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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by CBT

  1. ITA. Inexpensive sports bras that are not snug. A bit big. I used ice packs inside mine. My breasts gave me no problems. Nothing. Very easy. I think just about what you'd expect. Swelling and tender. I have sub muscular, silicone. I'm 3 weeks post op so I haven't been fitted for a bra.

    My surgeon explained that once they get the breasts measured, they have like 3 implant size options. Too big and they look fake and push out into the arm pit; too small they look like tennis balls.

  2. Glad to hear you are back at work. Doc's orders make sense, wouldn't want to jeopardize your results. Congrats on all your milestones this week.

    Erp, I am notorious for taking soft medical instructions and bending them to suit me. I was dancing in my sling 2 weeks after rotator cuff repair. I wasn't even lowed to drive! I healed at the 98th percentile. Fantastic for that surgery. Bad news for this one. It doesn't translate. Lol.

    I am so glad I asked for boundaries and had a more in depth conversation about risks/benefits. I have easily let go. I'm officially a rule follower.

  3. One week from today I will be having a fleur de lis Tummy Tuck. I have waited so long for this to happen..but now its getting close and panic is setting in. My worst worst fear is to wake up in complete agony and feel out of control. I know this is the right thing to do..I know ive earned this..but good god i need some reassurance right now! :(

    I think you'll be so pleased with the outcome! I'm excited for you.

    Nerves are normal.

    The anesthesiologist will juice you up :)

    Pain was completely managed after the first hour. In that first hour, you're actually so out of it that it's not really the kind of pain you're imagining. They're just trying to get a handle on it. So they're pushing narcotics at the same time they're getting you to wake up and breathe on your own, so it's a delicate balance.

    If information helps you, ask the anesthesiologist about that first hour and how they will make you comfortable.

    I was walking an hour post op.

    The first 72 hours are kind of a blur for me.

    I walked a couple times within 12 hours.

    I think this next week you want to hydrate, eat really well (high protein) and get healthy doses of exercise. Maybe prepare easy post op food. Focus your nervous energy there.

    Eeeeeaaaak! Yay!

  4. Three week post op surgeon appointment.

    I'm doing GREAT!

    No more compression garment at night.

    Gave me tape to start taping incisions. She will evaluate again at 6 weeks for silicone. She doesn't find it necessary for everyone. She thought I had a bit of Fluid above my belly button from vomiting. The PA aspirated it through my my belly button. Nothing :)

    We talked about exercise. I'm benched. I get it. No dancing. The surgeon explained that she wants everything to "stick back together flat". When you twist and turn and raise arms up high, you risk pulling that apart. Okay. She gave me the clear boundaries. I will follow them.

    Walking, treadmill no resistance, cycling no resistance, elliptical. None of these things are me. Bleck.

    I dance, martial arts, weight train (upper body okay), yoga...

    I will walk and lift weights. Small amount of time for big gains and no set backs.

    I have to call and clarify timelines. I can increase cardio at 4 weeks (one more week), something more at 6 weeks and then modified ab work at 8 weeks. I miss planking!

  5. I wonder what else factors into the decision of how many areas in one surgery? I am 3 weeks post op from a circumferential lower body lift (3 procedures in one) and mastopexy (breast lift) with augmentation (implants). Complete in 3 hours. I recent read a thread of surgeons discussing this issue on RealMe.com* Nothing conclusive. Highly subjective by surgeon.


  6. I think that's great, Erp.

    I think cardiovascular fitness is super important to get through the surgery and early recovery and reduce risks of blood clots.

    I also think strength is paramount to your comfort and ease with getting about. In the TT/LBL you don't use your abdominal muscles much at all in the first couple weeks. Mine started firing all on their own week 2. So you rely a lot on upper body strength to transfer yourself in/out and up/down, as well as your legs.

    I'm pretty motivated to recover and I think fitness has a lot to do with that. For me, the sooner I get moving the better I recover.

    Does that make sense?

  7. A little reality testing.

    Prior to plastics, I danced 60 minutes, three times a week and often participate in 3 hour dance jams.

    I lift weights, interval train and practice vinyasa yoga.

    I work out 6 days a week.

    I'm active and fit.

    First dance class today. I'm a little early to be dancing much so I thought I'd dance level one.

    Fifteen minutes in and I took out arms movement.

    Thirty minutes in and I left.

    If you're planning a large plastics surgery, please focus on your fitness prior to the surgery. This recovery is quite humbling.

    I'm glad I went. I have clarity and I saw my tribe. They lift me up.

  8. I am an apple shaped girl with a lot of... um ... girth around the midsection. I have added crunches in with my cardio. Does anyone know whether or not they will help? Does people still do crunches?

    I do all kinds of abdominal work and core work. It's true that you cannot "spot reduce" by targeting a specific area. Is this what you mean?

    Still having strong abs helps to define and shape that area, as well as support your back.

    The fat loss rule seems to be "first on; last off". But I watched my body redistribute fat as I lost weight. It was inserting to take measurements.

  9. Just had my consult with my Plastic surgeon Dr. Ronald levine, let me tell you, the staff and the Doc are AMAZING! super friendly, answered all 1,000 of my questions, and gave me up-front pricing with no hassle. I was so pleased with the ease of the whole appointment. Trying to determine if I really want to do this BBL.... My TT and Lipo are a no brainer and I don't doubt for 1 sec that Dr. C won't do a fantastic job on the BBL. I am more concerned with my recovery. I have to drive 2 hours back to my place and how do I do that? on my butt? sheesh! My poor hubby will be a nervous wreck!!! I

    That's what I wondered, too. How do you recover from a TT and BBL at the same time? I read surgeon doesn't want you on your butt for 4-6 weeks.

  10. Can you get turmeric capsules? Turmeric is a great anti inflammatory. (It doesn't work well for acute inflammation if you haven't been on it.) these neuro-muscular things are such a bummer. If rolling and proper form aren't working, I get acupuncture. If you can't get acupuncture, you can google the points for acupressure. Not ideal but not all situations are.

    I used to have a hip-I.t band issue. I'd roll and get massage and chiro and PT for about 2 years. Most of the time I'd get up off the table and the correction would slip and fail. The pathway was just really strong. It was a repetitive use injury. Acupuncture and foam rolling fixed it. All gone. Happy dancer :)

    Hope you find relief.

  11. Is there a book list stickie around here somewhere? I did a search and couldn't be specific enough, I guess.

    Anyway, I'm looking for some of your favorite books on weight loss and WLS. There also is a specific title I can't recall and I'm hoping it'll show up!

    Please help?

  12. i love this post on a friends blog. bear in mind, she was never morbidly obese, but did go from eating a sugar heavy, low fat, high carb, vegetarian diet to a mostly paleo, no processed foods diet over the course of seven years. she has been searching for "the answer." and was surprised at what she discovered. http://mamasweeds.com/2014/02/23/the-pendulum-and-why-i-broke-up-with-low-carb/

    Brilliant! I would have to use that many words and more.

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