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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Threetimesacharm

  1. Threetimesacharm

    Scale Not Moving Working On 4 Months Out.

    One book that was recommended here is, "The Power of Habit" by Charles Duhigg. I walk twice a day, first thing in the morning before work and right when I get home. It has become such a habit that I don't really think about, I just put on my warm walking clothes and go. You have to find something you like to do so that you can make it a habit(I know this is everyone keeps saying, but it is true). As far as food goes I pretty much stick to the same routine and what I eat. I have 3 meals and 3 Snacks. I am in maintenance now and trying to have a "forbidden" food once a week to still keep the food enjoyment in my life. Though I will say I truly love my healthy eating plan and also how it makes me feel. I also keep my mind in the game by reading posts here, reading diet related books(recently read The Dukan Diet, it has a lot of good points in it on how to diet/maintain), surround myself with positive people and I still track and weight my food.
  2. I think you need to come clean and be honest with yourself about your eating habits. In your post you say you don't eat a lot and then answer a post and say that you do. People just don't get fat by eating little amounts of food twice a day. You need to admit that you were eating two or three times a day, copious amounts of food. You may need a nutritionist to help you understand what kinds/how much food you should be eating at a meal. As has been said here many times before, the sleeve is just a tool it won't instantly make you lose weight. Make sure you seek counseling before you enter into such a life altering surgery; good luck.
  3. Threetimesacharm

    As Of Today, I Am A *veteran*.

    What constitutes a Veteran? I thought it was over a year out? So is it 6 months or more? Just wondering.
  4. Threetimesacharm

    Fiber, Soluble Vs Insoluble - Game Changer!

    Okay so insoluble is the way to go?
  5. Threetimesacharm

    Dying To Be Thin...

    Thank you for sharing and so glad to hear you are doing well. I am so glad that I had my band removed; the best thing I could have done for myself. I believe the band is a money grab, lots to be had by placing these bands. I hope you have a safe sleeve journey.
  6. Threetimesacharm

    Did Any Of You Shrink?

    Funny that you mention this: I have always been 5'10" and most recently had my height checked and I was 5' 9 1/2". I thought I shrunk due to my age. Interesting....................
  7. Threetimesacharm

    Sleeve Is So Much Better Than Band.

    I so agree with you. I am sure that doctors still doing the band are in it for the money. The success rate is so not nearly as good as with the sleeve. Life with the band is absolutely miserable. Congratulations to you!!
  8. Threetimesacharm

    Protein Mug Cake

    Here is a great recipe to use your Protein powder in 1 scoop chocolate Protein Powder 1 T. cocoa powder 1 tsp. sweetener 1/4 tsp. baking powder 1 egg white = 1/8 cup 2 T. milk (cow, soy, almond) Could also add PB2 Mix all wet ingredients and add to all dry ingredients and mix to incorporate(no lumps). Place in a large, microwave safe mug. Microwave for 1 minute but watch carefully if it starts to rise take out and pat down. You also don't want to overcook as it will become very dry. It makes a very large cake so you might want to share it. Cream cheese icing 1/4 cup cream cheese 1/4 cup greek yogurt 1/2 tsp. vanilla 1 tsp. sweetener Mix together and refrigerate for one hour to set and frost over cooled cake ENJOY!!
  9. Threetimesacharm

    Question for Those 1 Year+ Out

    I will say that what works for some will not work for others. I am sure you will find your way but I think that we will never be "normal" people. We will always be a VSG patient maintaining our new goal weights. Chances are you will be eating far less than a normal person to maintain and excess carbs will be your enemy. It is easy to start eating slider foods so be wary of this. The thing is you will probably love the new you that nothing will stand in your way to continue to be a success!! You will have a new norm "for you". Best wishes, you can do it!!
  10. Threetimesacharm

    Going To Mexico Alone

    No worries OP, I too went to Tijuana Mexico alone and it was no problem. Lots of patients to meet and everyone was terrific, best of luck to you, New You New Year!!
  11. Threetimesacharm

    This Probably Sounds Silly But...

    I will tell you that it certainly is a new journey to begin. I too have never been this thin in my entire life(just once I guess on my way up). It really is a mental adjustment to see yourself so thin and in my case wearing a size 6, I still can't believe it. I guess as time goes on it will become my new norm but I think I still feel inside like the old fat me sometimes................but I love my new thin self!! Surgery has been life changing for me and it will be for you too!! All the best
  12. Threetimesacharm

    Band food compared to sleeve food

    I had my revision September 2012 and it was absolutely the best thing I could have done. Make your own decisions and don't base it on negative comments you read here. It was a very positive life changing surgery for me and I would do it 1000% times over.
  13. Threetimesacharm

    Trouble Getting Enough Calorise In?

    At 6 weeks out I wouldn't be eating the peaches and oatmeal. You really need to be focusing on your protein intake. I agree to try having a protein drink for breakfast instead.
  14. Just wondering, what does losing weight have to do with the inflammation, anything? Is this just a disease that you would have had regardless of your VSG? I feel 1000% better having lost weight and am definitely healthier for it.
  15. Threetimesacharm

    Protein Mug Cake

    let me know how you like it. I would like to try making a pumpkin spice vanilla one.
  16. Threetimesacharm

    Drinking before and after eating?

    If you are feeling "dry" you should be drinking water. I also have no issues with drinking, I do drink before I eat as liquids go through my stomach pretty quick, but I do wait at least 30 minutes after to drink. It becomes such a habit you don't even notice it.
  17. Threetimesacharm

    My Sleeve Journey

    Did you have gastric bypass or VSG? Wondering because you mention both in your ad.
  18. I just reached my ultimate goal weight this week of 165 pounds; it still seems so surreal I step on the scale and still can't believe it. I am turning 50 next year so I have a beach vacation planned for January. I have always loved to shop and even more so wearing a size 6/8 and S/M tops.
  19. Threetimesacharm

    I keep sitting on my ladybits.

    As you lose weight you will also be losing weight from your "ladybits" and they may become more lax or stretched looking; hence you sitting on them. You may want to consider a labiaplasty where they remove excess labia tissue, makes a world of difference.
  20. Threetimesacharm


    I drink decaf coffee everyday, maximum 3 mugs full. I love it black and couldn't do without it.
  21. Threetimesacharm

    Alberta girl seeking advice

    I too am Canadian(from Ontario) and went to Mexico September 2012 to have my revision done. Absolutely the best thing I could have done! The doctors are remarkable and care is top notch. You won't be disappointed, best of luck to you!!
  22. It is probably not hunger pains but your stomach healing. It will be making noises but not from hunger. You may also need to be taking a PPI this also mimics hunger. Don't progress through the stages to quickly as you can do harm to your healing stomach; remember you have a large staple line that needs to heal.
  23. Threetimesacharm

    Pumpkin ideas?

    1/2 cup pureed pumpkin 1 egg 1 tsp. pumpkin pie spice stevia to taste Mix all together and place in a microwave safe cup and cook for 2 minutes. Check at this point and if not set cook for a few seconds more. Can be enjoyed with extra spice, nuts, or flavored syrups.
  24. Threetimesacharm

    Doubts: sleeve necessary?

    80% sleeve, 20% following the rules. If you could lose weight and not worry about being overweight you wouldn't need the surgery, right?
  25. Threetimesacharm

    tell me about your 50 ponds lost?

    PONDS..............POUNDS it's all the same right?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
