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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Threetimesacharm

  1. Threetimesacharm

    My Story in Pictures

    oh very cool, you look fantastic!! You have beautiful skin too!!
  2. I had a revision surgery on Sept 10, 2012 with Dr Garcia. All I can say is that he is an amazingly skilled surgeon and I was well looked after while I was there no complications at all! He is also reasonably priced and I of course would highly recommend him. I am currently 24 pounds below my original goal weight and at 16 months out still have lots of restriction and little to no hunger; yah Dr Garcia, thank you!!!
  3. Maybe you should start plating out the food for them or making just say 3 chicken breasts so your family knows one for each of you.
  4. Threetimesacharm

    Are revisers different?

    I had a revision and had no pain at all. I did have a hard spot where they removed my port for a while and then it went away.
  5. I had Dr Fernando Garcia. He has performed thousands of surgeries and did an excellent job with my revision. No complications, no pain no issues what so ever. Excellent Doctor.
  6. Threetimesacharm

    3 years out...

    For me I really had to get back to the basics of what I ate when I lost my majority of weight. Sticking to protein and little non-starchy veggies. I also drink my requirement for water and also coffee and tea. I have recently stuck to a low fat diet and find that I really am enjoying it(no mayo, butter, very little oil). It is hard but I keep in mind my goal to remain a healthy size 6 and never wanting to go back to where I was.
  7. Yes I had my revision September 10, 2012 in Tijuana Mexico by an amazingly skilled surgeon and it was complication free! You are a revision from band to sleeve? Your weight loss is very impressive!! Good for you!
  8. SW - 257.8 CW - 156.0 I lost to my original goal weight of 180 pounds in 6 months less a day!! The sleeve is an absolutely wonderful tool to help you get to your goal weight, good luck!!
  9. I am sure that you could fly after one night. I did stay two nights and it did make a big difference. Just don't try to do too much. I have heard of others going to the San Diego zoo but that would be ALOT of walking and having had major surgery I personally wouldn't risk it. Best wishes with your surgery, hope all goes well.
  10. Threetimesacharm

    Chicharrones/Pork Rinds

    How about having some other healthy protein sources; cottage cheese, eggs, tuna, fish, chicken, canned meats.
  11. Threetimesacharm

    Probably gonna tick some people off.......lol

    Oh my gosh, I could care less what you eat. Just responded to your post because I can!! And you are right. I don't talk down to people who slip, I just state the facts like so many others. Not sure why you are up for a debate......I don't think I stated that I have NOT slipped; but certainly NOT at two months. I had the surgery to lose weight, change my eating habits and learn how to have control over food, not eat Cookies at two months out..............I used my honeymoon phase to it's fullest and am now reaping the rewards. As I have said, I truly wish you the best!! Know that having a positive attitude and not bashing others, has it's merits.
  12. Threetimesacharm

    10 months out!

    You look fabulous!! Congratulations!
  13. Threetimesacharm

    Probably gonna tick some people off.......lol

    Let's see, you are also only 2 months out. You WILL be able to eat lots of chips,Cookies, crackers, chocolate these are all slider foods. What is sad that you are even attempting to eat a cookie at 2 months out. You will see as time moves on...................good luck.
  14. Threetimesacharm

    Busy stomach all the time! Is this normal?

    The only thing I still experience at 16 months out is a noisy stomach. While eating, after when digesting and sometimes laying down. I think we need to treat our tummies with care as they are tiny now and well more delicate.
  15. Threetimesacharm

    Leaving for San Diego tomorrow

    What a great Christmas present to yourself! Don't worry you will do great! I actually had no pain, don't think that you will have pain either; positive thoughts. Best wishes to you, see you on the losers bench. I kind of wish I asked to see a picture of my removed stomach, but I didn't think about it at the time.
  16. Threetimesacharm

    Merry christmas to me!

    I so totally know that feeling, over the Moon!! Congratulations!!!
  17. Threetimesacharm

    Probiotics For Constipation?

    I too had researched on line and I thought that magnesium was the answer to all my problems(re:BM). So I tried it also taking about 1000 mg's a day.................It made me so backed up that I had to take a day off work and needless to say it was an awful experience and will NEVER take it again. I have been taking pearl probiotics(recommended on this site) and it has been a godsend, unbelievable how well it works actually. I actually grew an intolerance to Miralax after taking it for about a year, it just stopped working. I guess different remedies work for different people.
  18. Threetimesacharm

    *Gastric sleeve diet* (without surgery)

    Good Luck losing the remaining 93 pounds......................mind over matter right?
  19. Hi, I have two pairs, one beige one black, Dr Rey high waist step in(thigh length), firm control. Neither of them have been worn still has the tag on. Size Large. I also have a Spanx Top(compression)in beige size 1X and a Dr Rey high waist compression panty in beige size 1X. I don't know why I kept buying these as I could never wear them as I couldn't stand the compression feeling. Let me know if you are interested.
  20. Threetimesacharm

    Lower Body Lift -- One Week Post Op

    I will concur with cowgirljane and say that I too did not have pain with my plastic surgeries. I had three separate surgeries and it is uncomfortable but not painful and yes the compression garments help a lot. I think everyone must have a different pain threshold. It certainly is NOT the most painful surgery; I think those that say this have not had any plastics.
  21. Just want to say that I had my surgery in Mexico also with Dr Garcia at the MI Doctor hospital and stayed at the Marriot. I actually had a revision and had no pain, no gas no issues at all. I have a very positive attitude and I believe this helped me recover quickly and be a successful sleever.
  22. For me, I really try to focus on this being my new lifestyle. If there is an event/dinner food occasion, I chose if I want to eat any/all of the food. I enjoy every bite and realize I won't gain 100 pounds back in one day!! I am then back on my healthy eating plan the next meal/day. If you eat foods; enjoy it! Now that we eat smaller amounts savor the foods you eat and appreciate it for what it is!! Try not to stress about it.
  23. Threetimesacharm


    I think a little obsession is a good thing. To be prepared and ready for this life changing experience will only help you to be successful. Don't worry the time will fly by. Congratulations on your choice to have this surgery; you won't be disappointed.
  24. Threetimesacharm

    Looking back

    I totally understand what you are saying. Sometimes I feel like a different person and barely recognize myself. I am 16 months out and I assume the further along I am the more normal it will become. I will never forget who I was; I spent the majority of my adult life overweight/obese so forgetting will not be an option. You look absolutely fabulous by the way!! Congratulations.
  25. Threetimesacharm

    Need to eat!

    Wow that sounds unbelievable! I certainly would be worried that she is pushing you to eat so much. At two weeks out I was still on clear liquids advancing to liquids(protein shakes and the like). Maybe you should speak with someone else or your surgeon.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
