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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SpecialK1960

  1. SpecialK1960

    Need Sexy Legs Asap!

    The best and safest are going to be the ones with long periods of excercise like the excercise bike, the eliptical trainer or the dreaded stairmaster. These are all pretty easy on the joints and allow for site specific toning. They also get your heart rate up for longer periods of time and that helps with general calorie burning. Once you get going, you might add some weights into the mix. But becareful of those knees. At least with me, they don't seem to be as tolerant to abuse as they used to be.
  2. SpecialK1960

    Pet Peeve - Update Your Stats

    I did not realize that some people could not reach that info. That likely explains the members that seem to post regularly, yet have zero information filled in on their profile. I do like to see the info though. And I really like to update my personal info. I do not update everyday, and usually wait for 2-4 pounds of loss before entering. AND when I go up a pound it causes a reaction in my brain that makes me "forget" to update that info. LOL
  3. SpecialK1960

    Pet Peeve - Update Your Stats

    The ticker is the silly little pictures under our posts that graphically show our progress. The little surfer on mine. I also added my key dates to my signature. Some of these features are pretty hard to locate, but if you just play around in your profile you can find all kinds of things to add. I finally figured out how to add a before picture, so I did that.
  4. SpecialK1960


  5. SpecialK1960


    From the album: SpecialK1960

  6. SpecialK1960

    Before with son

    From the album: before

  7. SpecialK1960


  8. SpecialK1960

    Before w/ grandson

    From the album: before

  9. SpecialK1960

    Pet Peeve - Update Your Stats

    Dar 1983 - I noticed you have your sleeve date on your ticker. I am going to add that to mine now. Can't complain about others and not do better myself.
  10. Does it mean we were naughty on the site, or ate chocolate? You do not suppose they are watching us? LOL
  11. What drives me crazy is my scale. It is a decent digital scale. And for the last 4 days I have weighed the exact same thing to the 1/10th of a pond. The odds of that are astronomical. A few weeks ago it gave me identical readings for three days - ten boom, I lost like 3 pounds in 2 days. Hopefully, I am on the edge of another 3 pound drop. Bottomline - The scales are in a wicked conspiracy to keep us unhappy. They somehow know when we are vulnerable and then they just give us the same weight day after day.... and they laugh about it. The fact that your scale has maliciously added 2 pounds means you have an especially evil scale. Probably a conspiracy ring leader. I say we round them up and throw them in a dumpster tobe free from their evil tyranny. (although mine cost $75, maybe I will just have a talk with it) .....Sushhhh, I hear the black helicopters, they must be reading my e-mail. Good luck. I am sure you will be losing again in no time.
  12. SpecialK1960

    Chicken Breast

    chicken does go down well, and it is lower in fat than most 2 and 4 legged Protein choices, but I gotta tell you I am getting sick of chicken breasts!! Sorry, that was me going off on a tangent. We have been grilling a good bit, but that can really dry it out. I have been using sauces from Buffalo Wild Wings. They add calories, but I eat so little and such a small amount of sauce, that I do not think it is significant. Especially if it keeps me eating the right foods. My wife has also made chicken breasts in a tomato sauce, or a Mexican chicken and rice, both of which are cooked in liquids, so the chicken stays a bit more moist. Or you can get barbaric and get a turkey injector and shoot some liquids into the chicken breast. Finally, baking a whole chicken usually makes for a much moister breast, because it is cooked with the skin and fat on, then just trim at the table. Or instead of using just a skinless boneless breast, get the breast fryers with the skin on and the bones still in, they will cook up more moist as well. Good luck -
  13. Not to be a total downer, but you need to keep on the programs set by your doctor. Getting enough liquids is one of the keys to a healthy recovery. It is not that hard to get down Water, tea, juice, something, anything. Remember you have a tough road ahead - a road with a million great benefits - but it is not easy. Keeping up with all of your new responsibilities is not always going to be without effort. But drinking is one of the easiest. And one of the most critical. So give it your all. Remember you have started a journey to a new you. That journey is not always going to be downhill or go as planned. But working hard to meet a few dietary goals is critical to your success and to your health. The less you consume, the more critical liquids become. At first I was having to work to hit 64 ounces, now I do not even track it as I regularly hit over 100 and sometimes way more than that. Find something you enjoy - that will make it easier. My wife found some margarita flavored Crystal Light. Very dumb, but it was kinda fun. Good luck, now get to drinking!!! PS- maybe being 100% Irish makes it easier for me(LOL).
  14. PS- I can not see the notation under your profile, maybe it is just something that we can see ourselves.
  15. It showed up on mine yesterday. I made a post that had a correct medical term for a part of the male anatomy (not the p-word) and the word was astrisked out when I posted. Now I have the same notation. Rather frustrating. I guess I should have used a tacky slang term, when I thought I was taking the "high road" by using the correct term??
  16. SpecialK1960

    Reclaim Smart Smoothies

    I will look for those tomorrow. A great tasting shake is a good find. Especially if you do not have to mix it yourself, or add ting to a premade powder to make it taste better.
  17. SpecialK1960

    Please Help...

    How much follow-up have you had with your doctor. I had an appointment 1 week post op to remove my drain. Then another 1 week after that. Then I got to go 2 weeks before next one. That meant I was there 3 times in four weeks. The reason I ask is that they always ask about liquidity in the stool and/or constipation. They also take blood and do workup to make sure all blood chemistry is okay. Can you discuss it with your doctor? As to your questions: 1. I had some liquid stools but only for a week or so, and even then it was not total liquid. 2. I get 80+ grams of protein, but I use Yes Whey or similar products to get an extra 25-50 grams a day just but adding it to my regular drinks. 3. 22 pounds at three weeks is a pound a day. I was about that, and have seen many others on here that have been at that same rate. 4. Scared about my decision? No way. I am down 50 pounds. I am feeling so much better. I still am having trouble with the transition to solid foods. I have to eat sooo slow or I get slimed, but I am so happy with the results and the lifestyle changes I have made. VSG is a tool to bring about a new you. It takes sacrifice, time, will power, and a good deal of work to be truly successful. But it is also a wonderful tool that can help one get their life back. Just wait until you go back to school and they see a 50 pound lighter you. That is where my willpower comes from. All that positive re-enforcement. Good luck.
  18. SpecialK1960

    Too Gross To Ask? I Hope Not...

    At a law firm i worked at years ago. An attorney, who did not do medical cases, had a couple of breast implants and a ******** replacement on top of a short bookcase by his door. People would naturally pick them up, not knowing what they were. When they asked he would say something like that was a breast implant that my grandmother had to have removed. Or that was my grandfather's replacement ********. Of course they were unused medical samples, but he would get a good laugh before telling the truth.
  19. SpecialK1960

    Anyone With United Health Please Help!

    I was super happy with them. Especially after reading all the problems with other companies on this site. I was approved quick and did not need a psych evaluation at all. They paid 90% becuase it was an overnight stay. I got the impression for a band it would be paid at a lesser rate. I must admitt hat I was stunned at the actual bills hat have come in. I know it is all a game where you bill a million bucks and then they write it down to $50.00 and then pay $35. But still game or not the bills are staggering. I have a 2500 out of pocket maximum. Thanks goodness. My bills to date (I do not have them all) before all the silly discounts is ..............$89, 352.42. CRAZY HUH? It was written down to something like $32,744 and they paid $25,000+. I still owe $2700 but that is above my out of pocket. So we will see how it all shakes out. Bottom line is that from me United gets an A++++
  20. SpecialK1960

    Is This Rate Of Weight Loss Normal For A Guy?

    I have been losing at a similar rate. I was a 40 BMI and was approved becuase of comorbididies. I lost a lot on the liguid diet pre-op as well. I am down about 50 in a bout 53 days since starting the liquid diet. I was concerned that a pound a day was too much, but doctor is pleased, I feel okay and heck - I'll take the weight loss. I know it will slow soon and then I will be wishing I had the big losses I had the first few weeks.
  21. SpecialK1960

    How's This For 'fried' Food?

    We have done the baked chicken strips - dip it in milk, or egg white or basically anything wet and somewhat sticky and then roll in breadcrumbs, corn flakes, anything crunchy, add a touch of parmasean cheese, or onion Soup mix, some salt or pepper to taste, whatever you like. We then put them on a wire rack, so they are not sitting on the pan, so the bottom doesn't get soggy. Turn occasionally and enjoy. The same as real fried chicken - NO; better than eating one more piece of grilled chicken - HECK YES.
  22. SpecialK1960

    3 Days Post-Op

    Great to see you are doing so well. It only gets better. It is not easy, but when you start looking better it makes everything seem worthwhile.
  23. I wish I could wear a T-shirt that said somethinig like "I used to be so big I missed out on life..." I wonder if it would get people to ask? If they were interested I would be happy to share my journey and I am only 1/2 way to goal. But I am 100% of the way torwards being happy.
  24. SpecialK1960

    Does Your Calcium Citrate Chew ...?

    I use the big Bariatric Advantage sweet tart looking things, but they make me nausous for about 10 - 15 minutes. Nothing bad, just unpleasant. I think it is the rasberry flavor that one poster did not like either. I need to try some of the other flavors. I have been a bit lax in taking them on schedule, but so far my numbers are good. I do like the chewing better than another pill.
  25. SpecialK1960

    Cant Keep Water Down

    I have trouble with ice Water. Room temperature or cool seems to work better for me. With things like yougurt and more solid foods the temperature does not seem to matter, but with water it does, go figure? You are not alone.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
