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Everything posted by Shape_Shifter

  1. Shape_Shifter

    Need A Nut?

    I am heading to Dr. Kelly/mexico for my surgery. Too low BMI and no pre-existings (yet). Not willing to wait until my health goes downhill. Question....do you need a NUT? I see so many people posting about nutritionists. Is this highly suggested/required? I do not have insurance that would cover this. I do not have the time (2 jobs & 1 long commute) to do this. If so, how do you go about searching for one that is WLS accepting without being critical of my decision?
  2. Shape_Shifter

    Miss My Soda

    I'm having a hard time giving up soda. Sitting here craving one and Water, flavored, is not touching it. Wondering if i should just wait until surgery to give it up when i know there is no choice soda = pain/discomfort. I thought it was the caffeine but I'm not having any issues switching to caffeine free .. a little dragged but no headaches like previously. I think its more how people crave cigarettes or coffee, of which I do neither. Had anybody else waited until surgery to give sodas up?
  3. Shape_Shifter

    Has Anyone Ever Not Lost Weight?

    I went to my local seminar before I decided to head south. That is what the doctor said (leading doctor in our area). While I'm not entirely sure I understood it correctly my impression was that the total lack of hunger due to Ghrelin would wear off as it started to return. If I understood it correctly not all of it returns. Would love to find out this is not true I wish they had a taste-bud altering surgery. If none of it tasted good i probably would never eat again
  4. Shape_Shifter

    Has Anyone Ever Not Lost Weight?

    My understanding is that ghrelin "grows" back eventually (somtimes 2 years). Am I misunderstanding?
  5. Shape_Shifter

    Airfare To Sandiego

    I'm not looking forward to the first month at all. Thinking about starting to walk daily but not sure. My knees and feet hurt and I don't want to aggrivate anything and make it worse before surgery - especially my feet. I'd rather be lighter before I start anything (plus it's so damn hot out. ) Good luck!
  6. Shape_Shifter

    Playstation For Some Exercise?

    Please don't laugh because I"m being serious. My daughter got the Playstation with the games you have to get up and move to play. I didn't play because I was self-conscious about the obvious. However, I am seriously considering getting this set-up for myself. I could play at night (I work 2 jobs), It would be alitle more interesting than a treadmill, etc. Might get me enough in shape over the winter (I hate winter) so that come spring I will feel better coming out of my hibernation. I was surprised at how sore and exhausted my daughter and her boyfriend (both in military) were at the end and my husband who has a highly physical job was also whipped. Has anybody used this as their basic exercise? What are your opinions (remember I am extremely limited on time)?
  7. I just came across your before/after pics. you look awsome. I am similar stats so you give me great hope. I have to say when I saw your before picture I thought it was your after picture because you looked good to begin with. Then you went from good to good-God. Enjoy!
  8. Shape_Shifter

    Considering Mexico...

    I haven't gone in yet and was told by another that had gone to Mexico..go with your gut. I had to be conscious of the bottom line due to exhausted finances. But I spoke with people, spoke with the doctors offices, emailed, asked questions and blogged. Then one day it just clicked and I had made my choice. I have never had any surgery before and I'm tackling this on my own and I feel at ease. I also read a couple of blogs posted for the doctor I chose where the blogger gave a blow-by-blow account of their experience from arriving to surgery and returning. While everybody has different levels of pain, gas, etc. nobody complained about the surgeon, staff, hospital/hotel, etc. How often do you hear that in the US? And the level of service they give surpasses the US. Just do your research and follow your gut.
  9. Shape_Shifter

    I So Need To Vent!

    I agree. Schedule an appointment....only have him fill-out the forms during your appointment instead of checking you out for an illness. Apparently he has no time for paperwork and you are kind enough to help on your dime! If this is the attitude his staff has I would also let him know (after you get approval) and then switch PCP. You have serious medical issues not a damn runny nose and it needs to be taken more seriously than "well get to it when we get to it." Whats going to happen if you have a complication or concern afterwards -- leave a message?
  10. Shape_Shifter

    Primary Care Dr. Supportive?

    That's why i'm going to Dr Kelly. I'm borderline bmi and if I jump thru all their hoops I will be too low and they will deny. Going into debt for this but for once i'm putting me first ahead of visa, mastercard car payments, hubby hobbies etc. good luck
  11. Shape_Shifter


    Does anybody know if Kelly does cath? I too would really hate that!
  12. Shape_Shifter

    Airfare To Sandiego

    Yeah, I wasn't willing to wait longer with the hopes of a cheaper miracle. going from $340 RT to $565 RT was a smack in the face. I had thought about paying for my daughter to come but the airfare kicked that thought in the butt. lol the thought that I'm that much closer to my date is the only thing that made it easier. I'm also justifying alot of the expenditure with "there won't be a food bill" and "when we go out to dinner it will 50% of the usual cost". lol
  13. Shape_Shifter

    August 3Rd! (Was 8/24)

    Already getting nervous. I feel like a kid at christmas with an IRS audit the next day.
  14. Shape_Shifter

    A Single List Of Items I Would Like To Do When I Loose Weight

    never was flexible, even when size 3 so I doubt the limbo is in my future tennis always looks like fun but never played. would like to try softball. always too shy. wouldn't swing at ball as a kid.
  15. I asked a question "what do you want to do when you are healthy." So many people responded with so many great ideas that I've added to mine. I decided I'd like to keep my list in a convenient place. This is an ongoing list. I will add and delete as I see fit. I will add dates completed if and when I do it. Always looking for ideas. 1. Skydiving - AFF 2. Scuba Lessons 3. Pole Dancing Lessons (doesn't mean I'll ever be coordinated) 4. Wear a bikini at my own pool 5. Take "sexy" photos (no, not that sexy) 6. Take family photos 7. Run in Zombie obstacle course -- scheduled October 2012! 8. Wear single digit pants 9. Wear a sundress that doesn't require a bra to hold the fat in 10. Tattoo of hibiscus w/2 lizards (one for each of my kids/blue eyed and brown eyed) 11. Get new drivers license with biggest smile ever seen! 12. Get new bras that don't need to accommodate for side boobs -now using older, smaller bra 13. Mud Volleyball Charity July 2013!
  16. Got two more to add 1. side boob be gone. so damn tired of looking like a sumo wrestler if I wear a form fitting top. arms practically horizontal. 2. new drivers license with correct weight and picture. in maryland you can only change your license if your weight changes by 20 lbs. that was 36 lbs. ago. it will be a while before i can change (56 lbs) but i will have the biggest damn drivers license photo smile ever seen!
  17. Shape_Shifter

    Im Either Going To Be A July Or August Sleever

    I just had to move my date up to August 3rd with Kelly! Sorry I won't see you there.
  18. Shape_Shifter

    Airfare To Sandiego

    1 months = 18 lbs. That is awsome! Are you strict with your diet and do you exercise yet?
  19. Did anyone have their primary care doctor give them medication to take with them? gas, blood clots, pain meds, etc. I am seeing my primary care doctor next week and would like to have whatever i may need well before hand. I think i tolerate pain well, but then who realy knows. My mother thinks she does too but she literally wails (sp). Maybe i suck it up to much or I wail and don't realize it. never had surgery before so i would rather be prepared than unprepared
  20. Shape_Shifter

    Zombie 5K

    I have heard about this but just looked it up. I am hoping I will be able to attend. If you are a Walking Dead fan or anything along those lines looks like a fun goal to plan for if you need something like this. they have about 6 different races across the country. watch the video, it's awsome !! Zombie obstacle course runforyourlives.com
  21. I'm having surgery on a Friday. I will only have ten days off (maximum). I have a seated/secretarial job. Did anybody feel they needed more than this? I'm not telling my boss about surgery. The idiot has no filter between mouth/brain and I can't stand him. So, I"m taking all my vacation for this. Not my first choice but even though I don't have tell why i'm taking sick leave, as long as i have a doctors note, he will ask. He's an attorney and should know better.
  22. I'm probably posting in the wrong spot but I shot for the "mexico" angle. Many sleevers have said that the broth they got in Mexico was the best. I'm trying to stock up on things I would need for post-surgery since I work 2 jobs and will not have time to shop when I return. Does anybody have a recipe for this magical mexican broth?
  23. Shape_Shifter

    Have Doubts? Dont Dr Kelly Is Amazing

    You are braver than me. I'm not telling my mom. She will be dead against it. She would be stressed for months about it. She would relate every ailment I ever get directly to WLS. She would read every article and swear it was the Gods honest truth. She was a nurse and doctors dont know anything. And, she would tell the world. As it is she will be greatly concerned with my weight loss even though she is greatly concerned with my weight gain. lol She has the best intentions but it's better for everyone within earshot not to tell her.
  24. You would think it would - but he HAS NO FILTER. For example, (hes an attorney) when we are doing Will executions there is a pregnancy clause. He has mentioned numerous times to female clients he has removed the pregnancy clause. While 90% is the age of the woman, you never know how that woman may take it. couldn't have children, couldn't have more children, lost a child, lost a pregnancy, wanted more but hubby didn't, etc. etc. Is it really necessary? Just leave the clause in there. What does it hurt?
  25. Shape_Shifter

    Playstation For Some Exercise?

    Xbox....that was it! Do you get on-line to play others or just by yourself. Wonder if there are any other WLS patients doing this on line....we could exercise together.

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