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Posts posted by skintowin

  1. But see you yourself keep putting it into only two categories.

    It's really not that black and white? is it?

    I tell some people and I don't tell some people' date='

    What does that make me?

    Can't put me into those boxes! I don't "fit" :P

    Oh and on a side note this argument is as old as the hills and it goes this way every time.. Nowhere


    I know, I usually don't comment and the one time I do I get this :-)

    I believe I just need to stop explaining myself and digging myself deeper. it really wasn't meant to be an argument, just a thought I had. Lesson learned, I'll just continue to be a lurker from now on.

  2. I also hate when people imply that we are somehow ashamed or embarrassed about surgery because we don't shout it out to the world or tell everyone who ask. I wonder how many people have considered the fact that they themselves might not be open to sharing other parts of their lives. For example: the number of people they've slept with' date=' how much money they make, how much they spend shopping, how much debt, financial/marital issues, etc. You may be open about your surgery but do you feel comfortable sharing other aspects of your life that may be intrusive to your privacy? I am not ashamed of my surgery and it's been one of the best decisions I've ever made in my life but it's not my job to divulge every aspect of my life. I do not owe anyone an explanation and I highly doubt that anyone in life could ever claim to be "truthful" 100% of the time. If you want to tell everyone who ask, then do so but stop trying to shame others into doing things the way YOU would.[/quote']

    And to answer your questions

    Yes those very close to me know things about me such as the debt I have, my sexual activity, my health issues.

    Do I think everyone needs to tell that stuff to everyone, absolutly not, just like I said telling about your WLS is a personal choice, so is all that info

  3. I was going to leave this topic but it keeps pulling me back in.

    Just for the record, I never insinuated that if you don't tell the world you are embarrased.

    I meant WE as a whole should not be ashamed! There are people that DO tell others and are ashamed that we had to go this route, I for one was one of them. But I realized I was more ashamed about being almost 300 lbs!!!

    My comment went a completely different way then it was supposed to and i'm sorry for that but I just want us all to not feel bad for the course we choose.

    And yes I have seen people write on other boards that they would never tell anyone out of embarrassment.

    maybe not all, but lets not act like there its no one out there that feels this way

  4. Well I am open to all opinions and points of view, that is why my post was written very general and was not supposed to be a them vs. Us comment. If you notice I never gave my story of if I tell people or not and I used the words "we" and "ourselves" my comment was a general comment about surgery, maybe I put it in the wrong conversation but it was on my mind due to all the Chris Christie talk that day.

    My last comment, or "dig" as you call it, was out of frustration of being called irresponsible for wanting surgery to be an acceptable form of weight loss just like weight watchers or any other similar program.

  5. I stand by my post and refuse to argue on this forum. however I will revise it to say what everyone wants to hear because if you don't write what everyone wants to hear your a horrible irresponsible person (this is why I only have posted like 20 some times). Everyone is right, keep a secret for the rest of your life. Good idea!

  6. Newat52, Please point out where I called anyone a name???? My post was so non specific to any one person! It wasn't even directed at anyone person. Also, please explain to me how in the world can I be considered IRRESPONSIBLE for wanting weight loss surgery to be accepted by the public???? You may not agree with me which is fine, I don't care, but to say that I am name calling and irresponsible is just not right.

  7. I was still tired and sluggish up to 5-6 Weeks out.

    Don't be scared, eat some food! Its all good and don't let food or this surgery define you. my social life has not changed on bit. I go to bars, restaurants, partys all like I used to, but now instead of worrying about the food and drinks I actually have conversations with people!

    good luck and give it some time. I'm a little over 2 months out and have no regrets.

  8. I have told everyone! It was the best decision I've made. Not one person has made a negative comment to me. For me, I was extremely confident in my choice for the surgery and I think it showed when I made my announcement to my family. Now, yes my family was worried but they knew I did my homework and I gave them all the info they needed.

    I also could not imagine going back to work after being off for 3 weeks and being 30 lbs lighter and no one being curious. I'd rather them ask me what I did then them discuss it behind my back.

    I would have never made it with out the support from my family and friends and work. I'm not embarrassed, I pretty sure they knew I was fat. Lol

    I have been out to dinner, out to bars and my social life has not changed one bit. Since everyone knows they are no questions when I order Water at the bar or Soup for dinner.< /p>

    With all that said, I do respect those that choose to be private, it's just not in me to keep such a great thing in my life private.

  9. I gave it up too, awhile ago, but for some reason I just keep thinking about it. Believe me I'm not doing anything against the rules, but some one suggested it to me today so I just thought I'd ask. I will ask at my one week Dr visit and let you know what the doc says about it. Even if it's something that I can't do for months that's fine at least I'll know, right.

  10. I tried searching this but did not find anything.

    Has anyone tried to make popsicles out of their favorite soda to get their soda fix?

    I have read that the carbonation escapes during the freezing process.

    I'm only 5 days out and the only thing I have been craving is a big ole glass of ice cold soda. (Diet soda of course)

    I don't plan on doing this right now, but if I can at least know that it is something I can do, the craving might lessen.

    Any thoughts??

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