and get more exercise in!!! Your baby is really growing up! Don't blink or he will be off to college like my "baby". I am struggling a bit with my upcoming move too. I am excited about it but feel bad "leaving my kids". It's only an hour flight but Audrey likes to make comments (her passive aggressive side) that I am "leaving her". It will all work out just stressful in the meanwhile. CMom, how are you doing? How was your weekend? Were you able to dote over hubby for Father's Day? That's so sweet about your SIL missing his MIL. It's cuz EVERYONE loves you!!! Good to know you are not too far from Ft. Meyers, btw... hmmmm. Pool party and Ange and Evans!!! Dee, we are still waiting for pics of the new sundress - hee, hee. How's it going w/ school out and the kids home? Nicole, nice that you get to be off for your birthday this week!!! Churros and beer for everyone! JK. Enjoy your special day!! Also, enjoy this last week off!!! Hope yesterday was fun w/ your parents. Terri, yay for being down another pound and yay for being able to stay focused and motivated. Any trips coming up? I cannot wait to see the new quilt you are working on. Have a great day, Ladies!!!
  18. A New New Dawn

    A New Day

    Good morning ladies. It's another rainy day in Chicago so no bike riding for me. Actually, I am picking up my mother later and meeting up with my gram, uncle, and my aunt to surprise my mom for her 65th birthday that was on the 12th. Honestly, I am not worried about overeating as I am in a different frame of mind right now and know I will handle myself. Happy quilting Terri. You are so ambitious, one after the other!!! One of these days I will learn how to do that. Maybe that will be my empty nesting, post move to Omaha project. Maybe... Carole sorry about your sleeping issues. Definitely does sound stress induced since it has gotten worse after Sushi's news. I am happy to hear you will be traveling back to Florida soon too to see Seth and family. Janet, you are so ambitious with all those quilts! Wow!!!! I can't wait to see them. What part of Florida are you in, by the way? My cousin lives out in the Ft. Meyers area (I believe) and my aunt I am having lunch w/ today is thinking of moving out there. She is retired and real estate is much cheaper there than here. Plus, she is tired of the winters here. Not sure if I will be able to bust out my bike this weekend with the weather. Tomorrow morning I am heading to my dad's in the morning for "brunch" for Father's Day. Audrey is working all weekend so I don't see much of her. Nicole, (my daughter Ericka's middle name), how are you feeling? You off traveling this weekend? I lead my exciting and fun life through you. Diane, so happy you got out last night to have some Diane time!!! You so deserve it! Dee, how are you sweetie? We gonna get pics of you and your cute, new sundress? I know it's sad about your sweet dog, try to find some things to lighten your mood. She was a lucky dog to have such a loving family. So glad CJ is doing better too, btw. Twin Michelle, I am so sorry to hear about your daughter. It is so hard to see our children hurt or be hurt; esp. since you have to keep it to yourself. First, I really commend your daughter for opening up to you. That speaks volumes of the love and trust she has for her incredible mom! I was in a very bad marriage (got married when I was 20) and my family knew he was a jerk but never knew how bad. I never told anyone because I didn't want anyone to know. It took 5 years for me to finally say enough and once I told my family it was a huge weight lifted off me as I wasn't carrying my secret/shame to myself anymore. It also helped me be stronger. It's also hard to not want to jump in and go give him a piece of your mind. I pray she has the strength to make herself a priority and not do this anymore. One big lesson for me out of that bad situation was, sure, he was a jerk for what he did to me, but I was in control of how I allowed people (him) to treat me. So it was more about myself and learning that I was not going to allow someone to treat me that way (he cheated and was abusive). She deserves so much more. I hope they can either work things out or she can find the strength to say "enough". If she is anything like her mom, she too, is an amazing woman. Also, to what Carole and Janet said too, running is a great alternative. Eating is just going to make you feel even worse about the situation. You are stronger than that. However, I must say, 800 calories seems low. My dr. actually has me on 1200 calories so it didn't sound bad to me. If you need anything or want to talk please feel free on here or if you want to talk directly feel free to call or pm or text me too. I'm here for my favorite twin, as we all are. Your daughter will work through this one way or another. My other caution would be to be careful what you say to your daughter about him. If they work things out, you don't want her to resent you if you say anything out of haste. ♥ you! Have a good day ladies.
  19. A New New Dawn

    A New Day

    Carole, so sorry to read about the issues with reflux you are having. I hope it is resolved soon and nothing too serious. Glad to see about your new "date afternoons". You and Jack are so cute!
  20. A New New Dawn

    A New Day

    good morning ladies. Yay, for Sushi feeling better. How is everyone? Are we mosquito free yet Mom? How's my sister's from another mister doing? Ange putting on some weight and still feeling ok with all the excitement of moving, etc.? Are we going biking this weekend? Twin, of course you had to pick your pattern first. You know mom loves you more, suck up! LOL How's your injury coming along? That must've really hurt and if makeup doesn't cover it, a nice story to explain to people that think you have been battered. How's it going w/ school out? I am so excited for you being so close to finishing your school!!! I am sure the CPA exam will be a brut though! You are definitely the smarter twin!! Diane, big hug and keeping you in my thoughts! So glad at least work surveys are over for a while and hope the CMS one went well. Nicole, enjoying your days/weeks off? That is awesome you were able to get several weeks off. I hope swimming went well over the weekend. Your coworkers are going to see a whole new you when you come back the way you've been doing! Terri, pool parties this weekend? What time should we all be over? I get the neon green raft! How are you doing? Have you been getting back to "pre cruise" weight or still struggling with that? Dee, I was saddened to see the news about your dog. Hang in there, my friend. I can imagine how difficult that is and was.
  21. A New New Dawn

    A New Day

    echo, echo... oops Diane, so sorry about things coming to a head but maybe it was "rock bottom" so things can start looking up for you now. I pray that it all comes together and you and your family can make it all work. You are an amazing woman.
  22. A New New Dawn

    A New Day

    Michelle (twin) we should go on the quilting site and make sure CMom knows which pattern we both like.
  23. A New New Dawn

    A New Day

    Michelle (twin) we should go on the quilting site and make sure CMom knows which pattern we both like.
  24. A New New Dawn

    A New Day

    Storm passed through here and no ponds in my backyard... watching with angst the double ot for the Chicago Blackhawks. I don't normally watch but when my boys are in the finals, I have to. Michelle, oh my... that sounds horrible. You too, Terri. That sounds like something I would do!
  25. A New New Dawn

    A New Day

    It will be like the episode of the Brady Bunch when they put too much soap in the washer machine! LOL We are expecting storms here too (2-3" of rain, hail, thunder, and some areas under a tornado watch), ugh. Heading home soon. Have a good evening ladies.... I should leave now as those chocolates (damn it) are taunting me.

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