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Everything posted by I_did_it!

  1. I have literally seen hundreds of people now that are sooooo happy that they have done this. They believe that the VSG is the best thing that has ever happened to them and they seem to be so happy. And to tell you the truth that is what helped me make the decision to do this in the first place. Everyone seemed so happy they did it...every single doctor I spoke to thought it was a great idea and the whole thing was posed as a truly positive experience. Oh sure I knew there might be some side effects, but those were gonna be rare, and probably wouldn't happen to me cause I was actually pretty healthy before the surgery. Everyone I spoke to thought it was a great idea, and I was totally envisioning a skinny, healthy and happy me. I am not happy! I am four weeks out and I have heartburn everyday and throw up almost every day. I absolutely hate the Protein shakes, and even the fact that I have to force myself to get in all this protein everyday when I can barely eat! And if I don't I'm ggnna lose my hair :0( The Vitamins make me puke, and I have absolutely no energyI I don't have a problem with getting in my liquids though, because Water is the only thing I actually want. Frankly I would drink water all day long and never eat again, if I didn't know it could kill me, lol...which is totally contrary to the fact that I get depressed and angry when I watch other people eat, knowing that I cannot even come close to what they are eating, and that I don't even enjoy food anymore. (Crying as I write) When I eat with my family, I force down 3 or 4 bites (that don't even taste good) and they still eat for 10 minutes...and in that time I run through a whole host of emotions and have even left the table crying a couple of times now. I have lost 34 pounds already, but I feel like, 'at what cost'. I feel sooooo unhealthy and unhappy, that I really wish I hadn't gotten this surgery done - but it's too late - I can't take it back - so how do I cope? I just don't know what to do...I am miserable. Everyone keeps telling me that it will get better - but when? Am I alone in these regretful feelings I have? When did you guys feel 'normal' again? And how do you stay positive? Please help!
  2. So I see all kinds of people on here that talk about eating the afformentioned foods. I was told to wait 6 months for these foods. In addition my surgeon said that these foods are often never tolerated again. So my question is when did you start eating these foods, and did they have any negative effect on you?
  3. I_did_it!

    First Time Vomiting

    Me too BlueOctoberGirl! I am 14 weeks out now and for the first 10 weeks I puked every single day...sometimes twice a day!! For the last four weeks it has slowed, thank goodness, to a couple times a week. Mine almost never hurt, just an annoyance really...and I am more worried about the possibility of developing barrett's esophogus, or worse, esophogeal cancer. I can't wait for the week when I don't puke at all!!!
  4. Hello again everyone!! Sorry I haven't been on in a while, work and home life have been hectic. I did however want to come on and give a quick update. As you can see by my ticker, I am only 39 pounds away from goal!!! I am feeling 150% better and really learning how to work (and love) my sleeve. The first 8 weeks of this journey brought me total hell. I was angry and depressed, throwing up at least 10 times a week and had acid reflux so bad that it was burning a hole in my esophagus! I was very regretful. I am happy to say that that has now changed. I feel like I am getting back to being me. No more throwing up and no more acid reflux, thank you omeprazole! And although I still don't eait much I do feel like I am eating enough to be healthy. I don't drink any Protein shakes anymore, but I do take my Vitamins and work hard to get 60 grams of protein a day! And I have finally started to excercise...better late then never. My clothes are literally falling off of me. I mean, sure, I have some new stuff, (most of which is resale) I still find a certain comfort in wearing some of my old clothes. I have to do a double take when I look at myself in the mirror...who knew 71 pounds would make such a difference! I guess I should have known...I have lost this much weight before, only it took like a year and a half...not 12 weeks, lol. My only complaint now is that my arm skin hangs down like 4 inches...ewwweeee...it is so gross. My 10 year old son calls them my bingo wings and my 7 year old daughter says do your princess wave mommy...this is now common practice to have a good laugh, lol. I am definitely going to need an arm tuck...ASAP!! Anyway, to wrap it up, I wanted to say thanks to everyone on here for their posts and responses to mine...you helped me through a rough patch and I will be eternally grateful! Until next time...
  5. Hillarious SpecialK! I love it!
  6. I_did_it!

    7 Weeks After

    I had surgery on 6/11 and I am down 45 pounds!!
  7. I_did_it!

    How Much Weight?

    If there is one thing that I have learned, it's that there really is no "on track" with this surgery, lol. Everyone is different...some lose fast and others lose slow. Save yourself from dissapointment by only focusing on your weight loss, and not comparing it to others. But for the sake of answering your question I lost 11 pounds the first week.
  8. I_did_it!

    Time For Smaller Everything

    Same here SleeveNoob. Every other time I have lost weight my boobs were the first to go...but not this time. I too am losing evenly! And my feet have shrunk too...my dress shoes are all getting too big...shoe shopping here I come!!
  9. I_did_it!

    Throwing Up

    I am 8 weeks out. I started throwing up on day one and I still throw up every single day...sometimes twice a day. It sucks!!!! The doctor says it should get better soon, but I am still waiting. Sometimes its because of overeating, or eating the wrong thing, or taking my Vitamins, or not eating for a long period, but mostly, I throw up in the morning if I try to put anything at all in my sleeve. On a side note MiTurner247 are you from michigan?
  10. I_did_it!

    Is It Just Me?

    I told everyone I came across! I wanted as many opinions, and stories, as possible to help me make my decision! The only thing that sucks about it now is that every single person now asks me, every time they see me, "how much have you lost now?", "how are you feeling?" It really sucks actually. Sometimes I feel like screaming out....JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!
  11. I_did_it!

    The Fine Line Between Acceptance And Making Excuses

    Her website is http://theworldaccordingtoeggface.blogspot.com/ It's a girl who had gastric bypass a few years ago and she has amazing high protein/low carb recipes for WLS patients, and really everyone alike!! Great site!
  12. What kind of protein shake do you get LexFl? What is the serving size and how does it taste?
  13. I_did_it!

    For Life?

    How did you get your Protein in in the beginning then? And did you have side effects from not enough? I am forcing myself to get at least 60 grams of protein a day and yet I feel weak, shaky, and I am having numbness in my hands and feet.
  14. I_did_it!

    Diet Pills.?

    Personally...I would not take them. She should definitely call her doctor first.
  15. I_did_it!


    I was allowed to start having watermelon and cantaloupe 3 weeks post-op.
  16. First, I would like to say Karen2012 you are definitely not alone. There are tons of posts on here about the same exact thing. (Search "mourning food") I was sleeved on 6/11 and I can tell you that I went to three parties with tons of food during my pre-op diet and have been to 3 parties post-op. I have cried at almost every single one. Plus I live with 2 adults and 3 children who are allllwayyyysss eating! I am totally frustrated too! You have to remember that it's early, our stomach have to heal and our heads have to catch up! I too was able to have refried Beans, salsa, sauce and sour cream 3 weeks post op...eat up...but I do miss the tortilla chips myself...two and a half weeks and I can have them!!!!! I can't wait! It is getting easier day by day! @Benjamin - I have a couple of things to say. First, you must remember that everyone has different relationships with food, and for that matter cigarettes, drugs, alcohol, etc. Some people get over addictions easier than others. Next, she is early out...don't you remember what it was like those first few weeks? Speaking as a woman who is 5 weeks out...I am still having a very difficult time "breaking up" with food. Perhaps gender even makes a difference? After all, men are from mars... Good luck to you Karen2012. I am learning that it does get easier!
  17. I_did_it!

    Goal Weight?

    MsKendraHL you are georgeous! No need to lose 20 more pounds. You are so lucky that you kept your boobs!!! I hope that mine stick around too! I am only 5 feet tall and according the BMI charts my "normal" weight is 116...I have no desire to be that small! I too like my curves and 138 is my goal. I chose it because once upon a time for about one year of my life, when I was 18 I bounced between 135 and 145 and I was very content with my bod. I picked 138because on an episode of biggest loser a gentleman had said "I feel sexy strong and great at 168" and I liked it...so I decided that I would feel sexy strong and great at 138!! Right now though...I am looking forward to onederland! 11 pounds to go! Good luck to everyone on their journey to goal!
  18. I_did_it!

    How Much Did U Lose...

    32 pounds the first month. I am 5 weeks out now and down 37!
  19. Excellent piece Carla. Prior to surgery I only thought about all of the good results that WLS would bring. I had never even thought about the intense food mourning that I would experience - and am still experiencing now. Anyone who says that WLS is an easy way out is wayyyyy wrong. They have no idea! This is by far the hardest thing I have done in my entire life. CLK thank you so much for this post - and all of your posts for that matter. You give me hope! Good luck to everyone!
  20. I_did_it!

    Crazy Vsg Questions

    First I will say that I feel like no matter how hard you prepare yourself before the surgery, it is still nothing like you expected afterward. I have said this before but it is kinda like having children...you think you know what your in for, or you think you know what the love will be like...but when it actually happens - totally different. I thought I was mentally ready for this surgery...but I was not. I have had lots of "buyers remorse" and even some depression. The surgery forces you to change your emotional relationship with food, and I have had a tremendous struggle "breaking up" with food. I was just crying yesterday because I was at a party with tons of food, you know, the typical summer picnic, hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, potato salad, cole slaw, Desserts etc....all the stuff I used to love and now cannot have. I was able to find a couple chunks of watermelon and some baked Beans...woo hoo! I was so upset. I wound up going for a long swim until everyone was pretty much done eating and then I re-joined the party. This definitely helped take the edge off, but it was still very tough. This surgery forces you to change your mental connection with food, but it does not come easy. I was heavy my whole life, and I like others had tried every diet from cabbage Soup to atkins to weight watchers, and of course crazy amounts of excercise. And I too would lose 40,50 or 60 pounds, and then I would plateau. And at that plateau I would tell myself, 'damn, I am looking pretty good, I can eat this...or that', and before you know it I was back up the weight I had lost...plus a few more pounds. I am 5' tall and my highest weight (which was just before my surgery) was 248 pounds. My wake up call came when I measured my hips and they were 59'' around. And just to put that into perspective, I am 60'' tall... I said holy ****...okay, something has to be done. I did think about trying to do it on my own again, but I knew that was a temporary solution and it would only be a matter of time before I was back up to that weight, plus a few more pounds. I decided to apply a permanent solution this time with the surgery. I am now down (my ticker is wrong cause I need to update it) 37 pounds, and I can't believe that I am 11 pounds away from "onederland." The last real time I was there was at 25 years old before I got pregnant with my second child. At age 28 I was up to 240 and I went on a super kick and lost all the way down to 199, but that only lasted for like a day, and then I was right back up to 205 and then up and down over the next five years till now! I am five weeks post-op today, and I have not started excercising yet, but I am about to start doing pilates. My doctor has just okayed it. In terms of excercise there is no magic button in my head. I have never really liked to do the eliptical or treadmills or bikes or any of that hard core sweating cardio. I prefer step-areobics and yoga and I am now going to give pilates a try, because I have met tons of people who swear by it! The surgery is changing my mental outlook in terms of the fact that I now know that I will be around for many more years than I would have been had I stayed on the path I was on. Food was my enemy. It was literally killing me. And although I am still struggling to get energy I definitely feel more healthy than before. I can't wait to go shopping in regular stores, and buy tons of cute clothes that look just as cute on as the do on the rack. And of course I look forward to my first victoria secret something...ever!! I absolutely hate the liquid diet, the Protein Shakes and the 3 oz. of food I can eat. This is another one of those things that I thought I was ready for pre-op, but turned out to be completely different post-op. It's kinda weird. I hate the fact that I have to force myself to eat. I have this very strange relationship with food right now. Everything looks good and sounds good and I think I want it - but when it comes to putting it in my mouth it is a totally different story. Sometimes I will chew food until its mush and then spit it out, because I just can't bring myself to swallow. My doctor, along with hundreds of people who have had the surgery, say that it does get better. I am still waiting for this moment. I am waiting for the day when I wake up feeling normal. Until then, I am just doing the best I can to get in my nutrition and focus on the positive things in my life, like my husband and children, and how I am going to be around to see my grand children, and hopefully even great grand children one day!! Best of luck to you determinedgirl...I am sure that you will do what is right for you.
  21. I_did_it!

    Mourning Food

    You are definitely not alone. I am 5 weeks out and I miss food sooooo much. When I sit down and eat with people I find myself going through a wide range of emotions, from sadness to jealousy to anger. I have shed many tears in the past month thinking about all the stuff I will never have again. The things I miss most are sushi and burrito's. I am counting on the fact that later on down the road I will be able to have these things again...it will just be alot less than it used too be...I will never be able to gorge myself again. And isn't that the reason I did this...cause once I start I don't stop until I am miserable; I miss that feeling too. Is that weird? Anyway missmachine, you are not alone and as everyone says (and I like to believe) it will get better...its just a matter of how long it takes. My doc said I should start feeling better and return to full energy within a couple more weeks, as long as I keep getting my protein in. Best wishes <3
  22. I_did_it!

    How Is Everyone So Happy?

    Doctor's appt. went well. He won't close up my hole, he said a suture popped off and that he wants it to close on its own...clean it with peroxide daily. For the record he used a 32 bougie. I was given medicine for the acid reflux, nausea and diarrea. All of which he says are common and should go away soon. He also said (which I have already learned from this site) that "buyers remorse" is common too, and that it takes time to get your head straight to adjust to such a dramatic change, and of course my hormones are all outta wack!! I love this doctor...he is so kind and caring, and never rushes...why can't they all be this way? Anyway, he also said that I can swim (covering the hole with gauze and waterproof stuff) and I can drink alcohol - woot woot - it's gonna be a great weekend!! Thanks again guys for all your support. This will be a rough journey, but everyday it will get better!
  23. I_did_it!

    How Is Everyone So Happy?

    Thank you guys soooo much!! I am so glad that I have this support to make it through this difficult time. It is good to hear from others that went through it and got passed it! My doctor's appt. is later this afternoon, and I am really hoping that he closes up this hole in my belly button. It has stopped oozing now, but it is now a big black empty hole...about the size of a dime....ewww. I will post again later tonight! I love you guys! Caren
  24. Wow! I completely agree with just about everything everyone else has said! I can't wait for the amusement/water park, seatbelt, hiking, high heels, knee high boots, new positions (and hopefully and increased sex drive all together), clearance clothing (definitely found easier when skinny), pole dancing, dancing period, pilates, vacations, fitting in restaurant booths, not being looked at like I'm a cow when I eat, riding my bike, being more active with the kids, representing my husband as I should at company functions, advancing my professional career ( I agree that weight matters, no matter what anybody says) and the list goes on and on! Oh wait and don't let me forget NEVER EVER shopping at Lane Bryant again!!! That was a good one ladies. And by the way I definitely sweat, and sometimes cry when I try on clothes too. On a side note, I want to share a funny story about big girl stores: Near my house there is a plaza, and in that plaza there are three shops - Lane Bryant, Ashely Stewart (also a plus-size store) and a Fitness 19 gym. The gym is all windows and it is actually angled so it faces the fat girl stores. Now at first I thought, god how rude, and then I thought well maybe it is to motivate us fat girls to come over and join, then I realized that it was motivation for the people looking out the window while they work out, lol...'I will not be fat, I will not be fat' lol. Sure glad I will never have to go to that plaza again!!!
  25. I_did_it!

    Help! Bougie Size Questions. 46Fr

    I have no idea what size bougie my surgeon used, but I can assure you I will be asking him tomorrow at my 1 month follow up appointment. I never realized that there were different sizes...just thought it was a pretty standard thing.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
