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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by CBT

  1. CBT

    in need of new shoes

    How much do you want to spend? *cheeky grin* Asics, Saucony, Brooks Ita that it's wise to be fitted in a well-reputed running/walking store if you're gonna spend 100$ on shoes! (Not those big box chain stores) Nike are narrow in the toe box. NB has a good history and offer many options for width and soles. Adidas slide right off my heals. Puma's are fun and funky I work out (aerobic) in asics. I've had Saucony and brooks. I walk around in Nike's and lift weights and run errands in Converse. lol. It's very personal, IMHO.
  2. CBT


    I too was put on Actigal post-op. Once a day for one year. No gallbladder symptoms.
  3. CBT

    Calories, Exercise, and Metabolism (long)

    I work out six days a week. It's important to me to preserve my lean muscle mass. When I needed to increase my calories but had too much restriction, my NUT supported drinking calories. Healthy calories. So I drink soy milk when I can't get to 1200 with food. I also use the premier shakes to boost Protein and calories. (I don't have a hard time getting protein, though.) I also eat food that tend to slide, like cottage cheese and Greek yogurt. I add salsa to the cottage cheese to keep it interesting. I know cottage cheese isn't a slider for every one, but it is for me. I also eat a lot of Beans. Really dense protein is what keeps me full and if i eat meat at every meal, it prevents me from getting the calories I require now. Your capacity will change. You're right on the cusp of that change. Good luck
  4. Its my pleasure! walking is great for weight loss. It helps preserve lean muscle mass and promotes fat loss instead of muscle loss is WLS patients. Lean muscle is in all your organs as well as muscle. I believe that why some people age with rapid weight loss; They are losing too much lean muscle. People think they need to sweat and train cardiovascular and for WLS patients this is not tire and can in fact cause you to burn muscle as your body tries to hold onto fat. Light resistance training is a must! I hear you on the arthritis; still, some form of weight training is really important. You'll get to the pool before you know it. As you lose that arthritis will improve. The overall cellular inflammation is so improved!!! Just keep movin! You'll get it sorted.
  5. To get your MINIMUM Protein requirement you multiply your current body weight by .3 Example 170 x .3 = 53 This person would eat a minimum of 55 gr. of protein a day. This is a basic formula my surgical team uses. What are you doing to move your body? Dense Proteins really help with hunger and snacking. If you're full of chicken you will not be as inclined to snack. Try trading snacking for sipping. Do it gradually so you don't trigger feeling deprived but let that be "the thing" you are working on. You metabolism needs to know you've made a change. Snacking doesn't force the issue
  6. That's me tootin my horn as I pass my surgeon's goal. I'm below 170 and see no end near Love my sleeve life!
  7. My surgeon prescribed Prilosec twice a day for 6 mos to prevent these problems and allow healing.
  8. CBT


    Being that rates of depression are 10% higher in obese populations, compared to the general population, antidepressant therapy is "common" in WLS patients
  9. There is a bit of technique to it. It'd be great for your IT bands with all the running you do. I have a hip issue when my IT bands get too tight from dancing. When you mentioned your hip/ hammi tightness it reminded me of the foam roller. There isn't any really effective way to stretch IT bands so this keeps me going! You could YouTube some videos.
  10. Fiddleman do you foam roll?
  11. CBT

    Hunger all the time

    I think you're getting really great feedback. I can hear my team about the shakes. I drink shakes because I need more calories because I work out a lot and I ca not eat enough so I have to drink calories. Although this is changing! So they tell other people to get off the shakes, if you are hungry more often than every 3-4 hours, and eat more dense Protein, veg and fruit. Back to the apples and Peanut Butter thread. Lol. Dense=Harder to digest so it stays in the sleeve longer and leave you feeling satisfied longer. For me, cottage cheese is a slider! I mix it into other foods for protein but on its own, slider! Not so with Greek yogurt. Weird, eh?
  12. I made ice pops with RTD Isopure but I've not had "protein ice."
  13. My surgeon prescribed ibuprofen for me. The debate is in the medical field in general; still, in VSG it's another example of RNY protocols applied to sleeves. NSAIDs are just plain hard on all stomach. Stomachs that aren't healed can be extra sensitive. I use acupuncture treatments and/or massage for muscular-skeletal issues. Enormous relief for me. Unless I get a big ole flare-up. Then it's ibuprofen and muscle relaxers (no good way to live, or to go get your life, though, IMHO). Thankfully has only occurred once since I've been sleeved!
  14. Took the after pic today. Unbelievable!
  15. I'm pretty pleased! It's been a great journey so far! I'm in a bit of shock at this side-by-side. A lot of mixed feelings.
  16. A bit more scientific validation that diets suck. LOL.
  17. http://www.the-scientist.com/?articles.view/articleNo/34866/title/Microbes-Affect-Weight-Loss/
  18. They just found out. You've known for a long time. They're trying to catch up. Give it a few days? When's your plane? Have more conversations. You'll find peace with this. Give them time to catch up and you time to rethink and recommit to your health. Your path. (((Hugs)))
  19. Nice Star Wars speak. "Total restriction"
  20. I suspect you are a sleeve of steel, too! Seriously, though my "guess" is that you'll feel tactic toon once you hit dense peptones and you'll be like: BAM! That's what this is all about. Also, if you're still on narcotics you may be missing signals. But prolly not so much cause you aren't slimming.... We're all different. That's the one thing that's constant around here.
  21. I am the rare breed of VSG patient who takes ibuprofen. I had a hard night post op. Was in hospital two days getting surgical pain (not gas pain) managed. Once they knew I was not going to bleed, they started ibuprofen. Tylenol and narcotics do not work for my postoperative pain. I was high as a kite, and in too much pain until they started ibuprofen. First IV then tablet. Then Loratab and Norco had a fighting chance of working. Once IB started, I was sipping away, walking and ready to d/c within four hours.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
