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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Threetimesacharm

  1. Threetimesacharm

    In Need Of Support

    The first two weeks for me was clear liquids, no protein just water, diluted apple juice, tea(weak), and more water. The next two weeks full liquids, cream soups(strained) thinned yogurt, thin shakes. It sounds like your NUT is rushing you. I actually for some phases spent a couple more days as I felt I wasn't ready to progress. It is way to early to be eating anything solid; no chicken, beans, eggs(a lot of people can't tolerate eggs). If you want more detailed information just PM and I can give you a list. Remember to be constantly sipping your water, you do not want to become dehydrated.
  2. I think having a support group is a great idea. Having had surgery in Mexico myself, the only support I have is at VST. I was thinking myself of going to W.W. to have support and be accountable to someone other than just myself.
  3. Threetimesacharm

    what am I missing?

    I don't think this has anything to do with the sleeve. Contact your doctor; they are the experts.
  4. Threetimesacharm

    Weight loss disappointment

    Some things we may need to know to assist: What was your starting weight? How much do you have to lose in total? What/how much are you eating? Do you exercise? Then we may be able to help you jumpstart your progress.
  5. Threetimesacharm

    My surgeon is a horrible person

    I do agree with what SueRN has posted. Sounds like the doctor at this point is using a little bit of tough love. You did mention that you are only 26, too young to be on pain meds the rest of your life. How much weight have you lost? Maybe he feels that you have not done well based on how much you have lost. I don't think suing will get you anywhere but a long drawn out process and well for what? Poor bedside manner and how can you prove he really did not send you for the correct procedure to make you better; sounds like he did. Move on and put this in the past and focus on making you better! You have the rest of your fantastic life to live not dwell on what happened or didn't. As they say life is too short for this to be eating at you. Good Luck.
  6. Not sure who this everybody is who is saying you can't have carbs again. Of course you will if you chose. Hopefully sugar will no longer be your go to for comfort. Soft breads I don't really eat but I also don't mind, somehow you adjust your brain to this. Toast as it is crunchy should be no problem. I haven't had rice; can have a little potato but chose again not to. You will find that your food tolerances and preferences will change for the better with the sleeve. Enjoy the ride!!
  7. Threetimesacharm

    Upper Arm Lift, brachioplasty

    I had an arm lift and it was the best decision to have made. My arms now look normal and can fit into jackets, sweaters and look good! Do I have scars yes; it will be a year Jan 2014 and they do seem to have faded but of course are still there. If you can handle the scars, no problem.
  8. Threetimesacharm

    Another Newb Question - Taking A Bath

    In my opinion I wouldn't have a bath yet. Can you just sit on the edge of the tub and shave; I sometimes do this. Ask your Doc but I think you should be more healed before soaking.
  9. Threetimesacharm

    Tall Women, Tell Me Your Story!

    I am 5'9 1/2" and I thought my goal weight would be 180 pounds. I have now exceeded that weight and am at 159 pounds. I don't want to lose anymore, I am quite boney and wear a size 6 pant; good enough for me!!
  10. Threetimesacharm

    Question About Epidural And Catheter

    I too had my surgery in Mexico, not sure why they would use an epidural. You may want to double check this. I think an epidural only keeps you numb from the waist down; your stomach is above your waist. I know they may use epidural(twilight sedation) and a catheter for plastic surgery.
  11. Take Milk of Magnesia; it will definitely work! Stay close to a restroom.
  12. I don't even know if a comment like that deserves a response. Maybe next time you can just get some soup. You won't run the risk of not being able to eat it or making yourself sick. Not sure how far out you are but in time, no one will even bother commenting as they will realize it is just the way you eat!
  13. Threetimesacharm

    Anybody Else Cheating?

    To the OP, my question is what is the rush to progress to eating food(I assume solids). You will absolutely have the rest of your life to eat solid foods. The reason why Vets speak towards learning your good eating habits now and how easy it becomes to fall back into old eating habits the further you are along is because; IT IS TRUE!! You chose the surgery I hope not only to lose weight but understand why you gained weight and how to learn to keep it off. This is what the food stages and healthy eating teach us. You are a grown woman and will chose what to do, but I have seen many members here go, that no longer post, and I wonder if it has to do with how successful they have been and did it have to do with their food choices.
  14. As sad as it may be, many of us will have sagging, wrinkly, droopy skin; including myself. Would I trade in my health, energy, lightness and the ability to be wearing a size 6, which I may add have never in my life done so before; NEVER would I trade it. I have the option of more plastic surgery but I think to myself where will the surgery end? One thing I like to say is I need a couple inches remove up the side seams!
  15. Threetimesacharm

    No Willpower

    To the OP, you are so right, if you are not ready to make this commitment, don't do it. It is absolutely a wonderful surgery to help you change your life but it also is just that life changing; foods you eat, quantity, commitment to exercise, healthy eating and small portions. I wish you the best and you will know when you are ready and when that time comes there will be no stopping you!!
  16. Threetimesacharm

    Problems Going Early To Stages

    Why do you need to rush through your eating plan? You will have the rest of your life to eat what you want to. You greatly run the risk of a leak and possible death....................I guess this is your choice.
  17. Threetimesacharm

    Never Full, Constantly Hungry

    You may have acid which mimics hunger. Firstly, your stomach will also be making lots of noises but it does not mean that you are hungry. Mine still does and I am 14 months out. Try taking an OTC like Prilosec and see if it helps, I bet it will.
  18. I have recently read the book, "The power of habit" and it was really insightful. So you do know you have to remove the cereal from the bedroom and stop watching TV in bed. I know that it is tough but once you decide what you want your new reward to be the habit you create to get it becomes easier and easier. You have done fantastic so far and I am sure you want the reward to be 130 pounds! Put on your big girl pants and make that commitment; You CAN do it!!
  19. Threetimesacharm

    I Dont Think My Nut Believes In Me

    She says it's her job to be offensive? I would terminate my relationship with her and demand to be seen by another NUT in the office. She certainly fits her acronym.
  20. I have had chronic constipation for the last oh say 11 years. After surgery I started taking miralax everyday and it worked great. Then it just stopped working. I just had a bad bout and had taken milk of magnesia and senna tea and it wasn't even working. 5 cups of tea later and an enima and very slowly I got relief. There is a new drug here, resotran, that I got a prescription for today that is specifically for women with chronic constipation. It is definitely not a fun experience and I found even with lots of fiber it didn't help. Senna tea should work but being a laxative shouldn't be used all the time.
  21. Threetimesacharm

    What Damage Have I Done?

    You made a very conscious decision to buy and then prepare the foods you did. If you are looking for permission to go off your eating plan, you won't get it from me, sorry. There is a reason why you are required to follow a strict diet plan week by week. Have you heard of leaks? If you can't tough out two weeks of liquid proteins how will you ever manage the rest of your life with the sleeve? I wish you the best.
  22. Interesting read, I am not purposely doing this as I eat more sometimes on weekends than during the week and I continue to lose weight..............I believe that it works!!
  23. Threetimesacharm

    Am I Really Ready For Gastric Sleeve.. ?

    You have to be ready for the drastic change in how you will be eating, especially in the beginning. Read as much as you can and follow your eating plan to a "T". You have to be ready to make this change in your life as it is forever. I would start practicing; eating with small utensils, eating very slowly putting your fork down between bites, measuring out small portions(1/2 cup), not drinking with your meals, eating 6 smaller meals instead of 3 big ones. Anything you can do to help prepare yourself will make the transition much easier.
  24. Interesting, when I have my planned so called "cheat" which for me happened to be pizza too(well and a donut) it takes me two days to get back my feeling of satiety and not feeling hungry or wanting more food. It amazes me what I have learned with the sleeve. I am going to think really hard before I have another cheat as I would rather feel great and satisfied with protein than the temporary feeling with pizza. Who new!!
  25. Threetimesacharm

    What Are Some Examples Of Sliders?

    Sliders: All the foods that we really shouldn't be eating, or rarely anyway.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
