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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Threetimesacharm

  1. Threetimesacharm

    I am so confused about food

    Dense protein only you will be fuller longer on less. Meaning if you eat 5 ounces of protein you will be fuller longer than if you are eating a lean cuisine that presumably has veggies and lots of carb in it(pasta/rice). I would try and stay away from all processed and packaged foods stick with pure protein sources; chicken, turkey, fish, cottage cheese, eggs, beef, tofu and so on.
  2. I applaud you for looking after your child's health regarding her weight. I now wonder what my life would have been like if I had not been overweight/obese; I bet a lot different. I went to Dr Fernando Garcia who is absolutely fantastic and a well respected surgeon in his field. I paid $5500.00 but this was for a revision(removal of my lapband). Whomever you chose I wish you and your daughter the best.
  3. I definitely agree to call your doc but please don't have anything with sugar in it ; this is bad advise. Also make sure to be following your diet plan and to measure everything and eat very slowly; use baby utensils and bowls.
  4. Threetimesacharm

    Help me?

    I gained 9 pounds of fluid after my surgery and it took me 1 week to get it off. I didn't start losing until week two. As everyone says be patient your weightloss will come.
  5. Threetimesacharm


    Share with us what you are eating. Are you sticking with protein first and then a little veggie? During my weight loss phase I ate protein with a little veggie rarely fruit or any other carb. I also kept my calories low from 700-900 calories. Losing weight is 90% food intake and 10% exercise; don't think that Zumba alone will make the weight fall off. Best of luck to you.
  6. Threetimesacharm


    Probiotics absolutely a god-send. Was using miralax but it actually stopped working for me. I take one probiotic pill a day and it is amazing; go every day!!
  7. Threetimesacharm

    How much did your surgery cost?

    It's called "bottled water" If people can't drink the water there, then what do they drink?
  8. Threetimesacharm

    Uhm... Ate half of a

    Well how about you tell us what you think? Is it okay....................or not?
  9. Threetimesacharm

    I Knew I Was Thin When....

    Clothing size, bones showing, BMI, thighs no longer touching, the feeling of being lighter, having a spring in your step
  10. Threetimesacharm

    wish you got lap band?

    I wish that I did NOT get the lapband. I am a revision patient and have been so successful with the sleeve. I think the lapband was maybe good when it first came out(there wasn't much history with it) but now it seems to fail so many miserably. Unable to eat healhy foods, complications with slippage/fills/erosion. The best thing that I have done for myself is have it removed and get the sleeve. I am so very happy and you will be too!
  11. Threetimesacharm

    How often do you poop? Don't be shy!

    Seems to be an issue for many including myself. What has worked fantastic for me as of late is taking a daily probiotic; it is amazing. Colace also runs a close second as it is very gentle and can create a daily movement.
  12. Threetimesacharm

    My 600 pound life

    There are a lot who are successful and it is very inspiring to watch. I think it is Olivia who was so successful and had a large tumor removed, she definitely is living a new life!
  13. Threetimesacharm

    my 600 pound life-pennys story

    I watched it last night too and really wanted to give that husband a kick in the A**!!! He was absolutely 100% her enabler. If he didn't keep feeding her she would have lost weight and then maybe have gotten out of bed to get her own food. Did you hear near the end when she was lying to the doctor about what she was eating, the doctor left the room and the wife said I am hungry and the husband said, "Do you want some ice cream?". How unbelievable!! I don't feel sorry for either of them, but for the poor child who will undoubtedly be living without a Mother really soon or worse suffer morbid obesity also.
  14. Threetimesacharm

    6 months out and frustrated

    One comment, you do know that you are NOT supposed to drink with meals and some of us don't guzzle water either. I take Tylenol for aches and pains; it is just par for the course.
  15. Threetimesacharm

    6 months out and frustrated

    So how's that working for you? Sounds like you are just eating way too much........................................
  16. Not sure what kind of plastics you are thinking about but it sounds like a tummy tuck or LBL. I don't think that there is anything wrong with getting plastics now as you can still continue to lose after surgery. There is currently a show on TV called "My 600 lb life" and it has shown some bariatric patients who went for tummy tucks when they were no where near their goal weights; it can be done!
  17. Threetimesacharm

    60 years young today, 2 yrs PO, GOAL

    Happy Belated Birthday!! I hope it was a great one!!
  18. Threetimesacharm

    Loose skin?

    Plastic Surgery!! There is only so much creams and exercise can do when you have a lot of weight to loose.
  19. Threetimesacharm

    The Underarm Question

    So since I have lost so much weight I am having a hard time figuring out how to shave my underarms! You see, when I lift my arm, my underarm is very concave and it is hard to get the shaver in such a deep concave. Does anyone have any suggestions besides waxing?
  20. Threetimesacharm

    How often do you weigh?

    I am in maintenance and have weighed everyday since surgery day. I have made a spreadsheet and enjoy reviewing the progress and success I have made. I don't think that weighing daily is excessive. We all know how easy it is to gain weight and the less you weigh the even easier it is. You can gain 5 pounds in a week and you won't feel it in your clothes or see it in your body. I keep a 3 pound bounce range and if I am up I can correct it right away. Since it is a major lifestyle change part of it for me is keeping my healthy eating plan with a few indulgences and weighing everyday helps with this.
  21. To the OP: I am a life time Weight Watcher member. I go to the meetings on occasion because I enjoy the information shared, stories and tips. I DO NOT follow their eating plan actually I have NEVER done the points program as I think it is senseless. I have always followed the VSG plan(protein, veggie, little carb). What I really like is getting the sticker in my book that reads such a low weight...............one that I never reached at W.W. They also do not need to know that I had WLS.
  22. Threetimesacharm


    Milk of Magnesia works great!!
  23. Threetimesacharm

    Anyone Else Go Offtrack & Gain?

    Now you are saying that "yes" you want all those things....................get up and do something about it. Pasta has no nutritional value and certainly has no protein. If you are a vegetarian what are your other protein foods? Yogurt, beans, veggies shouldn't these be your mainstay. You have done a terrific job so far.............you can make it to your goal. You can accomplish any goal you set your mind to; one day or meal at a time!!
  24. Threetimesacharm


    Don't be nervous. I had my revision with Dr Garcia Sept 10/2012 and went by myself. You will for sure meet others while you are there. You will be spending your time recovering so don't worry just remember to sip, sip, sip your water constantly and the chicken broth is very good. You won't need a popsicle.
  25. Threetimesacharm

    Alberta girl question: Why go to Mexico?

    I am in Ontario and as far as I know they are not performing this surgery here. I also wanted a surgeon with lots of experience as I had a revision(my surgeon had performed thousands of surgeries).

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