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    jackibar reacted to BamaXpress78 in Anyone Regret Your Sleeve?   
    I wouldn't say that I actually felt "regret" but I did question things early on. I found myself mentally at the same place I would typically get when trying to diet on my own. You get tired of the new routine and you want to go back to the comfort of your old habits. Fortunately, the sleeve and the fear of messing up after surgery give most of us the push we needed to get past that phase and stick with it. As your stomach heals you'll begin to introduce a greater variety of flavors and textures and as you see the weight falling off consistently then you know it was the right decision.
    At least this was my experience and what I have heard from others who have been successfull. I'm down 127 lbs in just under 6 months and now regret is not even in my vocabulary. Good luck!
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    jackibar reacted to Saint_Sammie in Anyone Regret Your Sleeve?   
    I am one week out. I can tell you that I miss food. There is nothing more that I want then some hot french fries. But there is no way I regret my decison. I'm looking forward to do day that I can look in the mirror and feel good about myself, or I can climb a couple flights of stairs with out feeling like I'm going to die.
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    jackibar reacted to whataloser in Anyone Regret Your Sleeve?   
    I can't say I've never regretted it, but really only for the minute or two that it takes me to realize that
    I'm not really hungry... just maybe anxious or pissed and just want to lose my SELF in food. Now that I can't do that, I have to think my way through what's bothering me and that can be difficult. But five minutes later, when I realize I haven't given in and consumed huge portions of food just to feel better... I feel better!

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