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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by isajck

  1. isajck

    Any Smokers/Ex-Smokers?

    There are some that never quit smoking and do just fine. You should perform some forum searches and read the threads. I suggest you make a serious effort to stop. Yes I know it is difficult but it can be done if you sincerely want to. I smoked since age 17 but had no choice but to quit as my doctor requires it and also tests prior. I made a decision to have this surgery and change my life and decided to go all the way. Your body (and mind!) is about to go through some major changes, why not give it help instead of hindrances?
  2. isajck

    My Fit Foods

    I tried a lunch years ago and it was very tasty. The company visited my hospital support group last week, giving out a sample of food and BOGO coupons. The food this time was delish as well and I plan on using that coupon soon.
  3. isajck

    Loosing my job...

    Honestly, it's a mixture of both. The new health care rules are increasing costs for the greedy CEO's and nothing will stop them from having their mad money which means cutting employees.
  4. isajck

    eating solids too soon.

    Let you body lead you in this. My surgeon has a schedule for patients to follow, I tried it but my body was not ready so I returned to liquids for an additional week. After that everything was fine. And yes you can/may gain sure the time of the month. It should fall right back off once it's over.
  5. isajck

    Are There Any Single Sleevers Out There..

    Okay my fellow singletons, not sure if it has been mentioned here before but there are a couple of groups on facebook that might be of interest. The first link requires approval for access but I think the second does not. The groups do not appear to be sleeve specific, just WLS. https://www.facebook.com/groups/514586185246349 https://www.facebook.com/groups/WLS.Dating.Love.Relationships If for some reason posting this is not allowed here and the links are removed, just message me and I will pass them on again. Oh and I am beyond single, 45, childless and in Texas.
  6. Everything does look very good! Continued success on the healing process and hope those drains come out soon!
  7. isajck

    Alien Body

    This is very interesting Lynda. Hope did you work on your posture? Mine is currently horrible and I've been thinking about purchasing a corset to help force the issue.
  8. isajck

    What Did Your United Healthcare Cover?

    Sorry to hear this. Maybe if you and/or other employees appeal to your employer they will consider covering it in the future.
  9. Scale finally move again! YES!

  10. Congrats to you! I remember getting into those old jeans from the back of my closet and how exciting it was. The day I can comfortably shop at a Kohls or other regular store will be something major and I cannot wait!
  11. This is no longer true. My surgeon performs the leak test immediately after creating the sleeve, while the patient is still on the table. There was no barium test after as there is no need for one. I have seen many others here say the same.
  12. If you are not having any problems, there is no reason or need to be scoped.
  13. isajck

    Local Y, or Curves?

    I'd lean towards the Y. You will have access to a variety of machines, possible a pool (depending on your location) and different classes. I think it will offer you much more than a Curves location.
  14. isajck

    Doubting & super worried

    Having WLS is a very personal decision, no one can (or should try) to answer this question for you. Do your research, look deep inside of yourself and come to a final decision concerning this life changing event. Good luck!
  15. isajck

    What Did Your United Healthcare Cover?

    Surprising but every employer plan is different. Good luck with everything!
  16. Tillamook cheese is the best I have ever had!
  17. isajck

    What Did Your United Healthcare Cover?

    I wasn't told about it initially. I accidentally found it while googling about UHC and bariatric surgery.
  18. I have no problem with including apples in my diet. I'd rather have the natural sugar and the overall benefits that fruit provide my body.
  19. isajck

    What Did Your United Healthcare Cover?

    Optum Health is a care coordination service for long term medical issues, pregnancy, cardiac, kidney, bariatrics, asthma, that sort of thing. I am not sure if every UHC plan has it but mine did. They verified my coverage and sort of pre-qualified me. They were willing to provide me with a list of surgeon's but I went in with a name. In addition I had a RN case manager who contacted me every couple of months just to check on how I was doing. She was the one to call me with the final authorization before my surgeons' office could. I have nothing but good things to say about my experience with them and recommend getting in touch if it is available.
  20. isajck

    Houston texas

    You need to start by getting details about what dad's insurance plan will and will not cover. That really is the best place to start so you'll know how much money will be needed out of pocket. In addition you need to find out what type of rules the plan has concerning surgery, most of them have some. My UHC plan required a six month diet/nutrition program prior to surgery. Don't let that scare you, it went by very quickly and ended up being more helpful than I realized. Once you find out the basics and select a doctor, their office should handle dealing with the insurance company for authorization and such.
  21. isajck

    What Did Your United Healthcare Cover?

    Not sure what part of Houston you are in but check out the doctors at the methodist hospital/medical center. I had great success with them. Also if your version of UHC has access to the Optimum Health program - use it! It made everything a breeze for me plus if you really have no idea for a surgeon, they will give you a list of ones in-network. Good luck!
  22. I am currently suffering from vertigo, diagnosed after an urgent care and er visit. This is the wildest thing ever and I do not like it. I have an follow-up appointment with my PCP next week, she will probably run labs and we'll see if there is anything wrong there. This must stop, I cannot continue on like this.
  23. isajck


    Almost 6 months out and find myself cold more often than not. It is very strange because I've been the warm/hot type since childhood.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
