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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by CBT

  1. Problem is my Insurance is not in my state. :( I'm waiting to see what she says when she calls me back tomorrow.

    No Doctor's office wants to hear that you are calling the insurance commissioner. The breadth and depth of the commissioner's duties can vary by state. That's why I'd research it. I only know my state. Our commissioner is all about protecting the insured.

  2. After my consult the insurance co-oridinator told me that she was going to flag my chart, and not submit anything until they had my lap band surgical notes (I have them, and took them to my GP to submit with everything else), and also the notes about the skin rashes, and pain from my skin "bunching up" when I try to lay down, or when I sit. Well they didn't wait, and submitted my paperwork and listed that I was only 10 months post-op, and no notes about my skin issues, and pain. So I was of course denied, and I'm only allowed 1 submission, and 2 appeals. So they just burned through one of my chances to get this covered. I got the denial letter on Sat, and called today. The office manager called me back this afternoon, and was like "oh, I'm so sorry this happened" I asked if they could call my insurance and tell them it was a paperwork error, or that they had mixed up their info, she said she would talk to the staff that was involved and get back to me tomorrow. I'm super pissed, they just reduced my chances of coverage by 33%. Now I'm worried that they are going to go through everything submitted with a fine tooth comb, and pick apart my appeal. I spent the weekend crying, and now I have spent today fuming. What would you do?

    I would let it play out between the office and insurance. I might write a letter to my insurance company and explain the problem created by the doctor. Just so it's on record.

    Then, I'd research my state's insurance commissioner.

  3. Thanks CBT! I've never gotten over my "fear" of fruit post-op. I'm so sensitive to sugar triggering me to go on eating bonanzas, I almost never have fruit. Having given it more thought, there's a couple of things I want to try. I do want to plan to add either another Protein Shake the morning after (I usually start the morning with a hot Protein mocha) or an extra hard boiled egg as a morning snack. I also have a tendency to intentionally under-eat on hiking days. Right now I'm HUNGRY, did a longish hike this morning, lighter than usual calories, only ate half my usual lunch, and for some reason I'm resisting having something to eat. Some kind of mind game going on there, which needs a bit more analysis on my part. I also think a good part of the next-day problem is just coincidental timing - I generally hike on Sundays, and so the day after is my first day back at work. I suspect that's the more likely explanation for my inclination to overeat. p.s. - yuck on avocados. I've never developed a taste for "green slime"... lol... ;)

    You have a lot if insight! Follow it!

    I have played that deprivation game. I think it's left over stinkin thinkin from dieting.

    I don't eat anything unless it's paired with a protein or it will cause blood sugar problems: apple & Peanut Butter. Citrus with chicken or pork. Everything with the right cheese. Lol.

  4. Picture from yesterday morning. I am 2 months post op as of the 18th (Friday). I'm back to full range of motion and full range of activities. I've lost some core strength but it'll come back fast. I have a bit of shaking in core stabilizing activities but nothing I'm complaining about! Just reporting. I am pain free. I also don't experience the massive post workout swelling many ppl mentioned. I did have to take back all the size 4 ON for size 2. I'll post more pics. It's pretty awesome to be me these days :)) I will say that I'm an atypical healer. A bit beyond textbook. I'm fortunate that way.


  5. Think of your calories on a 24 hour clock. If you haven't eaten enough to support the hike you will wake up hungry because of calorie deficit.

    When I'm going to bed on a day with calorie deficit, I eat a bit of Protein right before sleep. I also wake up hungry and drink coffee. The caffeine slows down my appetite so I can eat while listening to my hunger.

    Yea for hikes. I love the outdoors. My kids are old enough now they can keep up! My five year old did 2 Miles with me. I am proud of her. :)

  6. Ya'll have to check out these swim suits if your scars are still bright red like mine. I'm going to the sun next week and I can't yet wear a bikini bottom comfortably because of my scar. These suits cover the scar and look great on! Many styles beyond this one:


  7. Clothes shopping today! Old Navy for some shorts and tanks. A couple pair of work pants. I'm now a medium shirt/tee/blouse/dress. Up from a small because of the implants. Bottom is small/x-small 2-4 at ON. Best part: no skin stuffing. No muffin top. This is how clothes are made to fit.


    Mind blown.

  8. Wouldn't the fact that the Protein Shake has calories which equals energy mean that it would give you energy to work with especially since we usually are running on very few calories?

    In a way, yes.

    What PP is getting at is your body has to work harder, much harder, to convert Proteins to immediate energy. It defeats the purpose of fighting fatigue and muscle failure.

    It's the role of carbohydrates to provide immediately accessible energy to fuel an aerobic workout or an endurance work out. Hence the term "carb loading" among athletes.

    I think it's back to some of the old school, poor advise way of thinking: calories in equals cities out. That way of thinking has been empirically invalidated. We all know our bodies do not treat all calories as equal :)

  9. I wish I had more time to reply. Maybe I can come back later...I'm wondering if your "I'm fat" tape plays because as you stated "if I'm being honest I don't work out and my calories are creeping." (Something to that effect)

    Sometimes instead if taking behavioral action on these stinkin thoughts, we just play the self deprecating tape over and over. Just something to observe.

    If you're saying you "should work out" as part of your recovery and you are not working out, then you go through the mental exercise of shoulding on yourself...yuk. Lol.

    Am I making sense?

  10. Congrats!! I was told light exercise as of yesterday. 3 weeks out. I'm so excited for you. I'm ordering that tape from Amazon today. Thanks for all of your help

    See! I have problems with language like "light" and "slow" and "take it easy". That's all relative to you personally. heehee.

    I'm excited to hear how the tape works for you. I hope it helps to flatten that pucker. Sometimes it's just a stitch that has to dissolve. You can kind of tell if it feels tight in that area. I'm glad to pass on what I've experienced. We gotta stick together!

  11. Please release me. Let me go!

    Six week post op (at 7 weeks). I'm doing great!!! Scars are flat and healing really well. Sure fin said 1-2 more weeks of taping.

    Augmentation has dropped into place. Waiting on some of the internal sutures to dissolve and relax.

    No more garment required. That's nice because it's 72 here today.

    I got right back into the groove of exercise. So important for my overall well being.

    I am released to exercise. "Start slow". IDK What that means. I have stop and go.

    Surgeon said upper abdominal muscles were separated enough that I will be sore if I don't start out with modified sit ups. Okay. I can do that!!!

    I'm just so dang excited to get my life!

  12. I guess it's more puckering than a dog ear. Dr says it's still to early to determine and to wear compression garment. Yes insurance (Aetna) paid for panni I'm using FMLA time from work My company doesn't participate in government disability insurance. We get paid as long as it's FMLA approved

    I see the pucker. I had that. I'm 7 weeks on Tues. My incisions are flat. I'm still in compression garment in the day time. At 3 weeks I could come out of it at night.

    Also at 3 weeks my surgeon had me start taping my incisions. This helps them lay flat. If your heavy scabs are gone, check into taping. I'll post pictures here if you want.

    Surgeon gave me tape called "3M Micropore." That stays on 24/7. She thinks silicone is over the top (expensive) unless necessary and she doesn't evaluate the necessity until 6 weeks. (I see her Monday.)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
