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Posts posted by Losin4good

  1. I just started body pump this week too. Oh my gosh was I sore. I am sore in places I didnt even think i could get sore!!

    I was scared to do the class. I am so glad i finally did it! I almost cried when it was over just because i did it, and because I didnt give up. I finished the whole hour. Something i couldnt of dreamed of doing 145 pounds heavier!

  2. I was originally self pay where I live. I ended up VERY frustrated with the bariatric center I was going through. Loved the surgeon, but the staff was rude, unprofessional, etc.

    i ended up switching to Dr. Kelly in Mexico. Paid a fraction of the price I was paying to have it where I live.

    That was 8 months ago and I have zero regrets.

    Like everyone else said, its all done when you get there. Much easier and less stress!

  3. I swore that i would not cut my hair post surgery. Everyone i know who has had wls has chopped their hair off. About 3 months post op i started losing hair. It was hard to see these long strands falling out. Every time i ran my fingers through my hair there was a fair amount coming out. At 4 months i chopped it just above the shoulders. It felt less traumatizing losing short hair lol.

    I stopped losing hair at 5 1/2 months or so. Its pretty thin now, but i had super thick hair, so i kind of like it right now ;)

  4. I had my gallbladder removed 12 weeks post op from sleeve surgery. Everyone told me it was easy. The first 4 days i was in so much pain. I almost went to the ER because I thought something must be wrong. It was way more painful than sleeve surgery.

    Then people were like "oh yeah, its painful. I just didnt want to scare you!"

    I would of rather been prepared! Haha.

    Oh well. on day 5 it was like I never even had surgery. I felt 100% back to normal.

    I hope you have a speedy recovery!

  5. I have faced a number of times where I felt embarrassed or discriminated against because of my size.

    One time at a public pool i overheard someone say they shouldnt allow fat people in the pool because they are gross and take up so much room.

    I have lied about not liking roller coasters, because i was too embarrassed to admit i just dont fit. I have declined dozens of nights on the town with friends because i hated the weird looks i got at the bar. I was shopping for a bed once and the sales manager insulted me about my weight. I can go on and on.......

    And i can sympathize with your friend.....i would be and still are too embarrassed to walk into a yoga studio. Its intimidating. Even though I have lost over 130 pounds, i am still a fat girl inside and worried about being judged.

    Its funny because in a lot of other ways i am a strong, confident, determined woman. But there is always the vulnerable side of me. And i am working on the mental aspect of it along with the weight!

  6. I've had mine since 2005.

    I have lost 130 pounds since surgery 7 months ago.

    My doctor has ordered my pressure changed after they put my machine in test mode for 2 weeks to see where it should be. Because about 2 months after surgery i was gulping air.

    They dont want to do a full sleep study until i am done losing weight.

    I have fallen asleep a few times without it and i feel like i am dragging all day so i assume i am not completely done with it yet. But my pressure is much less!

  7. I can totally relate to this. Although my husband never told me that I hurt his feelings, I am pretty sure I did that first month or so after surgery.

    I dont care how "prepared" for surgery you are, those first few weeks are rough. I remember crying when my husband was going out for sushi when i was still on liquids. Rational? Nope. But I am pretty sure at that stage of the game, temporary insanity had taken hold of my emotions! lol

    I asked my family nicely that if they were going to be eating stuff like that, i dont even want to know about it, and not to eat it in front of me. Their journey or not, its just rude. I wouldnt do it to someone who just had surgery. Head hunger is a B.

  8. Doesnt sound too far off. I've read of it being around 80% several times.

    In fact, I personally know over 20 people who have had some form of wls, not online, actually know them. and out of all them only 2 of them are still married. And 1 of those 2 are considering divorce, but holding on.

    I've talked very openly to the happily married 9 year post op couple about how they make it work, what their secret is.

  9. I have been a loyal LB shopper for about 10 years. BUT...

    The ladies at the LB near me are serious snobs. This has been ongoing for 3 years. and i ignore it because whats a chubby girl to do? when I went in 2 months ago I was so irritated at their behavior that i emailed corporate to complain. I went back last month because i am desperate for a pair of dress pants. They no longer carry ANY petites in their store.

    Thats it!!! This short girl is spending her $$ somewhere else!!!

    I am now an 18. I will find clothes. But never again will it be LB

  10. I went to my regular family doctor for any post op care that I needed. He even did my routine blood work for me. He was really supportive of my getting weight loss surgery.

    When my gallbladder went bad, the ER referred me to a surgeon. I was afraid that he wouldnt want to do my surgery because i had VSG in Mexico just 12 weeks prior. He didnt care at all.

    I have heard of doctors not wanting anything to do with patients who went to a different country, but I have not experienced that yet.

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