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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Losin4good

  1. Losin4good

    Had to visit ER today :(

    I had a rough time the first 5-6 weeks post op. went to urgent care twice for fluids. No matter how much I sip sip sipped it was never enough. It may sound easy.....like just go drink some more....but it wasnt. I've never been dehydrated in my life. I used to drink a gallon of water a day before surgery. You have to be very mindful post op. Since you cannot drink so long before and after meals, and you cant drink with meals, you have to be very diligent about sipping constantly when you can. Know your body. Know the signs or dehydration. I am really proud of the OP for going in and getting the fluids they needed.
  2. Losin4good

    Sleeping on tummy?

    I was by day 4. I woke up one morning on my stomach and I was just fine. I was so relieved because I have always been a stomach sleeper!
  3. Losin4good

    Dec 26

    Congrats to all of tomorrow's sleevers. I am 4 months and 11 days post op. and down 109 pounds. As far as will is work?....i am a 5 time WW quitter. And name every other diet and I've done it. I am loving my sleeve. I cannot self sabotage myself anymore! Follow your plan to a T. Dont stress, stay relaxed. Sip sip sip! I battled dehydration my first few weeks. That was my biggest challenge. Everything else has been perfect! Good luck!
  4. A thread like this happens often. A few weeks ago i saw one about Dr. Alverez and before that it was Dr. Kelly. And its usually fueled by the people who didn't even use the surgeon. But they "heard" about that surgeon. Nothing better to do?
  5. Losin4good

    No milk?

    How far out post op are you? I was the same way for the first couple months post op. and it was only milk that bothered me. Now i can drink it no problem.
  6. Losin4good

    Full liquid diet 3.5 mths out

    I had VSG surgery in August and then in November needed gallbladder surgery.
  7. My surgery was August 14th. So I am 2 days shy of my 4 month surgiversary Yesterday I hit my 100 pound loss goal! I had been dancing around it for about 2 weeks. I am so excited. I still have a ways to go, but I am really doing it!
  8. Losin4good

    100 pounds gone-update

    I feel great! I still would like to lose AT LEAST 70 more. I exercise, i am signing up for two 5k's and a 12k this spring/summer. That should help me push through and stay on track throughout the winter I am passionate about my life again. My husband and kids are amazed by my progress and determination. and are very proud of me.
  9. I took 160 also and i came back with 100. My only advice has already been mentioned. I wish I would have brought smaller bills for tipping. Although I can say that the bellhop at the hotel was very gracious for the $20 i gave him and literally came to find me 3 different times to make sure i was comfortable and see if there was anything i needed I tried to tip my driver but she refused and said she was happy to pick me up. But i know that the people who went souvineer shopping tipped their driver, thats just common courtesy as it was during his free time (I stayed behind to relax and read. lol)
  10. Losin4good


    I am 3 1/2 months out as well. I am having a hard time using those now too. I bought adult chewable centrum. They look like little gumballs that are red, blue and purple. They are good. They look like gumballs, but they are not gum
  11. Losin4good

    Dr. Jose Rodriguez

    To be honest, I think the gallbladder is more painful then the sleeve. I really didnt have any pain after the sleeve. And i was up walking around right away. And never needed any kind of pain meds after i left the hospital. With the gallbladder the incisions seem to be much more sore. And they ended up keeping me overnight for observation because i was in pain and my oxygen level kept dropping. Its fine now. Just needed to rest longer. So, if you have had gallbladder surgery already, the sleeve will be nothing! (Of course this is just my opinion)
  12. Losin4good

    Dr. Jose Rodriguez

    Sorry i didnt see that you were looking for someone going around the same time as you. Ooops!! I am a little loopy from getting my gallbladder out yesterday so i just saw dr. Rod and remembered my friend used him! lol I wish you all the best with your surgery coming up! I had surgery in august and i am down 91 pounds. Best decision i ever made!
  13. Losin4good

    Dr. Jose Rodriguez

    I didnt use him, but one of my friends did and so did her cousin. She had a great experience! If you want, i can try to get you two in touch!
  14. Losin4good

    Wait Time For Intimacy

    This also varies by surgeon. There ways to "do it" without going crazy and straining your stomach. I have heard of people only waiting a few days and some 6-8 weeks. It differs as greatly as pre-op diets do
  15. Losin4good


    Mine was excluded also. I called and called and researched. If its excluded, its excluded. Period. We finally had to look into self pay. It was $18,000 where we live. Or 1/3 of that in mexico. So we took a vacation
  16. Losin4good


    I am 11 weeks out today (definitely not a veteran by any means). I can only eat 2 ounces of food at a time. So i still struggle with protein. I drank shakes all of the time pre op, but post op i would gag over every sip, so no shakes for me! I make sure every meal and every snack is protein. That way i can say without a single doubt that I am doing the best I can! I am down 82 pounds including pre op. everyones journey is different. As long as i can say with confidence that i am always doing the very best i can, and making the best choices, i don't and wont feel bad
  17. Losin4good


    I had a really hard time getting in enough fluid for about the first 5 weeks. It was frustrating!!! I did go to the urgent care twice for a bag of fluids. While just increasing my fluids might sound like the easy fix, it wasnt. I was literally drinking as much as i could, which wasnt enough. It made me upset like "what am i doing wrong?" But it just took me longer to heal. When other people said that they drank 80 ounces, and i pushed myself all day to get 20, it was very discouraging! I knew my body and knew when i needed intervention. At 5 weeks it all changed.
  18. Losin4good

    High Bmi Success Stories?

    I started out with a bmi of 65. I was able to get it down to 61 by surgery. I was a little worried because of my sleep apnea. But surgery was great. No complications. And at 10 1/2 weeks post op, my bmi is already down to 51!
  19. Losin4good

    Post Op Paranoia

    I was a freak worrying about both leaks and clots. The blood clot worry went away after a few weeks. But almost 10 weeks post op i still think about leaks. Every little ache or anything gets my mind working. Definitely not as worried as i was the first 6 weeks. I follow the rules pretty tight, and i chew everything to applesauce consistency.
  20. Pre-op I had the same question. I am 9 weeks post op now. When everyone says your relationship with food changes, they are right. But i promise you it is not a scary thing. I have what i can only speculate to be a "normal" relationship with food. I no longer obsess about what my next meal will be. And i can be out shopping and not even think about turning into McDonalds, Burger King, etc. like i used to every time i was out. I am enjoying things I haven't in a long time. Like walking without being out of breath right away. Last night i played racquet ball with my husband and loved every minute of it! Including a 10 day pre-op diet. I am down 74 pounds.
  21. Damanda, Thank you for making a great point. I also got exactly out of my trip that I intended to get. A surgery with no complications
  22. I was sleeved the same day. You are not eating too much. But i would try to get n more protein. 2-3 ounces of food is typical. If you were eating too much you would likely feel it. Protein shakes make me gag. So i try to make sure each meal is giving me the most bang for my buck- protein wise.
  23. I had my surgery 8/14 with Dr. Kelly at florence. While I was in Mexico he was also sleeving a patient at Mi hospital. The same hospital that i heard he wasnt allowed to work at. Comical. But remember, everything you read on the internet is true!!! Look, the bottom line is you have to pick who you feel comfortable with, and the biggest thing i have learned about all of these forums is each persons surgeon has rainbows shooting out of their a$$! Its personal to everyone. (And i have also heard that people come on here boasting about their surgeons and cutting down other surgeons and get paid for referrals) but i dont believe everything i hear, so.............
  24. Losin4good

    Excluded From Benefits?

    I tried for 3 years. Its the employer who excludes it from the plan to keep costs low. There is a difference in them denying it and it being excluded. If its excluded you have no chance unless the next year the employer decides to not exclude it. I had to be a cash paying patient
  25. Losin4good

    Any 8/14 Sleevers?

    I am down 35 post surgery.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
