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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by georgia247

  1. georgia247

    Melbourne Cbd Support

    I ladies I'm in Thornbury and looking for other bandies? I had my surgery on the 9th July and I could use some local support.
  2. georgia247

    Stuck On A Plateau

    Hi I have been the same weight for a month now. I was banded in July and was doing fine but the carbs and crap started to sneak back in. I have had 2 fills and I'm finding every time I try to eat healthy foods like salads get stuck and so does a lot of Protein eg red and white meat. It kind of disheartens and demotivates me to eat well. I need a kick in the bum or a mini plan to break the junk food/carb cravings which I think are being made worse by severe pmt. has anyone got any menu plans or tips to help steer me back to better food? The worst is both my partner and I have been so lazy with preparing food that dinner often is late and not very healthy. Help me I don't want to ruin all my hard work. If there are any Australian/Melbourne people I would love some face to face peer support.
  3. georgia247

    Pain After Drinking

    I was banded 9th July and have only had one fill. Last few days I have been experiencing pain at the band site after drinking liquids. I'm paranoid something is wrong. I can page my surgeon but if it can wait I have an appointment in a few days. Has anyone else experienced this? I have never vomited and have only been stuck a couple of times since the surgery. I am concerned my portion sizes may have been too big not really understanding that the pouch can stretch. I have tried to be really careful since realizing that,but I'm worried I've done damage.
  4. georgia247

    Pain After Drinking

    Thanks. I'm wondering if it is because I am drinking too fast. I was worried I wasnt getting enough water so I would skull a glass on occasion. I need to slow down.
  5. Hi All. Im 3 weeks gone and in the last few days I have become ravenous. I have lost 22 pounds since surgery but I'm worried that my appetite has changed so dramatically? The other thing I have noticed is I am a lot more tired and am suddenly struggling to drink enough water. Has anyone else experienced this? My crap food cravings are starting to creep in too. My doc appointment isn't for another 2 weeks. Any feedback would be good.
  6. georgia247

    Three Weeks Post Op

    Thanks everyone. Trying really hard to eat well. Got an appointment with the dietitian today so hopefully that will help.
  7. georgia247

    Bowel Movement

    It took me a few days. If you can you want avoid constipation. My dietitian suggested a powdered fibre supplement.
  8. georgia247

    Lost It All In The Wrong Places.....

    Yeah I'm pretty sure out of 18lbs of weight loss 16lbs of that is boob. Lol. But if being lighter and being able to do a lot more without back pain means no boobs well there are always the silicone chicken fillets I can bulk up my bra with. Bit of Hollywood tape and no one will no the difference.
  9. georgia247

    Are You "out" About Your Band?

    Only people close to me know. My partner and a couple of friends. Everyone else thinks I had a hernia repair procedure. I actually have a group of friends who are very political about being fat positive and they are very anti WLS. I used to be very pro fat acceptance and I am still very active in trying to address discrimination against fatties but my decision to get WLS came about because my mum died at the age of 59 years due to heart failure. The risks involved in surgery were less than the risks I faced by not losing weight. It's my body and any choices I make are mine and nobody else's business.
  10. georgia247

    Officially Banded!

    Happy Band Day everyone. Im 2 weeks post surgery. First time since surgery I experienced the dreaded shoulder pain, which I think was from eating something that wasnt mushed up enough. Holy Moly, it was awful. So take it easy on yourselves, rest and stick to liquids as long as your doc says to.
  11. georgia247

    Pain Under Left Breast

    It's early and I have found that I've had pains that i couldn't figure out what was going on. Everything is healing and can get ouchy I had one night with similar pain to that and I thought I had done something bad by straining to poo. I paged my surgeon in a panic in the middle of the night. He wasn't concerned and just suggested I increase pain meds so I was comfortable and could sleep. I would rule out gas, and if you have something strong enough to dull the pain until you get in to see your doc, go with that. Hope you feel better soon.
  12. georgia247

    Not Losing

    Don't forget to keep up your water in take and make sure you are getting plenty of fibre. The healthier your kidneys and liver are the easier it will be to lose weight. The other thing is if you are going to snack go for ruffage or salsa with veggies. Your matabolism will respond to you eating more often but you won't have the calories. These are just ideas but logging everything so you know exactly what you are doing in terms of input and output. Hang in there. Everybody is different. PS I totally love these forums. I'm only a few weeks in and I feel so supported by all my lappy friends.
  13. georgia247

    Banned With Children.

    I've got a 6 and 8 yr old. Mostly it wasn't an issue for me because my other half was around. But you are sore and exhausted and shouldn't be driving or lifting anything including babies. It'd hard for little ones I think. Mine were a bit grossed out by all the wounds on my belly but at least they understood that they couldn't climb all over me. If you can get someone to take over for the first few days at least, you'll probably just want to rest in bed.
  14. I am still on liquid and I had chicken and corn soup which I vitamised with my stick blender. Shortly after I ate it I got awful heart burn and pain and have had it for about 5 hours? I'm not sure how it would have gotten stuck but it's very uncomfortable. I'm still trying to work out what everything feels like. Certainly won't be having that again.
  15. I may have eaten the soup too quickly. Because I don't have to chew it I find it hard to slow down. I try using a small spoon as opposed to a soup spoon. What ended up relieving it was (excuse my crassness) was a massive fart. My partner giggled. He thinks I'm like a baby learning to eat and apparently that comes with getting wind. He offered to burp me. Lol. I do think the corn may have been an issue though so I might avoid it for now. Cause im still on liquids the eating drinking rule isn't such a huge issue. Thanks for the suggestions.
  16. georgia247

    Post Op 6 Days

    I had bruising and swelling. It's different for everyone. I'm 9 days post op. I'm on liquids. I'm up to being able to have runny porridge. Wobbly jelly. I have been living on home made vegetable soups which I blend. My doctor has said anything that can go through a straw. Next week I will go on to mushy food.
  17. That's awesome. A week on I was thinking that solids were ok because I was still eating veggies and protein and it didn't seem to be an issue. I've only done it a couple of times but I am committed to this process so another week of soups and yoghurt for me.
  18. georgia247


    What's an NSV?
  19. Hi, I got this terrible sudden pain and almost felt like something poking into my skin from the inside or rubbing I guess near the wound site. I am constipated and I had a hiatus hernia repaired at the same time. I'm worried I might have done something trying to poo. Anyone got any ideas about what it could be. It's 1am in Australia and I'm trying to decide whether I page my surgeon.
  20. Thanks. I've been lying awake for hours in pain. It's now 4am. I'll try some more pain killers but if I'm still awake when the sun comes up I'm gonna page my surgeon.
  21. Hi, I had surgery on the 9/07/12. I'm on my second day home and feeling awful. I'm assuming it's the gas. I'm on a liquid diet but I'm not sure what I can have other than jello, soup and water. Any suggestions would be good.
  22. georgia247


    It warms my heart being able to talk about constipation, diarrhea and poo with people. Not that that's all I talk about but it makes me feel that we are all human. It's similar to when my kids were little and you could tell who the parents were in any social situation because they were the ones happily sharing poo and vomit stories. Oh I'm having psyllium to attempt to adjust the plumbing. Next step for me is pear nectar. I was insanely blocked after my first baby and it was the only thing that helped me.
  23. georgia247


    Is there another way you can jump start it? Up scale the time or intensity of excercise or do a different type all together. Drink more water? Sometimes even changing the types of food you eat, not so much the energy intake but I've heard that eating foods that you maybe wouldn't eat can shift your metabolism. From previous weight loss attempts I have lost weight by introducing stuff I wouldn't normally eat helped. Things like trying different vegetables or spices used in different countries. Ive even heard swapping your meals around can help, so eat dinner foods at breakfast and breakfast at dinner etc. good luck and hang in there.

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