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Everything posted by iggychic

  1. Just be prepared. Excluding high risk patients ten percent of patients have complications. My last nurse had taken care of a gal much like me the week before from the same clinic and another from a different doctor at their hospital. The pain was literally more than I've ever experienced and I have a very high threshold, but that aside, if I didn't have a huge network of help I dont know where I would be today. I am five days out and can it care for my six year old son, nor myself frankly. My husband stayed with me so he had five nights of hotel and eating out. He had to move meetings etc, which he can do because he's the boss, but not everyone has that luxury. I have a nanny who dropped everything to take care of my son the extra 72 hours I was away so that his life wouldn't be too disrupted and my mother has been spending days with me so my husband can work. Prepare for that scenario and you should be fine, but remember that there is a ten percent or more chance that your surgery might be harder to recover from and you'll be in much better shape afterwards. I wish someone had told me this .
  2. iggychic

    How The Hell Do You Drink Isopure?

    Lol Libby...I guess that solves it! Where is the add for a clear that tastes like a gin and tonic?
  3. iggychic

    How The Hell Do You Drink Isopure?

    I think I'm going to take your advice . I gained 17.8 lbs between the hour before surgery and release from the hospital so I think the bloating is making it harder. I only have about 20oz in today and I think I'm working hard on it! Maybe tomorrow I'll just give the protein a break and see if that helps. Thanks
  4. iggychic

    Common Practice?

    Your doctor is a crook. Find another one.
  5. iggychic

    How The Hell Do You Drink Isopure?

    I must still be really wiped out from surgery. I'm five days out and isopure clear is all I've had. That said I can't meet my goals for liquids or protein so I guess I should try to shake things up tomorrow. After a horrible surgery I'm sort of afraid to leave clears.
  6. iggychic

    Sleeping On Your Tummy

    I'm on day five and can barely sleep on my side. I'm normally a side sleeper but even with a pillow I can't get comfy so I've banished myself to a spare suite and I have half the pillows in the house propping me up and one big one over my tummy so the cats won't step on me lol.
  7. To be clear....I wasn't worried about one single risk (ie transfusion for instance) but that with each piled on procedure my risks increased. Surgery of any type is more risky than riding in a car. It's something to study and understand, not trivialize. I appreciate your kind words, but if you do remember you asked for opinions and I shared them. If you really wanted true opinions than my answer would be a fair and concise opinion. If you just wanted to hear that everyone wants a sleeve so go for it...well you can ask for that as well. I might of misunderstood what you wanted to get out of your question and for that I am sorry.
  8. I have no anxiety issues at all. I however don't make an effort to put myself in harms way if I can avoid it. This means I rarely play outside in lightening storms and I don't or didn't willingly put myself in any risk factor level for hepatitis. I have a small child who needs me and as such I try to make good decisions to stay here on this earth for him. Yes life is full of risks....but only an idiot totally dismisses them.
  9. Thanks Hun. I don't want to totally freak you out but I wish I'd have heard that this can happen. I went in as a zero risk, healthy "fat" person with a low bmi and no comorbidity issues. I should have researched it longer and I regret I didn't. The sleeve is a great choice for many but I probably didn't need something so extreme. Just be sure to really mull all of the possibilities and be sure you take time to make the right decision for you. Best of luck!
  10. No, not everyone gets a transfusion. But it's a possible issue for anyone.
  11. I had dr billings in Edmonds wa. I don't think it was anything he did wrong, just one of the rare complications that come up (at least I hope so). My only issue with my treatment is that I wish they had sent me to he hospital earlier. I spent 24 hours in almost constant full body spasms. I've never suffered so much in my life.
  12. iggychic

    Hi And Info Please?

    Self pay in the united states...three weeks. I think self pay in Mexico is similar.
  13. There is a 1 in 14000 chance that your body will have an allergic reaction to the blood which ranges from mild allergy issues to anaphaliphic shock. Your body can be thrown into high fever because it wants to fight off the foreign blood which can hurt or kill you. The more blood the more risk. An immune reaction can occur which attacks your lungs. You have a 1 in 350000 chance of contracting hep it's b or c and a much lower chance of HIV. The HIV risk is very low in the us but it's still there. I feared getting the blood more than anything else but would not have recovered without it. Not something anyone talks about much huh? And to be clear....I was a 35bmi with zero risk factors. My surgery was supposed to be "easy".
  14. I think it depends on why you are overweight. I'm four days out of surgery and almost died having a sleeve done. I am not someone who eats extreme amounts and I don't mind following instructions. I personally wish I'd have done the less invasive procedure. I may lose weight but I now have to worry about what I may have caught in the blood transfusions. My son would rather have a plump mommy than no mommy at all. I regret what I have put my family through. I should have done a band.
  15. iggychic

    August Sleevers?! Where Ya's At?

    Best wishes!
  16. iggychic

    August Sleevers?! Where Ya's At?

    If you read the surgical literature on this procedure you would understand the heeling process better. The first seven days are the highest risk for damage, the second two weeks are the more common damage points because people feel better and feel they can do things they cant (safely). But there is a clear window of six weeks form surgery in which leaks can easily develop by making stupid food choices. After seven weeks you are out of the highest danger zone but it still takes months for the new stomach to be fully formed (absorbing the staple line to make a wall of its own around them). Eating foods too complex for our sleeve early on is not "naughty". It's risking your life. No one makes a cheese burger that good! I am not of the school that says because you didn't shoot yourself in the head you did ok...which leads folks to try the game again. Eventually your luck will run out. I'd rather that people understood how bad what they have done is and what it could do to them. Offensive? Maybe to some, but no more offensive than reading that someone played Russian roulette while I am lying here after almost dying having this procedure.
  17. I was under 180 on sleeve day. I had no complicating factors, but I also was having it to avoid those in the future. I nearly died last week so I won't jump for joy and tell you how much I don't regret it at this point. Ironically, the complications from the surgery have added 20lbs of weight to my body so I hit the dreaded number I never wanted to see (200) because I had the surgery . Mind you it's all weight I will lose really fast since its from blood loss, transfusions and swelling, but dang I could of at least seen a little loss after four days in the hospital
  18. iggychic

    August Sleevers?! Where Ya's At?

    I've been down this road and know your concerns Hun. Hug your babies and make sure you have a good doc and support staff. Don't make stupid choices after surgery and you'll very likely be telling us how great you feel next week. You and your babies will be in my thoughts!
  19. iggychic

    August Sleevers?! Where Ya's At?

    Why would you risk your life for this surgery and then try to kill yourself with food again? Your stomach is not healed and your poor choices aren't just bad choices now....they're Russian roulette. It's not a good game to play.
  20. Last week I almost died having this surgery. I'm still feeling like a total fool who risked everything to be thin again. So I read threads like this thinking rather negative things I guess. I think the "offending" comment was actually quite well said. Bully for you now go work it off....in a nice way actually. You can't support someone who is sliding into their old world again. If she had said she had one bar I'd think that it was no big deal, but she had two.....two nice fat slider food bombs. My doctor warned me about the two year mark. People who hit it fit and completely changed in their poor life style choices stay healthy. But those who learn to manipulate their magic sleeve and fall back into the old ways are throwing this opportunity away. Treats are fine....but it is not "normal" to have two bars! My advice would be to remember to pay for your treat (evil exercise) and next time you feel the need to repeat an old habit I'd suggest you do so if you must...but absolutely do NOT go beyond a normal portion (1 bar in this case). And for gads sake don't eat all night long. It's not worth it. A real treat would have been a small hagendas scoop or some frozen yoghurt ONE SCOOP! Not two semi real ice cream bars wrapped in a fake cookie crust. .
  21. iggychic

    Day 3 Post Op

    I'm on day four in hospital of my out patient procedure . I lost so much blood I had massive spasms and had to be brought here, where they had to give me two blood transfusions. Talk about buyers remorse! I am now basically where anyone else would be at day one or two. Trying to get enough fluids in so they will let me go home. Walking when I can and hoping for a shower. For all this....I'd best be down 30lbs lol.
  22. iggychic

    August Sleevers?! Where Ya's At?

    I just want to say hello before I pass out. I has my surgery thurs at 12:15 and that was a breeze except that afterwords I had a tiny leek in the staple area which sent a lot of blood into my.....I can't spell it out lol.....abdomen. This causes terrible spasums which lowered my blood pressure and caused mt blood counts to drop. So this is day four. I've been typing this for a few days lol. I'm excited that I will soon be on the losers bench!

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