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Everything posted by Bigdogkc

  1. You igonorance of the english language is not my fault, try educating yourself. You and others made the assumption that I said can I eat every day all the time, and what ever I want. I said nothing like that, and again if a reply is not supportive then what is the point. They were not being generous with their time. the were being dicks, much the same way you are. I know, cause I am also a d**k. "Tough Love" is not being "tremendously supportive. "Tough love" is what you give someone, when all else fails. This was my first post asking for help form people i figured might be sympathetic. Hey it's cool if you are a d**k too, just keep your mouth shut, and post somewhere else.
  2. I have seen some recent replys that have not been very supportive, so now that i am over a week into my pre-op diet let me review this for you. First I posted that i was having trouble, and was very tempted to cheat. If I was already going to cheat, then why would I post a question asking for you alls permission? I posted because i felt weak and was looking for support. Thankfully that is what i got. I also got some people, who i think very little of that said that if I cheat, then I am not ready for the surgery, and/or I will cheat after the surgery. Wow, you folks need some help of your own. that isn't tough love, that is projecting your own short commings onto others. Second - I updated that I was able to get through it, because my nutrionist told me I could eat some lean Protein. i have all three of my shakes, and then eat a little tuna, or chicken in the evening if I am hurting. A couple of nights i made it without anything. Third - I did end up cheating. I went on vacation last weekend and one night at dinner, I was watching TV, and happened to eat four of my son's nachos that he could not finish. I felt like an idiot, and told my surgeon about it yesterday at my final pre-opp appointment. His response was to smile and tell me that it was not a big deal since I stuck to it before that, and went right back to it. Most importatly, in my opinion when you reply to a person's post, that is looking for support, and if they posted on here that is exactly what they are looking for... Then don't be a jerk. Yes I needed someone to be honest and tell me that I need to stick with it, but I don't need to be insulted, belittled, or put down in any other way. The reason i joined the site was to learn from those who went before me, to have some mentors. Mentors and teachers don't yell at there students until they really screw up. so to sum up.... If you replied to this thread and you thought you were giving "tough love" Go "tough love" yourself and keep me out of it. I appreciate those of you that were actually decent people and were supportive. Those that were not, can kiss my soon to be shrinking fat ass. Good Day
  3. we are having a very similar experiance. I also have my final pre-opp appointment with the doc this afternoon. i may have to ask him about a final meal too. My surgery is at 11:00 on the 2nd, so i would imagine you are before me; try not to wear him out too much for mine.
  4. After one week, I cheated once, but it wasn't too bad. I didn't go out for pizza or anything, just had a couple spoon fulls of Beans. I can not think of anything I have done in my life that was more difficult than this, but it is half way over now. distractions are the best thing to keep you honest, and making sure you drink your shakes before you get too hungry,
  5. I hope your surgery went well, and good luck with your recovery. I will be a week behind you.
  6. We are traveling this weekend, and I would rather not take a blender. I am enjoying the Amplify powder I use, but mixing it with hotel ice cubes doesn'tsound so good to me. A premade shake would be ideal, since we do have a fridge in our hotel room. thanks
  7. Bigdogkc

    Self Destructive Behaviors

    The head doc i met with said that most over weight people are "all or nothing" type people. I know that resonated with me, because in the past when I cheated on a diet, I just said, the heck with this, and kept eating poorly. He said that I need to forget about the times I slip up, and concentrate on making the good decision 80-90% of the time. That way the 10-20% that I chose badly will not hurt me. Not sure if that will be helpfull for you, but it hits home with me. Don't forget that we are all human and none of us are perfect, nor will we ever be. If you make the right choice the majority of the time, then you will come out on top!! Good luck!
  8. Thanks (wo)man, I think I got through the worst of it last night, ended up punching a hole in the wall, but at least I didn't cave and go have Taco Bell. Nancy told me i can eat some meat, as long as their is very little fat and carbs, so that is helpful. it is nice to hear from someone that has used the same doc, thanks for your replies!!
  9. I can actually have more three days after the surgery than I can now. Plus I will be resting then, and not moving around a lot like I was at work. Yes, I am addicted to food, it is my crack. And yes i wanted very badly to cheat last night. Talk to me after you are on the liquid diet and then you will see how difficult it is. Anyway I made it through, without eating anything that my nutirionilist said I couldn't. I joined this board looking for support, not judgement, so please keep that in mind the next time you consider replying to a question from me.
  10. My BMI is about 54 and the diet is for shrinking my liver. I carry almost all of my fat around my middle, and i guess that is the most difficult body type to do the opperation on.
  11. I made it through the night without driving to Taco Bell, so I guess that is a win. I did have a scrambled egg before bed, because I felt so hungry. I am going to keep trying to just do the liquids, and only eat solid Protein if I really need it. I am committed to not having any fatty foods, or carbs, so I should be ok. I wasn't ready for what I felt yesterday, my body was screaming for carbs, and put me all out of sorts. Thank you all for your advice!!
  12. Bigdogkc

    Liquid Diet And Fading Hunger

    Well tomorrow has to be better than today. I fell asleep at the wheel on the way home, due to being exhausted. Thankfully I was at a stop light and just got honked at. Called my nutrionist and she told me to eat some solid Proteins, but no carbs. That has helped make me feel a little less out of it, but I am still feeling jittery. She said to keep eating the sold Protein if I need it. I wonder why they say to have all liquid, if solid proteins are ok?
  13. Bigdogkc

    Liquid Diet And Fading Hunger

    I am on day one and reading your post is helping me get through it!! Thanks a bunch.
  14. Bigdogkc

    July Sleevers

    Add me to July 2nd please. This liquid diet crap sucks, but i bet i lose a bunch of weight before I even get to surgery.
  15. I just joined the forum and I am looking forward to reading through a lot of posts and finding the helpful tidbits tha ti am sure are here. My surgery is scheduled for July 2nd 2012, and I am ready to start my 2 week pre-opp diet in three days. Thank you to everyone that posts on here, for being open enough to share your stories to help out those of us just begining the journey. Bigdogkc - Matt

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