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Everything posted by SpecialK1960

  1. Best Andy Rooney imitation…."Have you ever notice the great names that people have chosen for their screen names on this site? Well, I have …" There are some great ones. And I noticed a number of trends that I though were a bit interesting. After taking a bit of a survey I came to two conclusions. First, I picked a boring name, and second, I should share some of the names I found. So here goes… Common themes in the names: Being a Mom, such as: Momieof 3 Kalimomof 3 and the highest child count I saw "mommyto5" (or as I like to call it, "someone needs to get the cable TV repaired" Being married/attached, such as: "Steveswife," etc. Hobbies and loves, such as: "animal lover," "golden retriever lover," "beachlover," "candle lady," "dolphin lover," and "hulahoopaholic." Ready for a change, such as Ready2Bthin need2change ontheroad2thin thinnerbeginings 4alongerlife Ibthin Skinny2B Acknowledging large size, such as heafty hannah Biged Imafatty cutechubbygirl phatmom Megamom BustNout Going to look great, such as: futureskinnyperson soon2Bhotmomma Fat2Fab Ready4newme halfthewoman Members we should avoid on a bad cravings day, such as: Stormwarning TwistedMom Diana Dominate stinker MY FAVORITES - FUNNY, CUTE, INSIGHTFUL… Chubarella, Slenderella and Sleeverella (they must be sisters!) Sleevealicious BigByrd TexMax Xxstacy SexiiLexi SlimThickens Boobie1981 (wonder why this one appeals to me? I must really like 1981!!) looking on the lightside thinnerpeace Ysettleforless first half fat thishastowork moving toward normal speedbump After looking at this, I wish I picked a cooler name. I have had the nickname of Special K since high school (Eddie Murphy Saturday Night Live skit about Buckwheat, and family members named after cereals - "My cousin Special K, he's retarded".... my friends thought it was hilarious and it stuck for some 35 years). So add the nickname to my birth year (very clever and unique, I know) and you get a boring screen name. I wish I was: Needs A new belt Yum another shake! Wannaseemy scars realmenhavedrains No I neverget bored of liquids solidfoodhater I miss my beer gravy comes from God undertall So, what are your favorites that you have seen - or just want to make up. Let's have some fun people. I try to post a few times a week, so follow this blog, and you will know every time I post something else dumb (I mean funny ?!?)
  2. Spanx - This all started when I decided to put a dumb joke on a forum post. The question was a serious one, about when you could start wearing Spanz again after surgery. So I added a version of the age old joke, and it was well received: A guy is undressing at the country club and his friend notices he is wering a pink girdle. He asks when his friend stated wearing a girdle. His friend replied, "Ever since my wife found it in my car." And since I now have a good bit of extra skin around the old equator, I thought, maybe I should see if there is something like that for me. Well, it turns out that there is and soooo much more. I do not see myself as the kind of guy that needs or would wear a pair of briefs with butt enhancers, but it is good to know that if I need them, they are out there - in three color options and an entire array of various lifts. I guess I am lucky in that my butt looks pretty much like it should (I guess). So I do not see this as a necessary accessory. I do think it is funny that you can get different lifts, like determining how high you want to jack up the rear end of your car. If you do not know, Spanx actually has a brand for men called "Manx." It is very expensive. A "compression T-shirt" is 88 bucks. Seems a bit high since it is still 80% cotton. The other 20 percent must be stainless steel if it is going to hold me in... Now about the briefs. There is way too much enhancement going on. Not to be rude, and I understand that men come in all sizes and that goes for each and every part. Again I guess I am lucky there as well. But unlike other things I do not need, I do not see the point of these. This is one area that it seems like if your plans are successful, your secret is going to be out. Finally, what is with the models? The people that are wearing these things do not need them. I get it. You have to sell sexy. But a guy buying a pair of underwear designed to squeeze in his gut like a boa constrictor does not want to see a 30" waisted model wearing it. I need to see if it works. I want to see a big guy in it. I do not need to see smooth tanned sexy abs rippling through the spandex like ... (sorry got carried away there). Give me a good trucker, or a lumberjack, not a super model. With a shaved chest no less... I have chest hair, but I do not shave them - either of them!! Granted, on the man's thong page (which I was only visiting for academic reasons) the super models are nice, but for the shapers ... we need more offensive linemen and less tight ends. (pun intended) Finally, I will admit that you ladies are awesome for wearing some of these things. They look very constricting. And some go from your ankles to your neck line. If I did that I would either have size 25 feet or have 25 chins looking like a badly folded cheap pink turtleneck. You can only squeeze so much, it has to go somewhere. You gals can let it all move upward and enhance the bustline. We do not have that option. Maybe they could squeeze it down far enough and around the corner and make a combination waist reducer and butt enhancer. So I guess I just need to order one and see how it looks. Who knows? Maybe it will take the giggle out of my middle, until I get it down to where I want it to be.
  3. SpecialK1960

    How Much Can Poop Weigh?

    I remember the old days when the pants were so tight.... I would just pray a real big poop would buy me an extra inch.... As Ron White put it, "I hope I am just one big crap away from backing into my old woredrobe" Being the weirdo that I am I looked it up. It is around 1/3 of a pound. It seems to vary greatly from person to person and is highly variable based on diet, time between "poopins'" etc. Some said 1-2 pounds, but that seems highly unlikely. 2 pounds of fecal mass (or mess) which is not particularly dense would be quite a pile. And I saw some other crazy stuff (green, really?) So you can bet that there will be an update on my blog of funny things - check it out. One of the funniest entries was from a lady who noted that only a man's poop weighs like that - because we all know that "girls don't fart or poop!" I am pretty sure that she exploded shortly thereafter.
  4. Think of all the guilt and inward negativity you have had for the past many years. Now start making all that come out as the opposite. If you treated yourself terrible (ashamed, whatever) then now you owe it to yourself to treat yourself extra awesome. As you shed pounds and find the new you, be extra proud, share pictures rejoice in the new you. And do it with the same level of intensity that you used to reserve for feeling bad. You look great - celebrate! And share your new happiness. It will make you feel better and it helps inspire all of the rest of us. And a year from now, you will look at these pictures and think - that was nothing... look at me now!!!
  5. SpecialK1960

    What Do You Tell People?

    I have been pretty open to anyone that matters. If it is just someone in passing, that you do not want to go into a long conversation with - tell them the truth: "massive lifestyle change, eating less and taking better care of myself." People that are closer to you or when you have more time, tell them all the details. I am not ashamed of it. I was of being so big, though. I'd rather be thin and talk about VSG than be big and talk about the weather...
  6. SpecialK1960

    How Many Pounds?

    I never heard 70 pounds. It would be different for each person. A person 200 over would be greatly disappointed with a 70 pound weight loss, but a person just 100 over, might be okay with it. I have heard 70% of excess weight or more with the sleeve. That is not the same as pounds at all. I think a percentage is a much more accurate guage of potential weight loss and a better way to compare the surgeries. But it is different for everybody. A huge amount of your total weight loss will be completely up to you. So much has to do with the amount of effort you put in during that critical first year. Lifestyle changes and excercise are going to be the real key to your final weight loss numbers. Both surgeries are tools for weight loss, we still have to do all the work.
  7. SpecialK1960

    Gallbladder Issues

    Glad to hear it all went well. I think most of us fear a possible trip "back to the garage" for a gallbaldder operation. So sorry you had to. Good luck and speedy recovery.
  8. I like the way you think, but I gotta be home by 8, my wife might get suspicious... Did you ever notice that no matter how serious the subject matter there is always one idiot that just doesn't get it? That's me!
  9. SpecialK1960

    Important! Advice Needed

    Check with your doctor. Many use a 1 week pre-op diet. It is going to be up to him if you are ready. When I got my pre-surgery sonogram, the tech said she could tell I'd been good on my liquid diet. So they can tell. She also said I had a fatty liver, but felt bad and said I had a really cute gallbladder.
  10. After the VSG surgery the couple agrees to wait three weeks before having sex. After two weeks it is so unbearable, that they agree to sleep in separate bedrooms to avoid temptation. First thing in the morning on the 21st day, the wife awkens to the sound of a frantic banging on her bedroom door. "I know what you're banging for!" The husband replies, "Yeah, but do you know what I am banging with?"
  11. SpecialK1960

    How Soon Can You Wear A Body Shaper.?

    Sure, it is funny to you. But its hot and it binds.... And don't get me started about having to go to the bathroom with this thing on.... You ladies just don't know what we men go through to be beautiful for you. LOL
  12. SpecialK1960

    Work, Haters And Motivators

    I have been lucky, so far. But I am a guy and things are different for us. We get a complete pass on our size pretty much until we hit HUGE. Not always, and that doesn't mean we don't feel awful about ourselves. Just that it is acceptable to society for men to be big and manly. Whereas, the ladies are held to a higher (and smaller) standard. Also, though, in addition to a higher standard, women are just some mean witches when they want to be. The way women treat each other - especially at work - has always fascinated me. Women say things to each other that are the most hurtful and hateful things. Whereas we guys handle it in a more civilized manner - we hit you. Then buy beer, man hug, and go on with our evenings. I suppose that makes the ladies a bit more evolved, but I am not sure it is much of an improvement.
  13. SpecialK1960

    How Soon Can You Wear A Body Shaper.?

    I have been having to wear a girdle, ever since my wife found one under the seat of my car - LOL "No, it's mine, really...."
  14. SpecialK1960

    Guys - Be Honest Please.

    I was a 3 or so on day 1. I pushed the morphine drip when I wanted to fade off to sleep, but I did not have any real pain. Sitting up was a bit tough, but not anything terribly painful. More like very tender. After a day or so, I guess I learned how to get out of chairs and bed without directly squeezing the stomach muscles. I used 1/3 of the first bottle of liquid pain meds they prescribed for at home. I never refilled the bottles and could have twice. I think I was very lucky, but you might be too. I think that the pain level is different for everyone. I agree it is way less than dental or headache pain. And in my case, if I was not moving my pain level was absolutely zero.
  15. I had it real easy. No gas, no real problems at all until about 4-6 weeks out. Then some trouble getting back on solids. All in all - I would say it was a non-event. I got the bottle of pain medication and used it for two nights mainly to get to sleep. Then no more. Still have 3/4 of the bottle and never did refill for the 2 tmes I could have. Probably should have refilled for April 15th or some other such day. I am excercising, eating pretty good and enjoying being slimmer. I think it is hard to compare it with anything else. Having never given birth (thank God) I can't go there. I have had an abcessed tooth and it was way worse than this. Also with the exception of the giving birth comparison, it is hard to come up with an event that has pain and discomfort but has such an upside down the road. I did not have much of a problem, but for those that did, there is that new you coming down the road that has to make things a bit more bearable.
  16. SpecialK1960

    Has Anyone?

    Feeling lost I think is becoming part of everyday life for a lot of us. Some days are great and others are just stinkers. At least you know that you can reach out here on the site. It is a pretty freindly group of people that all understand the good and bad sides of food. AND REMEMBER ITS FRIDAY!!!!! Everything is better on Friday.
  17. SpecialK1960

    Biotin For Hair Loss

    I used to always say, "Yeah I am fat, but I have great hair!" And I meant it. I have great hair. But I have notice since about week 1, that my hair (although still fabulous LOL) is clearly thinner. Not that there are less strands, but that each strand is thinner. I am not taking anything but my vitamins, do you think Biotin or any other suplement will help? I guess just looking so much better I do not have to hang on to what was once my only vainity, but it would be nice to keep it healthy.
  18. I am just about 8 weeks out. Last weekend I started noticing a pinching feeling below (1.5") and to the right (looking down) of my belly button. As of about Tuesday it is a for sure hernia. If I take in a huge breath or get up off the couch in just the right way, there is no doubt what is going on. I can feel some guts getting pinched very hard. It is way low compared to my stomach, so I am not afraid of messing up my wonderful new pouch. I ran a search on the site and did not see much guidance... Here is the deal. I do not have an incision within 4-5 inches of the hernia. My lowest incision is to the left of my belly button and the pain is to the right. I have a follow-up in 4 weeks, but may try to get in sooner. Here is my question- Has anyone else had a hernia (stomach wall, not hiatal) show up after surgery? And if so was it near an incision? I was thinking it was an incision that came unstiched, but it is just not near any place I think they went through. I know they do some crazy angling, but this is the opposite direction from an incision pointing to my stomach. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
  19. SpecialK1960

    Has Anyone?

    If you stay with the high quality Meal Replacements and keep up your Vitamins, it can't be that bad for you. I know that my doctor wanted me to move on to more solids when I was slow to do so. I was having problems, and so I slowed my move to solids and re-introduced the shakes a bit. He discouraged it, but not becuase it was bad for me, but because he wanted me to keep moving forward - not backwards. Why not go 1/2 way and replace 1 or 2 meals a day with shakes and then eat a sensible dinner (sounds like a SlinFast commercial). It might help you get back on track. You also might want to try and figure out why you are eating what you called "all the wrong foods." Is there some issue that maybe playing a role in your choices? I will admit I eat so little that I do not feel bad if I sneak in a little bit of the "wrong foods." But it is a treat and for the most part I am eating pretty well. Good Luck!!
  20. SpecialK1960

    Scared About The Sleeve

    If you are afraid, that is good. It means that you are wisely weighing the pros and cons with an appropriate amount of seriousness. Too many people are looking at wls as an "easy" way to lose weight. Those of us that have been through it, know that it is not easy. It is a life changing decision. It will mean sacrifice and some discomfort and changes changes changes. But isn't that what you rally want? Changes. The surgery means that you have to completely change how you eat and take care of yourself. It also means that your body is going to go through changes - wonderful wonderful changes. And with the body shape and weight canges come so many positive life changes. Read on this site and you will read about getting to play with children again, picking up grandbabies, riding a bike with a son or daughter, going on a cruise, swimming at a waterpark, wearing a bathing suit in public. Things that never would have happened but for the sleeve. So many of the fun things in life are off limits to the larger folks. That can change. And go to the "Powder Room" section and just listen to all the naughty girls talking about how great sex is again and the increased labido.... They are so naughty, talking about positions they have not tried since high school, and husbands that can't keep their hands off them. How can you possibly put a value on that? So consider it with all seriousness. It is a very serious decision. But temper your fears with a bit of what the future can hold for you - and those you love and that love you...
  21. SpecialK1960

    I Was In Tears This Morning

    That is great. It is funny how each pound is just a pound. But those milestone pounds mean so much more. Whether it is losing an even number like 20, or 50 , or 100 pounds, or when the scale hits an even number - or better yet, just a pound under an even number. Great job. You should be very proud.
  22. The Most Evil of all Man’s Inventions - When we were getting larger, the scale was an evil evil device. It was originally designed by man to assist in the development of early commerce, but over time it took on a new and insidious venture. It became the device that quantified what we already knew - we were getting bigger. It was not a secret. We knew it. We knew we were not eating right and could tell we were getting bigger. But as long as those elastic waists and comfort fit pants hung in there, we could kid ourselves into believing that it was not that much weight gained. It was all so vague and easy to ignore. But the evil scale ruined all that. That "couple of pounds" we had gained since last summer was actually 14.7 pounds!!! And what total chucklehead decided we needed a decimal point on a bathroom scale? What an idiot. I am not a pharmacist carefully measuring out a deadly drug. I am just a fat guy on a bathroom scale. The size of the number is bad enough, the decimal is just sort of an insult. "I weigh 277." Scale: "No, actually you weigh 277.6!" GRRRRRRRR, Stupid scale! I will tell you where you can put that .6 pounds…. BUT NOW…. I have come to reconsider my position -- and being down 50+ pounds has everything to do with it. That decimal point is an amazing and important invention. When I lose .6 pounds, you can bet I want to know all about it!! Don’t be depriving me of my 9.600 ounces of hard earned weight loss! I did not just go to the bathroom, dry my hair, clean out my ears, burp, get naked and take off my glasses to get some vague estimate!!! I have concluded that the scale is, in fact, not inherently evil. I have come to this based on recent events. Since I have had my surgery I have noticed something amazing that I had never noticed before. It may have been there all along, but I just did not know it. Maybe you knew….but until just recently, I did not know that ….. (wait for it) ….. The scale can actually go DOWN!!!!   Here are three great scale jokes!!!   A lady noticed her husband standing on the bathroom scale, sucking in his stomach. Thinking he was trying to weigh less with this maneuver, she commented, "I don't think that's going to help." "Sure it will." he said. "Now I can see the numbers." ______   Two youngsters were closely examining bathroom scales on display at the department store. "What’s it for?" one asked. "I don’t know," the other replied. "I think you stand on it, and it makes you mad…at least it does that for my Dad."     ______ Bob was in trouble. He forgot his wedding anniversary. His wife was really angry with him. She told him "Tomorrow morning, I expect to find a gift in the driveway that goes from 0 to 250 in 6 seconds AND IT BETTER BE THERE !!" The next morning he got up early and left for work. When his wife woke up, she looked out the window and sure enough there was a box gift-wrapped in the middle of the driveway. It was not big enough to be the sports car she demanded, so she put on her robe, ran out to the driveway and brought the box back in the house. She opened it and found a brand new bathroom scale. Bob has been missing since Friday. ARE WE LAUGHING YET!!!!!!!
  23. Please - take a few minutes every once in a while to update your stats. I see posts everyday from people celebrating their success tht have little or no information filled out in their profile. When I see someone has a surgery date near mine, I look to see what their loss is - to make sure I am about the same as others. Or when I read a persons' comments I like to see how far along they are in their journey and how much they have lost. I think I would take comments from a successful 1 year VSG'er a bit more seriously than someone that has not had their surgery yet. Also things like your height also helps to understand if a post is written by someone that has a body type like mine - or from someone that is coming from a different perspective. It just takes a few minutes and helps all of us. It is nothing to be embarrassed about - not on this site. We are a very unique group and understand that you have for years hidden hard numbers about your weight. And for a lot of subjects, it doesn't matter. It does not matter what your starting weight was for a post about workout tunes. But for many posts it helps others understand you and helps us all as a group. Is it just me? Or do others feel this way too?
  24. SpecialK1960

    Pet Peeve - Update Your Stats

    I am an "Android Addict," but have never used the mobile app. I get updates through my e-mail to my phone but I can open what looks like the full site on my phone. But I have never played around to see what kind of functionality I actuaIly have. I just try to log on during the day when I am supposed to be working (so much more fun than paying attention - besides I am a commercial pilot, what could possibly go wrong... just kidding I am not a pilot - the goofing off at work part is true though).
  25. You seem to understand that it is a new chapter and a long journey. And that it is. But it is a wonderful one. It is life changing in so many ways. There should be some fears, that means you are looking at this huge decision with the level of seriousness that it deserves. Anything less is foolish. Read up all you can. On this site, books, anywhere you can find good informed and unbiased information is good. Be a bit wary of sites that are from providers, as they obviously are there to sell the procedures and supplements as well. But there are so many places you can turn. Knowledge is power. Arm yourself with all the knowledge you can. It makes you a more informed patient and a smarter consumer. Each of your fears is perfectly rational. But each also has its own answer. Most all of the fears should be eleviated by simply following instructions. Get your liquids in each day, meet your Protein requirements and take your Vitamins. Nothing is going to bring about success more than simply following the direction of your doctors and not trying to cheat or to move forward too fast. I really feel that if everyone was able to stick to all of the doctor's requirements, there would be a lot less complications and it would be an easier journey. Sometimes it is just not possible to do everything exactly right, but by really applying yourself to this huge lifestyle change and all that it is going to require - I really think that you take control over how your surgery and weight loss goes. Not all complications can be avoided, but you can never underestimate our role as patients in how everything works out. It is also easy to think about the scary stuff now, because you have not really begun to get the benefits of the sleeve. Once you get the weight loss going, even with the ups and downs, it is much easier to see why you made the decision. And feel really good about it. Every time I look in the mirror, I know I did the right thing. For me and for my wife and family. Finally, read around here on the site. I bet there are 1000 or more people that have said, "It was the best decision I ever made!" I know that it is on my profile and I very much believe it.

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