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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by CBT

  1. Scout how long was your surgery once you were in the OR?
  2. Hooorah!!! Thanks for the update.
  3. The psych eval is all about catching psychopathology, mental illness that is otherwise undetected or untreated that included Body Dysmorphic Disorder and history of or current eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia. These are things no one should be hiding if they are having WLS. The other stuff, like being a jerk (lol) or neurotic or having daddy issues aren't determinants of WLS. Just really good info for your team to have. Several of you mentioned the lie scales. It's important for your surgeon to know if you have a tendency to fake good. To be people pleasing, etc. this WLS stuff has such an impact on identity. Don't stress. It's not easy to feel like you have someone digging so deep. But it's not like "all will be revealed tonight on Bariatrics" (not teasing) look at the personalities of some of the people on this board! You got nothing to worry about My psych eval was long. Two appointments. First appointment was testing and the second was interview. I knew based on her interview that she was recommending me to surgery. She said things like "when you go to a restaurant you will just not take home a doggie bag..." She was talking about my life post sleeve. I had my next surgeon appointment scheduled and told her when that was so she had the eval done and to my surgeon. It's important to be honest. It helps your bariatric team know how to support you. Good luck peeps!
  4. CBT

    LBL February 18

    I know right? I keep reading the average is 4 hours. I think it's because there is no tightening of my lower abs because I've had ventral hernia repair. So it's really a lot about skin removal and lifting. I'm going to have to ask cause the time difference is stuck in my head.
  5. In feet usually Vitamin D or minerals: calcium, magnesium, potassium but usually for cramps like Charlie horse. Are you taking bariatric multivitamin? What is the doctor saying so far? What have they prescribed? No fractures? Both feet at the same time?
  6. Do the bottom of your feet feel crunchy when you massage them? Can you massage them? I had plantar fasciitis once. I thought I'd die trying to walk. With PF no pain other than when weight baring. I know gout is very painful. I hope you get relief soon.
  7. CBT

    Help needed: overhead weakness

    Fiddle you can have your wife take a photo of you at the corner of a wall to check your posture. Shoulders rolling/hunched forward is a problem for many ppl. We do so much in front of us (typing). I had a PT who had me do similar exercises to your shirt. Basically you stand up straight, roll your shoulders back and down to set them, arms at your sides, palms facing forward (rotated) and pump you arms back. You'll feel it. 30 reps three times a day. This is where Pilates/yoga/acupuncture/massage can be helpful in the mind body connection. In Pilates and yoga there is a constant reminder to set your shoulders into the sockets before you use them. In body work you get instant feedback on muscles you're holding and what is weak. Your therapists will tell you if you ask. They can feel it. I used to pop out rib heads on the right side from lifting without setting my shoulders that caused muscle tension/pain/weakness. If there isn't a tear, weakness often comes from the small muscles doing the job of the big muscles because the form is compromised.
  8. CBT

    Help needed: overhead weakness

    Left side symptoms may also be calcific tendinitis. I had both in left shoulder: calcium and medium full thickness tear. Calcium shows on xray. Tears do not but some surgeons have sharp clinical skills that will clue them into MRI earlier than a PCP (IMHO) I agree to see an Orthopedic shoulder surgeon. S/he will evaluate your weaknesses and give you good feedback as well as diagnosis and/or tx options. My surgeon is also an ironman athlete. He was highly motivated to get me right back to were I want to be. So don't despair
  9. CBT

    Enough calories?

    After 6 months out, I really really really struggle with the concept of all ppl are on the same nutritional plan in "XYZ" Bariatric practice. It's not good science. Your food requirements need to be tailored to you. Your metabolic rate. That's obtained through testing. Are you hungry? That would be the first clue you're not eating enough. Feeling sluggish. Second clue. You are putting out high cardio and something has to feed your metabolism. I'm not trying to sound harsh. I feel frustrated when bariatric practices appear to drive ppl through like cattle. I'm not saying that's what's happening to you. But I think something is nudging you to better understand what your metabolic needs are. I'd ask for metabolic testing. I think your instincts are suggesting you are overtraining for the amount of calories you are consuming but you need validation before you increase your calories. I don't think your trying to cheat your sleeve. If you were losing 3 pounds a month I might not respond with all this ranting. But three pounds over three months on those calories with your level of commitment does not add up. People can diddle all they want about the best energy sources (complex carbs, fast carbs, fats...) but for health it's about having enough to burn. Fiddle is right on. You do not want to give up your lean muscle. (For those who don't know, lean muscle is every organ in your body as well as hair as well as what ppl typically think of as muscle. So that's your heart.) Just feel empowered for your health and wellness. Listen to your self.
  10. CBT

    BodyPump is awesome!

    I really get happy seeing people on here live what they're doing to move their bodies and be well! Congratulations you guys. Bring it on!!!
  11. Obesity is a disease. A disease like diabetes, for example. Some ppl control their diabetes with food and exercise for a time and some ppl never have that option because the disease is too aggressive. You're not 20# overweight. You are obese if you qualify for WLS. It's not about willpower. Gah. Allow yourself this gift of modern medicine. You are worth it. Good chance your self loathing will improve too
  12. I am sorry to read about your pain. I am grateful that you posted. I hope the worst is behind you. I do have a great ps I'm working with. I do think surgeons in general are technical people so aftercare is something they have to work at. My PS practice seems to have this quality of good patient care in all the stages. It's always kind of an unknown until you walk through it though.
  13. I appreciate your feedback and personal experience. You're right. PS give averages and those time lines are so individual. There's just a lot of biology and psychology involved in healing. Did you do any lymphatic massage?
  14. When is the risk for seroma generally over? Once the drains are out? I will ask my surgeon too (* this is my pet peeve on the board right now. I could rant about this statement needing to preclude every post I respond to. Maybe I should put it in my signature.)
  15. CBT

    Bikram Yoga (aka Hot Yoga)

    Wow! What a journey. I'm sorry to read about the cancer diagnosis. The treatments can be so harsh even though they are so advanced and saving lives everyday! Can you say how your yoga practice helped you in your cancer recovery? For what it's worth, my surgeon released me at 4 weeks. But that's me and my profile. Always with the disclaimers on this site. Gah. Anyway, we talked in depth about what I do to move my body. She said with a smirk, "you aren't gonna pop a stitch. You will be very sore though and you won't over do it again." Her main trauma concern is falling while in motion or car accidents. Things like that. Blunt external force like falling on a treadmill.
  16. What do you mean by old ways? You will move to more normal eating as time progresses....please try to be specific it really helps you and other ppl understand if/what you're triggered by. For example, my old ways might mean binge eating at night after everyone has gone to bed and I'm "relaxing". So many variables in that. I may still have the behavior of eating at night. I might still be emotionally eating for relaxation. I might need to do a better job spreading my calories/meals in the day. I might be letting myself get too hungry......see what I mean?
  17. An insurance rider can either add a benefit or exclude a benefit. CIGNA cover medically necessary WLS. I think based on what you wrote, CIGNA covers medically necessary WLS and there is no rider to exclude it. Clear as mud, I know. You're surgeon's benefits person can get a handle on it if it's frustrating/bothering/boring you ) lol.
  18. CBT

    Bikram Yoga (aka Hot Yoga)

    Our bodies can so so much more than we think they can. I believe you are already conditioned to Birkham because you said "again". That being the case, you are resuming a practice that is familiar. Go. But by all mean, follow your doctors orders. Duh.
  19. CBT

    Menstrual cycles

    I don't understand what CS has to do with Mirena? I've had two sections and used copper IUD between 1 & 2 and then Mirena after 2 section. I'm also by far not the only woman I know who has this scenario....Mirena has been awesome.
  20. The GYN stories are funny and familiar. Mine has known me for 20 years. He really wanted to see "my work!" (My scars) What a nerd. Lol.
  21. CBT

    Bikram Yoga (aka Hot Yoga)

    I practice and what is offer is GO! Just be really okay and mentally prepared to stay half the class or doing modified poses. You might get really tired building all that heat on so few calories. If you get dizzy you are probably dehydrated so just hydrate really well before and after. Namaste.
  22. I saw lot of different examples on real self. Some LBL patients post op posted pics as well. Looks like they zipper up the side?
  23. CBT

    Surviving when life sucks

    Awful and tragic. Such a shock. Sorrow. ((((((((Hug))))))) I send you and yours warm thoughts for calm and peaceful hearts in a difficult time. I am so sorry.
  24. Go meet with some PS. They will tell you exactly what you've got going on and when/how they can help. You won't be wasting your time.
  25. Just amazing. Awe struck. So powerful.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
