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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by CBT

  1. I'm so lame! I had a fever and felt really out if it at the immediate care yesterday. I'm 8mos post op and I neglected to tell the PA-C that I had VSG. He prescribed tesselon for my cough. Any one take. This POST OP? I read the clinical statements about rapid absorption and now I'm having medical students disease (I freaked myself out and I'm afraid to take them). LOL!! I will call the pharm. I get it. I just want to know how many if ya'll have take. Them post op?
  2. CBT

    Shiva Rea or Barbara Benagh for yoga?

    I've only done Shiva. She's easy to follow IMHO.
  3. I say this all the time lately. Lol. But that is a most often a symptom of losing too much lean muscle mass. Not just that fat insulates and you're not used to it. I was freezing in the fall and I saw my endo. I had lost too much LMM. He has me supplementing to build muscle as well as the weight training we are supposed to do anyway. Might be worth getting some labs, too.... No summer sweaters!!!
  4. CBT


    Get sleeved then continue to process your addictions. You don't really understand what you're dealing with until you're sleeved. IMHO.
  5. Your husband is BLIND!!! You've lost many inches off your stomach. Your neck and jaw line.
  6. You don't have to lay on your stomach. I had prenatal massage in side lying position. You can also it up. Massage is wonderful for healing! My ma just had massage 3 weeks post open heart to help bring blood flow to her sternum and put ribs back in place. Surgeon approved!
  7. CBT

    carbs in the morning?

    Hi Fiddleman. Re BMR. Do you not have medical insurance? My endocrinologist does my BMR testing.... It seems from your post that your carbs come from energy squares and veg. I agree with pokeyism about adding in fruit. Both veg and fruit are hard to digest. We burn calories during the digestion of veg and fruit. I often eat apple and peanut butter or apple sauce before high cardio output activity. No so much on days when I weight train. I still do low impact aerobics on those days but I just don't require the carbs. Also beans! I eat a half cup most days. On a recent controlled trial of high cholesterol patients, patients who ate a half cup of beans every day for 30 days lowered their bad cholesterol 60 points!!! The bean type did not matter. My cholesterol is great but I am genetically loaded for that to change any minute In another Harvard study, people who ate two apples a day did better than ppl on a PPI for acid reflux treatment. Apples are great for workouts! Applesauce is great on the go. Is this the type of feedback you're looking for?
  8. CBT


    HAHAHAHA! Nice visual.
  9. CBT

    Gastric Cancer

    I'm sorry for your friend's challenges. It's hard mot to personalize and compare and still, your path and your friend's path are not the same. Having your stomach won't change the path your friend is on. Gentle ease.
  10. I'm 8 mos post op and can eat one soft corn taco And feel full. I could eat a second one hours later, also (2-4hours). Although...if I'd only eaten sliders like Greek yogurt, cottage cheese and/or Protein shakes, for example, I wonder if I'd be able to eat more. I don't wonder enough to give it a go, mind you :-p
  11. CBT

    Tesselon Perles

    I got some additional feedback that these may be a really bad idea for VSG....any one else?
  12. I forget surgeons make the big incision on the right side, too. Mine's on the left. Ha! I didn't have a biopsy. I did have muscle pain from the big incision. I hope you find relief soon
  13. CBT

    Years later

    I'm 8 months out and I like/agree with everything PDX Man said. Eating and drinking together is just annoying now because you have to eat again so soon if you eat and drink close together. Also you might really be looking forward to eating and find you can't get enough calories cause you're still too full of fluids. I'm busy! It pays to wait. For me food really is about eating to live; not, living to eat.
  14. CBT

    Vsg vs rny

    Well you can still have RNY.
  15. SherriRN what about your gallbladder? That seems to go wacko for many postop.
  16. CBT

    protein bar or shake at night?

    I'd probably do bar or half a bar over the shake so I didn't have to drain my sna...oh! I'm a girl...go pee in the night :-p
  17. CBT


    Hardly any one said anything to me until I'd lost about 60#. Now people can't stop commenting. I think some people don't want to be offensive and others are unsure. There are several threads about this. We know we're changing but it takes others awhile. I suppose some ppl are jealous. I don't have those ppl in my life so I can't speak to that.
  18. You average 12 pounds per month! That's awesome.
  19. CBT

    Calorie intake!?

    This is really dependent on your metabolic rate and any metabolic syndrome you may or may not have and your rate of fat loss to lean muscle loss. I am at the high end of safe loss if the average is 2-5% My endo calculated 4.7 last week. I eat 1200-1400 cal per day. I work out pretty hard six days a week. If I was losing at 6% or higher, they'd ask me to increase my calories. If I couldn't, I'd have to restrict cardio. It's about health and wellness. Lean muscle is in all your organs as well as your muscles.
  20. CBT

    Brrrr I'm freezing

    Can be a symptom of losing too much lean muscle mass. Newly post op can be after effects of anesthesia (up to about 8 weeks).
  21. Congratulations, Loser!! I came home 12# heavier and nothing moved for 2 weeks. Then all of a sudden: BAM. I've never had a stall. It's okay to NOT expect a stall
  22. Pumpkinhead321 I track everyday! It'd be great to see more stories in my news feed!!! Can be so motivational
  23. Today I have lost 100 Pounds. That is mind blowing! I am over the moon and beyond the stars. Happy Dance! WHOOT!!

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