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Posts posted by BizTraveller

  1. I'm going to Greece for my first time in early October and knowing you've travelled a ton' date=' let me know if you have any great suggestions! I'll be about 6-7 weeks out. Thanks so much for the hope! :)[/quote']

    There is some amazing seafood in Greece. Grilled whole fish down by the Port in Athens is extraordinary. The Tavernas have lovely small dishes (Mezze) that are sleeve-sized. There will be a lot of fried seafood, it will be hard to avoid that. There are also plenty of carbs --but some good carbs. If you get away from the tourist spots you will find lots of cooked greens. Just like real Chinese meals, there is always a plate of greens on the table.

    Breakfast involves breads, Greek yogurt, fruit, honey, and insanely concentrated coffee. Not easy for a sleeve except for the yogurt.

    Beware the Cypriot-style Mezze places. They automatically serve the whole menu to every guest. The only choice is the wine. Great if you are in a big group where you could pick and choose, ugly if you are alone or a couple.

    Grilled Halloumi cheese with Tomato is fantastic and high Protein (just skip the pita). Sometimes you see that at Breakfast. It could be a lifesaver.

    Braised lamb and goat are often easy to find.

    I hope that helps.

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  2. Just got my surgery date of September 25th. I am going on a weeks vacation to Disney November 3rd. Am I nuts? Plane tickets are bought and paid for so trip can't be canceled. Don't want to push off the surgery either. Need any and all advice I can get about traveling so soon after surgery. Dr. already gave me okay to go. And ride the rides! We have a suite with a fridge and microwave so we are already planning on having food delivered from a local grocery store so we can have Snacks for the kids' date=' milk and Water on hand in the room. I will probably bring Protein shakes or whatever else I think I will need in that aspect in my luggage. Thanks all in advance for your advice![/quote']

    I just traveled from New York to Singapore 5 weeks post-op. it was no problem. I used minimal shakes, and got my Protein almost exclusively from real food. There are countless good choices for soft protein. A vacation in Florida will be a peice of cake.

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  3. Well....the only thing I can think of is an isolated issue. I'm dealing with a nasty (and multiple) muscle injuries in my left hip/leg' date=' and would love to be able to take some Advil, to help with the inflammation. Unfortunately, that's a no-go... Other than that, I'm loving my sleeve, and the weight loss that comes with it! :)[/quote']

    I really miss the Advil. I was doing great. 6 weeks post-op and I wake up with a random tooth-ache. Likely to end up as a root canal. No Advil for the sleeve and I am allergic to codeine. Not going to be pretty.

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  4. FWIW I have exactly the same problem. I can eat normal food all day including milk, but then I am off to the can 30 minutes after drinking my favorite costco Premium shake. Other shakes are worse. It wasn't a problem until the last couple weeks. I am going to start taking some probiotic pills to get the right bateria in my belly again. I will also hit the active yogurt hard. I assume it must be lactose intolerance?

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  5. My wife had a bypass 10 years ago. I had a sleeve 6 weeks ago. The sleeve was a much better choice for me. I am living a very normal life at this point and losing almost a lb a day. My wife was not nearly as successful with the bypass, and she has regained much of her weight. The real world is more complicated that the summary weight-loss charts in the medical journals.

    I hate to say it, but surgery is driven as much by personality as it is by science. If you read this forum a while you will see there is enourmous variation in procedures and follow-up care between surgeons.

    It would not be surprising if your surgeon has a bit of a preference for the familiar and proven bypass procedure, but at least he is giving you the choice. You are thinking about the right issues. Your success depends on how well your procedure fits the life you plan to lead. The absence iof dumping, absorption issues, and fewer problems with good getting "stuck" were a big deal for me. I have lived up-close and personal with the alternative for years. I would not have had WLS if the sleeve procedure was not available.

    The studies show that the average weight loss for sleeve is less than the average weight loss for bypass. But these studies also show enourmous variation in the amount of weight loss between individuals. That shows that the outcome has more to do with the individual's approach to the weight loss surgery, than the type of surgery chosen.

    The bottom line is that you can do really well or, rather badly with either procedure. Make the decision with all the best information, realizing that the people advising you are human too. Once you make the choice, commit to the change and do not look back. If you do that you will be OK either way.

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  6. Your traveling sounds fantastic and I'm so glad to read this!! I'll be in China and Korea towards the end of the year and was wondering in my mind how it might be.

    Traveling in Asia I am reminded how little Protein is in the diet here. When you have a hosted at a formal dinner you get lots of courses and most of them are veggies and carbs. The idea of just eating Protein is really against the whole Ying and Yang thing. I am finding the best bet is to suggest a "casual seafood restaurant" for dinner. That will typically get you to a Cantonese place with lots of steameb and braised fish that is perfect for a new sleeve. That will work anywhere in the east side of China from Beijing to Hainan.

    The other good bet is to opt for "Hot Pot" that way you can cook your own protein at the table and skip the veggies.

    Korea should be easy. They love the protein there.

  7. mind if i am nosy & ask what you do that allows you to travel? :) or was it just vacation time? :) (my apologies if that is too personal or rude, it wasn't intended to be, am just curious)

    I don't mind. I run a foundation that does work all over the world. I travel over 300,000 miles a year (10-12) times around the world. Sometimes I find myself in Bali, other times in Beruit or a conflict zone in South Sudan. I make Anthony Bourdain look like a lightweight. It seems glamorous, and has its wonderful moments, but it is a brutal lifestyle that would have killed me if I had not gotten the sleeve. There's zero time to pamper yourself and you eat what you can when you can. A sleeve was a big gamble since I could not afford to make the focus of my life the 6-inch tube that used to be my stomach.

    I am fortunate to have had a tolerant sleeve and a fast recovery. I think it also helps that I have steadfastly refused to make this operation the center of the universe. You can create your own reality by choosing not to make this a big deal ( or you can do the opposite).

    Over the next 3 months I am traveling to .Montreal, Mallorca, London, Jordan, Santiago, Taiwan and Panama. If this information helps reassure people, or helps them better manage their own journeys, I will drop the occasional post. Now I have to get ready for another 16-hour day on 4 hours sleep (again).

    Thanks to all for the support.

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  8. Ever since I started thinking about a sleeve, my biggest worry was, "Will I be able to lead a normal life again?". I see that question asked a hundred different ways in this forum. Let me add my experience.

    I should mention that "normal" for me looks different than "normal" for most Americans. I get to a lot of places, and eat a lot of different foods. I was terrified that I would not be able to function in that lifestyle.

    Today is my 6 week anniversary, and life started getting back to my "normal"

    I am writing from my hotel in Singapore.

    On this trip I have survived 3 airline meals, and 3 formal hosted Chinese dinners with 5 to 7 courses. I managed to get through it without insulting my kind hosts, or throwing up, I actually had some wonderful little morsels. I hit all of my Protein targets with 3 conventional meals and one Protein Bar a day. I didn't have to make a bunch of dietary demands, pack a ton if supplies, or turn my hotel into a "shake factory".

    Tonight I had a few treasured hours to myself, so I went to my favorite Hawker Center where I have spent many hours sitting with friends and locals surrounded by the smoke and clamor of a bunch of busy Satay stands.

    I managed to eat a few of my favorite Satay and some of my favorite Sambal Stingray.

    I just wanted to assure people that life post-sleeve does not have to be bleak or ordinary. These are actually "soft" foods. (OK the satay is marginal but I get promoted next week).

    I really miss the cold Tiger Beer that goes with this meal, but I know I will back to that eventually. In the mean time I am down 53 lbs and feel great.

    This has been a great life-altering decision for me, and I did not have to give up much at all.

    I hope the attached photos make it through.

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  9. I just finished a business dinner in Singapore 5 weeks post op. I could only take a small bite of the 5 Chinese courses. I got plenty of Protein from seafood that is very easy to handle. I am giving up on shakes. I can't step out if a board room with my shaker bottle. I am doing 1 or 2 good Protein Bars with 20 mg Protein. I am having no trouble getting 100 mg protein with 900 calories.

    I am heading out for Hawker food tomorrow night. This is a peice of cake. My travel advice is to try to get your nutrition from real food and keep supplements to a. Minnimum.

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  10. My wife got an RNY 10 years ago and loss less than half of her excess weight. The is no guarantee that an RNY will loose more than a sleeve. For me the sleeve offered fewer complications and a more normal lifestyle. I am 5 weeks out and 50 lbs off my Pre-op-diet weight. I will easily loose 80 to 100 in 6 months.

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  11. Day of Surgery 3

    Day after Surgery 4

    My biggest problem was Constipation. I made a serious mistake and left on hanging in the chamber when I went to surgery, so I could not pass gas. Once I got that worked out, the Day 2 pain was a 1. This really did not hurt much at all. I have had much more painful recoveries from dental work.


  12. I am about 5 weeks out.

    I am getting lots of Protein with tilapia fillets. They cook up fast and with blackening seasoning and go down very easy. Another trick is a poached egg over some corned beef hash (well browned). It goes down very easy and tastes like normal food. I got that one from the Bariatric Foodie site. I also found Boston Market meatloaf is very sleeve friendly. All that said. I am still hitting at least one shake a day to get my numbers up. My doctor told me to shoot for 100 grams of Protein. I am losing weight pretty quick.

  13. Just a balancing comment.

    In the month+ since I hae been sleeved I have spent about 6 hours on camera for various network TV programs and documentaries. It can really test your wits. I have people who watch the footage and are brutally frank if I am foggy or inarticulate. I got a solid thumbs up.

    The loss of weight, discontinuation of a bunch of drugs, relief from sleep apnea, and restoral of normal testosterone levels, all add up to a big boost in alertness and mental function for me. No one whoreads this thread should think for a minute that they are trading away mental function for appearance. For me the opposite has been true. It is really important not to reduce science to sound bites. That never works well.

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  14. I have tried the Oh Yea Cookies and Creme. It is very drinkable and has 32 grams of Protein, but is a little high in calories. I have tried several others flavors from that line and could barely drink them.

    I have to say that Premier chocolate is my favorite by a wide margin. I like the unjury powder shakes OK, but I am willing to pay a little more for Pre-mixed. I figure I am saving at least $500 a month on restaurants, beer and wine so why not.

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  15. I was Low T because of my weight. When I started supplementing testosterone, I felt fantastic and got much hairier. I bought some clippers and started doing some "man-scapping". With all the weight I am losing I might take my shirt off someday.

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PatchAid Vitamin Patches
