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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by rondajs

  1. rondajs

    2 Days Post Op

    3/31/2007 I am so hungry. I am not sure if this is all in my head, but I feel like I could eat a horse. Today, I would have to tell everyone NOT to have this done. The pain has been terrible, I am still having shoulder pain, bloating and pain around the incisions. I have back pain and I feel like I am having a constant heart attack. I cannot encourage anyone to have this done right now. Maybe it is like childbirth and I will forget in a while. If I could go to the doctor right now and have this thing taken out, I would in a hearbeat. This is not at all what I was expecting. All that I read and my research was so positive. I even have friends that have had it done and they talked about how great it is. I hurt to move and I just want to sit and cry.:cry
  2. rondajs

    2 Days Post Op

    3/31/2007 I am so hungry. I am not sure if this is all in my head, but I feel like I could eat a horse. Today, I would have to tell everyone NOT to have this done. The pain has been terrible, I am still having shoulder pain, bloating and pain around the incisions. I have back pain and I feel like I am having a constant heart attack. I cannot encourage anyone to have this done right now. Maybe it is like childbirth and I will forget in a while. If I could go to the doctor right now and have this thing taken out, I would in a hearbeat. This is not at all what I was expecting. All that I read and my research was so positive. I even have friends that have had it done and they talked about how great it is. I hurt to move and I just want to sit and cry.:cry
  3. rondajs

    1 Day PostOp

    3/30/2007 OMG! The pain in my arm, shoulder and neck are unbearable. I have to stay tanked up on meds. The pain subsided during the night, but worstened during the day. I also have nausea today. Incision pain is not too pleasant either. I hope it gets better fast. I cannot stand many more days of this.
  4. Have any of you been in so much pain that you feel like you are taking too much meds? I have to take the Lortab Elixir every 2-2.5 hours. Before the surgery, I would take Hydrocodone for migranes or back pain. So I do probably have a bit of resistance built up. Would it be normal to need a bit more than what is prescribed or I am just a wimp?
  5. rondajs

    Pain Meds

    Thank you. I had the surgery yesterday morning and last night was terrible. I do have a bit less pain today, but I am still tanked on the meds. I talked with my aunt today who had the surgery last June and she did not have any pains at all. I wish that could have been my situation. I was in pain once I awoke in recovery. It was terrible. Today is better than yesterday and I am sure tomorrow will be better than today. Thanks again and good luck on you getting the band.
  6. Mine was $15000 in Dallas. Includes everything for a year.
  7. rondajs

    Home From Surgery...

    I am glad all went well. Congrats.
  8. rondajs

    9hrs. post-op...

    I will be banded in the morning. I am so happy to hear these wonderful positives. I want to be pain free and feelin' good too. I am keeping it positive. Thanks for the inspiration.
  9. rondajs

    Surgery Tomorrow

    3/28/07 No lost weight from the Pre-Op diet, but my clothes aren't as tight. I guess that is okay. After all, I am doing this because it is difficult to lose weight on my own. I am so excited. Everyone keeps asking me if I am nervous. I haven't figured out why I should be nervous. Tomorrow is my new birthday. Today is the last day of the "old" me. I have been shocked by the number of people that do not want me to do this. The physicians that I have talked to about it, tell me what a wonderful thing I am doing, my family has tried to talk me out of it. It is not okay for me to be the fat girl with the pretty face anymore. I want to be the healthy, pretty girl. I don't want my children's friends to tell my little girls that "your mom is fat!" I don't want to be embarrassed to attend functions at my children's schools because they are ashamed of my weight. Am I the only one that feels that way? Is that shallow of me? Do I need therapy? Boo Hoo Hoo.:cry Okay, the pity party is over. Gotta go get some water down me before I go to bed so I can be up in the bathroom all night.
  10. rondajs

    Surgery Tomorrow

    3/28/07 No lost weight from the Pre-Op diet, but my clothes aren't as tight. I guess that is okay. After all, I am doing this because it is difficult to lose weight on my own. I am so excited. Everyone keeps asking me if I am nervous. I haven't figured out why I should be nervous. Tomorrow is my new birthday. Today is the last day of the "old" me. I have been shocked by the number of people that do not want me to do this. The physicians that I have talked to about it, tell me what a wonderful thing I am doing, my family has tried to talk me out of it. It is not okay for me to be the fat girl with the pretty face anymore. I want to be the healthy, pretty girl. I don't want my children's friends to tell my little girls that "your mom is fat!" I don't want to be embarrassed to attend functions at my children's schools because they are ashamed of my weight. Am I the only one that feels that way? Is that shallow of me? Do I need therapy? Boo Hoo Hoo.:cry Okay, the pity party is over. Gotta go get some water down me before I go to bed so I can be up in the bathroom all night.
  11. rondajs

    PreOp Diet Weight Gain

    I called the doctor about my lack of lost pounds. I was asked if my clothes fit different. I have noticed that the back of my legs aren't as big and my pants weren't as tight. I was also bloated (monthly curse), so that was another reason why there was no loss. So, my surgery is tomorrow and I still weight 237.5.
  12. rondajs

    Post-Op Protein

    I have a friend that had lapband done a year ago, she just turned me onto this wonderful Cookies & Cream Protein shake. It was so good, I sucked it down so fast, I didn't realize that it was gone. She is out of town until this next weekend. I have asked her for the brand and as soon as she emails, I will post. She told me I could get it online. If you hate those nasty Myocel shakes, you will love this. I could have this for every meal and not miss the rest of the food.
  13. rondajs

    Self pay loans

    At Capital One's website, there is an application available for cosmetic surgery, and it is considered cosmetic surgery. You just need to type in the amount you are wanting to finance. Mine was $15000. You will know in seconds if you are approved.
  14. Have any of you had to have liposuction and at what stage did you do it? Had you met goal? Did you get tired of the extra baggage and do it early? Did you even need to have it done? Does the extra flab go away without it? Lots of questions I know, I am just curious about what I need to prepare myself for after the surgery next week. Thanks in advance for input. :nervous
  15. rondajs

    PreOp Diet Weight Gain

    Thank you. I will call in a bit.
  16. rondajs

    Hair loss?

    DH read an article and was telling me about it with the regards to hair loss. The article stated that the hair loss was mainly due to lack of important B vitamins including Niacin, Thyamine, etc. However, there are problems when you get too much of a good thing also. I have also read that a lack of Zinc can also contribute. I guess the bottom line is make sure you are supplemented well. Who knows?
  17. Thank you for the information. Since I am allergic to Morphine, that will not even be an option. I am not very pain tolerant either, so I will keep the Tylenol handy, just in case. I am already going in with the intent that recovery will be fast and this is going to be a walk in the park. I figure a good attitude is important. Thanks again.
  18. Oh, I believe in "better living through chemistry" and will be on Tylenol all day if I have too. I bill for 3 physicians so I work at home in the evening too. There again, I sit the entire time. No wonder I am 100 pounds overweight huh? That's it, it is the computer's fault...
  19. rondajs


    :sick 3/16/07 Today I went to my PCP due to a terrible cough and I was informed that I have Bronchitis. I have 2 weeks to get this cleared up. Everytime I get this, I end up with Pneumonia. This was not a kink that I needed thrown to me right now. On top of that, I found out this week that my class is having a 20 year class reunion this summer. Now the pressure to exercise is really on. I guess it is the motivation that I needed to get my body moving. I failed to get my shakes down the last 2 days due to illness. I just haven't felt like drinking anything thick that might trigger a coughing spell. Since I got a steroid shot yesterday, I am hoping that I will be better today and can get those suckers down. I know that some people keep their surgery a secret. I have been thinking about this for weeks. I have decided that I will tell everyone about it. Almost everyone I know is overweight anyway. If it can save a life or give a better quality of life, I want them to know about it.
  20. rondajs


    :sick 3/16/07 Today I went to my PCP due to a terrible cough and I was informed that I have Bronchitis. I have 2 weeks to get this cleared up. Everytime I get this, I end up with Pneumonia. This was not a kink that I needed thrown to me right now. On top of that, I found out this week that my class is having a 20 year class reunion this summer. Now the pressure to exercise is really on. I guess it is the motivation that I needed to get my body moving. I failed to get my shakes down the last 2 days due to illness. I just haven't felt like drinking anything thick that might trigger a coughing spell. Since I got a steroid shot yesterday, I am hoping that I will be better today and can get those suckers down. I know that some people keep their surgery a secret. I have been thinking about this for weeks. I have decided that I will tell everyone about it. Almost everyone I know is overweight anyway. If it can save a life or give a better quality of life, I want them to know about it.
  21. rondajs

    PreOp Diet

    :faint:3/12/07 Today I am starting the PreOp diet. Let's see how successful this is going to be. Offer me a cookie and I will blow it! I will have 2 protein shakes a day, a sensible meal and another meal consisting of 2 of the following: yogurt, waffle, cereal, toast, bagel, and a couple other items. One of my favorite breakfast foods is a container of low-fat yogurt with a couple of tablespoons of granola and some fresh berries. That will probably be my first meal, then a shake mid morning, sensible meal at lunch and a shake for dinner. I normally do not eat dinner anyway. So a shake would be just fine for me. I will drink lots of water but I am concerned that I will still be hungry. Then what do I do? Suffer with a headache all day? I better figure out my options fast. My current weight is 237. Let's see how the next two weeks go. Whew, pressure's on!
  22. rondajs

    PreOp Diet

    :faint:3/12/07 Today I am starting the PreOp diet. Let's see how successful this is going to be. Offer me a cookie and I will blow it! I will have 2 protein shakes a day, a sensible meal and another meal consisting of 2 of the following: yogurt, waffle, cereal, toast, bagel, and a couple other items. One of my favorite breakfast foods is a container of low-fat yogurt with a couple of tablespoons of granola and some fresh berries. That will probably be my first meal, then a shake mid morning, sensible meal at lunch and a shake for dinner. I normally do not eat dinner anyway. So a shake would be just fine for me. I will drink lots of water but I am concerned that I will still be hungry. Then what do I do? Suffer with a headache all day? I better figure out my options fast. My current weight is 237. Let's see how the next two weeks go. Whew, pressure's on!
  23. Hello all. I am scheduled for surgery on 3/29/07 and wish it were tomorrow. I am a wife and mother of 3 little girls. Dr. Beneviedes at LapBand Solutions will be my surgeon. I currently weigh 237 and am 5'2". Haven't lost any yet and will begin my PreOp diet tomorrow. Goal is to lose 100 pounds. There have been some amazing weight loss amounts posted on this site. I really enjoy seeing everyone's progress. Such a positive thing to see. Good luck and Great Health to all.
  24. rondajs

    New on 3/3/07

    They did not give me any specific amount. They did tell me to start on 3/15, but I decided to go ahead and start now, no sense in waiting to get healthier, right? I have the Myocel Bariatric mix that I have to mix with 8 oz of skim milk and frozen fruit if I like, that is twice a day and a sensible healthy meal. No fats or sweets, sweeten coffee or tea with Splenda. The Myocel Vanilla is really tasty. Lots of water too, I forget about that...:confused:
  25. rondajs


    3/7/07 Today I spent the day having a consult, labs, ekg and the psych evaluation. I was surprised that I was not informed that I was responsible for an additional $500.00 in charges, not included in the $15,000.00 that I am getting financed. All parties involved forgot to mention that tidbit of information. I guess I expected a little more organization. Anyway, I should be called within a week to notify me of clearance for the surgery. I have been getting mostly negative responses from friends and family members when I mention that I am going to have this procedure. I didn't get these kind of responses when I had 3 C-Sections. Would I get negative responses if I had Gallbladder removal? How about a Hysterectomy? Breast Lift? I hear, "Oh you are pretty enough without having that done!" I do not feel that it is all about pretty. It is about being healthy and being alive for years to come and enjoy that time with my children. I know there are no guarantees in life, I just want to be happy and healthy the time I am here. Being tired all of the time just doesn't fit into the plans of my life anymore.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
